if you think Maga movement is a strong political movement just wait until you see these bitcoiners this is like one of the strongest Financial religious movements that I’ve ever seen over the last 15 years Bitcoin has slowly clawed its way from Niche nerd money to the globally recognized monetary asset it is today what is it about Bitcoin that empowers and emboldens its most fervent ideological supporters to continue to spread its message of freedom and hope across the world today we dive into Bitcoin as the political economic and cultural movement that it is and why it’s a force to be reckoned with that stands to reshape the world as we know it we often talk about Bitcoin the store of value or Bitcoin the financial asset or Bitcoin the superior form of money but one aspect of Bitcoin that isn’t mentioned enough is Bitcoin the movement and its fastrowing influence around the world arguably the biggest reason for bitcoin’s meteoric rise from the niche internet collectible to the globally recognized monetary asset that it’s emerging as today is the passionate and ideologically driven community of early adopters have a look at this excellent take from Dan Nathan on CNBC the other day well it’s delivered on one important thing it is a store of value not too different than gold right so it’s up 30,000 per in the last 10 years there’s very few other assets on the planet have done that maybe Nvidia they’re the ones that make the high-end gpus that power generative AI so when I think about what’s going on here it’s a$2 trillion doll market cap it’s not going away and if you think about what why it’s gone up of late is because of the promise of deregulation the leaning in and I’ll just say this if you think Maga movement is a strong political movement just wait until you see these bitcoiners this is like one of the strongest Financial religious movements that I’ve ever seen as long as I’ve been in the business for nearly 30 years so it’s here to stay and maybe some new regulation will kind of help and the last thing I’ll just say Zeke you know when you think about this I know you did a lot of work on this some of the smartest people that I know in finance and in Tech believe in this for those that have studied Bitcoin deeply and gained conviction it’s clearly seen is much more than a volatile investment or a fund new technology it’s a philosophy of financial sovereignty resilience and Truth in the face of a broken and corrupt system many smart and Powerful investors have realized over time that this thing just doesn’t die and the reason it doesn’t die is in large part to this intransigent minority of Hardcore Bitcoin Believers that hoddle in the face of crippling and violent volatility this movement of bitcoiners knows enough about the asset to not panic sell when the price goes down and in most cases we double down and back up the truck when such downturns occur this is something that Donald Trump and his inner circle smartly Ed to their advantage in the 2024 presidential election Trump and his team realized that not only can you stand to gain the support of a significant demographic of people but you also aren’t risking much in the process of supporting it as being pro Bitcoin is not seen as a vot swaying stance for those that are Bitcoin agnostic Bitcoin is at its core a formidable political movement with an unwavering base of Quasi religious supporters shorting Bitcoin today can be compared to shorting early Christianity during the Roman Empire not a winning strategy this movement is spreading at an increasing Pace socially politically economically and culturally the ETFs corporations like micro strategy Nations like El Salvador and political movements like Mega are just a few examples of this even in my country of Canada we’re starting to see the influence of Bitcoin in politics just yesterday longtime prime minister of Canada Justin Trudeau finally announced his resignation after the country has seen dire economic Fallout from Bad monetary and immigration policy the front runner to be the next prime minister of Canada is Pierre PV the leader of the conservative party who in 2022 became an outspoken supporter of Bitcoin here he is giving a master class on what causes inflation yes what are the steps that need to be taken to fix the damages done to inflation first and foremost stop the overspending inflation high taxes deficits High interest rates are all symptoms the disease is over spending when governments spend too much money there’s only three ways to get it one is to raise your taxes the others to borrow which means that they’ll tax you more later on and the Third Way is to print money now printing money seems like a painless way to pay for things but it it’s very simple if you have 10 apples and $10 in the economy it’s a bucket Apple if you double the number of dollars in the economy to 20 you still only have 10 apples you’re not twice as Rich it’s just that each apple costs twice as much and that is a tax on the working people because it chews up the purchasing power of your Pat check only to pay for government’s excessive government spending and it balloons the asset values of the billionaires so it’s a real transfer from the have knots to the have Yachts inflation is the worst and most immoral tax it always results from government creating cash PV even beat Trump by two years by purchasing food with Bitcoin in 2022 and recognizing it as a means to protect the average person from the detrimental effects of inflation personally I started buying back in uh April for the business we B April 2020 yeah okay so April 2020 so since around that time house prices in Canada have gone up by about 50% in dollars right okay so 50% in dollars right but in bit if you had been if your source of money was actually Bitcoin you’ve said you you’ve increased the purchasing power of Bitcoin relative to the Dollar by six times over right it went from 10 grand to 60 Grand Right Bingo right so basically if if you would had you had at the time purchased at that price your Bitcoin the cost of housing in Bitcoin has actually gone down because Bitcoin has has gone up in value faster than housing so it’s actually interesting it’s not so much that housing is becoming more expensive as that our dollar is becoming less and less valuable now he might have been a little too early for his own good is shortly after his support Bitcoin entered a particularly dark bare Market following the FDX collapse and fast rising interest rates Trudeau and other political opponents quickly used his support of Bitcoin against him we haven’t really seen a lot of concrete proposals from Mr PV I mean he he did make one that’s not fair you’re right he had one great opport opportunity for people to opt out of inflation he recommended this last last spring you can opt out of inflation if you invest your money in Bitcoin yeah no no no no no he stayed up late watched all sorts of YouTube and came to that conclusion he said that himself buy Bitcoin opt out of inflation well any Canadian who actually listened to maybe that’s why those guys with the flags are so mad at me any Canadian who listened to him would have lost more than half their life savings since last March that’s not responsible leadership but now with Trudeau stepping down and Trump being sworn in this month the tides have most definitely shifted back in pv’s and bitcoin’s favor just another example of Bitcoin giving you short-term pain for long-term gain since PV first supported Bitcoin in 2022 nearly everything has changed from a market Regulatory and Global macroeconomic standpoint we’ve seen such a shift in the cultural and political landscape that even Mark Zuckerberg and meta are changing course Zuck released a video online announcing the end of controversial and politically driven censorship and misinformation policies on the platform hey everyone I want to talk about something important today because it’s time to get back to Our Roots around free expression on Facebook and Instagram I started building social media to give people a voice I gave a speech at Georgetown 5 years ago about the importance of protecting free expression and I still believe this today but a lot has happened over the last several years there’s been widespread debate about potential harms from online content governments and Legacy Media have pushed to censor more and more a lot of this is clearly political but there’s also a lot of legitimately bad stuff out there drugs terrorism child exploitation these are things that we take very seriously and I want to make sure that we handle responsibly so we built a lot of complex systems to moderate content but the problem with complex systems is they make mistakes even if they accidentally censor just 1% of posts that’s millions of people and we’ve reached a point where it’s just too many mistakes and too much censorship the recent elections also feel like a cultural Tipping Point towards once again prioritizing in speech so we’re going to get back to our roots and focus on reducing mistakes simplifying our policies and restoring free expression on our platforms now while this doesn’t directly relate to bitcoin I see it as being a clear example of the cultural and political shift we are seeing on a large scale in 2025 a shift that just so happens to also align closely with the ideals that Bitcoin stands for many bitcoiners have seen this shift in Zuckerberg and are expecting him to also Embrace and become a vocal supporter of Bitcoin in the near future but we’ll just have to wait and see on that it’s a popular crique crique of Bitcoin to call supporters of it as being members of a cult but I’m here to make the argument that that might actually be what makes it a powerful force of course Bitcoin is not a cult in the way that most people think of it because it has no leader but it is one of the strongest political and ideological movements in the world and it’s one built on the solid foundation of Truth math and energy so don’t short Bitcoin here you might just find yourself on the wrong side of history but you can get on the right side of history with services like Swan visit swann.com or download the app by searching for Swan Bitcoin in the App Store sign up and begin buying Bitcoin within minutes plus you get your first $10,000 in Bitcoin purchases with zero fees and don’t forget to sign up for Priority Access to the all new Swan Bitcoin rewards credit card we expect to launch the card in Q2 2025 so sign up now to get on the list and finally a quick shout out to mea the largest publicly traded Bitcoin minor for supporting the show and for helping make Bitcoin the world’s most decentralized and secure monetary Network that’s it for today let me know what you think about Bitcoin being called a political religious movement in the comments below like this video share it with friends and family and subscribe to the channel for more High signal Bitcoin content thanks for watching and remember short Bitcoin at your own risk