all right folks thanks thanks for being here we’re open up this press conference over here to the right adns seeing where you guys are playing and what was your message to the team immediately after I think when you looked at it last week you could kind kind of sort of project out where you might be this was one of the the projections that we saw so you know we’ve been looking at at at these guys and you know a couple other opponents but um you know we’re we’re fired up you know we’re obviously excited about playing the first ever play off game in Ohio stadium Ohio Stadium’s um been around a long time over 100 years there’s been a lot of great games but never a playoff game like this and so night game 8:00 uh it’s going to be electric our guys are going to be excited about this and so as we head into our preparation it’s going to be on us fast two weeks um and so you know getting this first win will be critical and building momentum as you head into the the um you know the teeth of the playoffs and when you look at tournament play you look at playoff plays we all know that that that first game is very very important so it’s not bow prep it’s very different it’s a quick turnaround and all of our focus is on these guys I know you’re focused on Tennessee but did do you look at the whole landscape here how do you feel with your guys’ draw well I think when you you look at U bunch of the teams that are in there our guys have played some of these teams um and you know whether it was this year in the past whatever it might be so there’s um there’s you know guys who um have a lot of confidence looking at the draw saying you know we know who these teams are they’re very good um but we also feel confident you know who we are where we are when we’re playing our best now we also have to make adjustments and and make Corrections and fix the things that need to get fixed coming off the last game that has to happen um but almost every you know every team in this this playoff has their own issues they have their own things that they they need to address so to me that’s going to be a huge part of who has success here Kelly WSYX coach J how have you seen your leadership group start to or respond and regroup now focus on the playoffs I think last week it was a mixed bag of identifying the things that didn’t go well working through that you don’t just move on after a day or two we know that but now that we have a Target we said listen you know we’re going to flush that out we got back on the field we got into the weekend and said like okay we got to learn from it we got to fix the problems but there’s no there not going to do us any good looking back on that we got to learn from it move on the guys you know have a good look in their eye we up we were up there at noon watching the the selection show there was a great energy up there uh they want to play they want to get back on the field and get a win uh Dylan Davis Delaware ran earli this week you to the fact there might be some changes you look at along the offensive line do you feel like you have a good grasp of who you want to start on that offensive line with wi of this game I mean I I know who’s going to be in the mix I’m not going to get into that just yet you know we have two weeks of prep that we got to dive into and identify what gives us the best chance next week or in two weeks to go win this thing um and so you know we’ll look at it and make sure it’s right but yeah I mean there there’ll be some guys in the mix Luke mon Montgomery will be in the mix Josh Padia will be in the mix and and we’ll make sure that it’s right and you know based on how they practice you know we’ll figure figure out how it’s going to look Zen zin’s health is he is he potentially in that mix there or is he is he done right now he’s not available yeah Bill land of the north ran uh you had some guys announc that they’re entering the transfer portal specifically gay Powers who starts on a couple of special teams units for you guys is there any chance that guys who announce are entering the portal still might play for you in the postseason and if not like how do you go about replacing a guy like gab specifically who does yeah as I’m sure you can imagine it’s it’s a you know very unique situation um and so we’re going to we’re going to deal with each of those situations on an individual basis because you know listen there there’s guys who you know they want to first off finish what they started here you know these guys made a commitment to this team it’s a close team they want to finish out their commitment and I think that those guys deserve a lot of credit for wanting to do that but I also think that you know some guys need to figure out okay what’s next for me and because of it’s it’s not their fault it’s just the way it’s designed that they have to make decisions while we’re getting ready to go play in the playoffs so very very unique to answer your question we’ll make decisions um on an individual basis but you know we have to make sure that you know we’re being fair to our guys but we’re also you know having you know have enough depth that we need to go make this run have any of those decisions been made yet specifically we gab be with you guys for the postage right so um we’re going to you know the the portal officially opens uh tomorrow or I guess maybe late tonight so um we’ll continue to have these conversations into this week and and and make some final decisions as we get through probably midweek camon Robinson the athletic Ryan do you the old the line obviously Tennessee is Def One as you’ve probably seen very very good yes what have you seen from this off the line they struggled the last those last two weeks that gives you some confidence and even the guys who are on the bench that you write the wrongs of that and get prepared for a qu line well I I look at some of um you know what’s across being away from it for a week you get to go out look at some of the other offensive lines that are across the country and certainly taking couple of these injuries key injuries did set us back but but these guys have um what it takes to go to go make this run and so we got to help them we got to help them um but and I think there’s ways to do that um now we haven’t done a whole bunch of practicing we’ve been on the field twice and we’ll get back out there tomorrow and obviously a big week of practice this week so you know we got to go put it on the field um but you know there’s a lot of ways that we can do it and we will do it into the playoff from a coaching game planning standpoint of yes we did this wrong against Michigan State but not like you know what I mean like staying somewhere in that middle and not deuling to the opposite right no yeah exactly not U being extreme yeah you’re exactly right I think that’s important you know you have to identify what you know what you think you know it’s similar to you know kind of what happened in the Oregon game on defense you know I think when you saw some of the adjustments that were made you know to the naked eye it’s like okay what what really was different you know but there was a difference well it’s kind of be it’s got to be the way it here is you know up front and how we’re running the ball and and you know how we’re operating and you know some of it’s execution some of it is uh making sure we put the guys in the right position to be successful tonyman buyle right that coaches always have their folder of how full prep is playoff prep is what do you turn to now because this is completely different yeah it is very different um you know we took last week to rest up a little bit we were on the field twice um and then we have a plan for this week and how we’re going to attack this week and then next week will be game week so it’s it’s different than anything in the past um you know we’ll finish up finals here this week which is good give our guys more time um but but this week is really know we got to get the game plan in we got to get it going and then next week we’re W in the game plan week so uh it’s really the only difference is really this week right here and I think we got a really good plan for it I’ve talked to Jim I’ve talked the Chip And um you know we’ll keep evaluating it as we move forward have you talked to Jim CLE about the the CS playoffs and all how how things like that like have you reached out to anybody like that yeah a little bit had had some conversations with different folks about that um but you know you also know your team and I think sometimes when you get too much information it can Cloud your judgment and I’ve learned that before I think you know we we know this team um I know this team I think we got a good plan for it and we’re going to go attack it Stefan how many have you seen will kind of respond from you know the game against Michigan obviously anytime you lose a game that the backlash that comes with that how how’s you kind of respond to this last week or so similar to the other guys um you know again when you first come off of those types of things there’s a lot of emotion and then as time goes on you got to get refocused um because you know that you know what you’ve done in the past really does not affect what’s going on moving forward you know everything is out in front of us and um and I think he’s in the same boat just like that and you know he knows what needs to get done we got to have great couple weeks of preparation um and then go put it on the field and and he’s he’s the same way and you know I know he’s excited back on the field this week davex Ryan I think uh when this whole thing was announced this was the type of match that people were intrigued about to a southern team coming up here in December unheard of I know Tennessee is not you know the Dominican or anything like that but I mean as far as what are your thoughts on these unique matchups that we’re finally getting to see for the first it’s a Once In A Life lifetime opportunity up until this point I mean this has never happened before so uh I think it’s exciting I think it’s exciting for our players think exciting for our coaches and staff it’s exciting for our fans to be part of to something and you know that’s never really been done before and so also having a night game you know in the Horseshoe and who knows what the weather will be it’ll be it’ll be great it’ll be electric and so um and we’re all excited about it so it’s the first time for this and um you know it’s just very different than it was 10 years ago 15 years ago 20 years ago we’re just in a different time and so um man we got to go and you know we we’ll practice outside like we continue to do to make sure that you know we’re we’re ready for the elements because you know that this time of year that be becomes a big part of it Jeremy Birmingham the podcast ran from a 10,000 foot view how do you and the administration at allio feel about the selection process but when you look at the seating there are teams ahead of you that maybe the best part of the resume is who they lost to as opposed to who they beat Nick sa was very vocal today talking about strength and schedule having important where do you think the priorities need to be in the future of this 12 team playoff and Shifting the uh importance of of trying to determine res well I think the first thing is you know it’s it’s our responsibility to win the conference and when you win the conference you’re in you know what I’m saying I’ve always felt that way and so when you don’t do that like you put yourself at risk um and I think there’s a lot of opinions that get thrown back and forth you know I don’t think where I’m at right now it’s it’s worth me getting into all that um you know we are where we are I think we got a great opponent here and uh but I do think as we move forward like you said um there’s there’s a lot of different ways to look at it and it’s not Apples to Apples so um you know every year I think you hopefully we get more and more um you know down the road of you know what it’s supposed to look like what Equity is but I think when you think about where uh it was you know even last year where there’s four teams you know now now you’re talking about 12 so um the conversation about you know just 10 11 or 12 get in as opposed to you know five 6 4 four you know I think that that’s that’s better and no matter how many teams we have come in there’s always going to be some of that conversation because it’s not all the same because the conferences are different you know some teams play nine conference games some teams play eight conference games you know are you focusing on the losses are you focusing on the wins you know I think there’s there’s a lot to be said for that and you know I do think you know the quality of wins certainly in my opinion probably matter the most but um you know there’s a lot of different ways to look at it deep left Nicole Holman w BNS 10v coach in terms of you know people all over the country are crunching the numbers of what the MCHS could be the national title kind of looking further but how have your leaders and how have you looked at it as hey we have Tennessee first we don’t need to worry about who it could be down the road oh je yeah yeah no we’re not there um at all no no we got to win this first game yeah we got to win this first game we got to and then and then build from there there’s no question um you know I don’t think there’s there’s one uh person in this building that’s looking way down the road other than the fact that when they look at you know who we may play down the road we played some of these guys already so I think there’s a bunch of confidence in the fact that like okay we know what these guys are like we played them um and and we feel good about rematches down the road or playing them this season that being said though like you know you got to win this game and you know I’ve already talked to our guys about that last week you know when you’re in this style of play you got to get that first win you got to get the you know got to get started and build some momentum into the playoffs so you know that’ll be our focus and and making sure we win this game mat Murph 247 Sports Ryan you obviously have a background in the NFL uh chip some other guys on your staff how much do you lean on that as to talking to other people having gone through some of this similar playoff situation yeah I I think um there there are some similarities now yeah there are and and I think a big part of that is knowing like you have to play your best football at the end of the season and and once you get to this point like what’s happened previous to right now doesn’t really have anything to do with where we are like our draws our draw the teams we’re going to play are the teams we’re going to play Tennessee is uh coming to our place to play at home and it’s like when you think about some of those Wild Card teams who play and they win that first game and they build some momentum because they are playing in the first round like that’s the idea here um in terms of schematics and those types of things there’s different ways to look at that when you’re especially playing a rematch um when you’re playing in division games you’re playing those teams twice you could play them a third time and that that plays in we’re not really into that situation right now um but we also wanted to be healthy this time of year and certainly you know we have taken a few injuries up front but you know for the most part you know we we’ve been pretty healthy here and so you know here we are now everybody’s journey is different to get to this point right now we’re here and now we got to go play and you know there’s been twists and turns and ups and downs but here we are and so um you know I think when you think about the opportunity that our team has to go do something like this I mean this would to be uh an unbelievable accomplishment to go on a run here and go win the whole thing and you’re four games away it’s real it’s on the table as much as the last week hurt it hurt um but but here we are now and so all the focus has got to go on Tennessee and winning this first one Dan hope 11 Warriors Ryan you had said after the Oregon game you spent more time with the defense kind of working with them have you spent more time with the offense here in this last week after the mission game and do you change anything about the operation based on how that game went definitely been spending some time with the offense and you know we’ll we’ll look at it and see whatever makes the most sense to win this game we’ll do like whatever it takes and you know we’ve already been looking at Tennessee as you can imagine uh we didn’t you know well we’ve been looking at them and so now we now we know for sure so all the all the stuff’s been done ahead of time guys they got a head start on this thing so we’ll dive into it tonight hard into tomorrow and then you know have a really clean game plan um probably by Tuesday um with you know third down red zone goal line all those things tied in so that we got about you know 10 days to work it flush through all the issues and and so I think that’s the good part of this thing it’s not too far where you got a month where you’re kind of in Bull prep but it’s also not a week where it’s on you get to kind of two weeks to work on this thing and work through the issues and try to put our guys in the best position to be successful so yeah I’ll make sure I’m a big part of it and and um and whatever it takes to get done we’re going to get done what stands out about Tennessee’s defense on first impression their front is very good um you know uh on on the edge inside uh both Corners are tremendous uh they they do a nice job um they’ve you know stopped the run very well the season and you know what lead you know a lot of Statistics um defensively certainly SEC and um so it’s going to be a great challenge for our guys you know we’ve we played against good defenses this year but this will be one of them Spencer man a couple years ago it seemed like you guys got a a shot in the arm and you found out that you were in you were playing the number one team in the country I know that this isn’t the same thing you already knew that you were in but just knowing your opponent do you think that’s like the next step of getting over what happen and how you guys actually have like a real set Target to set your eyes on yeah absolutely yeah when you have a Target and you got a mission I mean that that’s where your focus goes until then you’re a little bit in limbo um you know it’s coming but you don’t know um you know we kind of felt like this may shake out like this and so you know we we’ve had an idea but now now we’re in it so now you know exactly what it is now you’re really diving into it and um I’m telling you right now our guys are excited about it you can feel it up there and the um the training table and we’re going to have a you know a great week of practice this week you the coaches are excited and so here we go this is an opportunity that we got to go jump on right now and um I just think back to you know what this game could be a Saturday night game 8:00 first playoff game ever in the Horseshoe I mean it’s going to be electric it’s going to be um you know where the fans feed off the players the players feed off the fans and again a historic game so a lot to be excited about in this game Joey cman Club is dispatch Ryan this time last year you had a close to 20 guys ultimately went in the portal during the winter window that was different situation because you w preparing for a playoff game what’s your expectation as far as the the attrition that you’ll experience when the when the window opens I think when you look at the numbers um you know we’re still playing so I think a lot of these guys want to continue to be on the team they they love this team they want to finish it out the right way which says a lot about who they are um but you know when you look at when you look at the you know week in and week out or excuse me year in and year out the number of guys on each team you know it’s you know what 15% or so so when it’s all said and done between now and in the spring you’re probably going to get somewhere in that range you know every year I guess it’s increasing a little more so um there’s a lot of things that go into play there’s playing time there’s there’s nil opportunities there’s a lot that goes into play so um you know we just have to adapt with it and you we’ll see how that shakes out for us this year most wait until after the playoff is done or what have you sort of like talked to them about navigating I think each yeah yeah so you know what they’ve put into place which I think makes a lot of sense is like you said after your last game there’s five days there and so you know for a lot of our guys I know that they want to do that but each guy is going to be on their individual basis and and we’ll deal with it as they as they occur all right this message is for any media out there in Knoxville or possibly uh Pasadena um who are also on this call I’m going to take one more question right now and then pause and anyone out there on the zoom who’d like to ask a question uh just uh uh just turn off your mic uh state your name and and organization and we’ll go ahead and take that call uh but first we’ll do Andy Anders uh 11 Warriors mention Josh Montgomery being in the mix of guys you’re going to evaluate on the offensive line what stood out about them that they’re now in that competition well they they’ve been practicing and working towards it and um you know I think they deserve an opportunity to you know compete the next two weeks to see if you know they can find themselves in a in a role and that’s kind of where we are and I think a big part of that is you know how we came out of last game both of those are interior guys I know you talked about Donovan possibly moving inside does that mean he’s sticking at a tackle probably yeah yeah um we we’ll look at a couple different things but right now um and and that’s that’s still a possibility too you know George can could you know really you know show something this week and we can make that move there but um but right now he’s going to be a tackle all right I’m going to open up the floor for anyone out there on Zoom if you have any questions hey I I’ve got one Noah Weiss cof from the lantern uh Ryan Kirk herb Street said on the college football playoff show today that you guys might have been better off with an away game because fans could boo on a potential early third down or three and out what is your response to that what’s your expectation and message to the fans ahead of this game well that happens sometimes on a three and out anyway so we’re good we’re used to it now I I mean we’re we’re fired up to be at home we can’t wait to be at home it’s going to be a great atmosphere and our guys are fired up to go finish the season with a win in Ohio stadium I’ve got one Brendan Gulick Ohio State Buckey on S Ryan um I realize you you have no uh you know you have no control over the seating the bracket all of that you just got to play who you’re playing but H how do you feel about the top four ranked Conference champions getting automatic buys is that a viable way to to conduct this Championship moving forward you know I don’t know if I need to jump into all that right now I just got so much on our plate um it’s such a giant question um you know I know that there are reasons why and I know this is the first time around but I do think they’re going to refine it as time goes on and come up with a um you know better solution for all I do now maybe they’ll just keep it the same way for the next 10 years I don’t think that’ll happen I think there’ll be adjustments I know why they did what they did uh they want to honor the the conference Champs which I think is is the right thing to do um but I know that you know as they continue to do this they’ll start to you know flush out more and more the issues and it’ll be again a more refined process as we head forward so um that doesn’t really answer your question all that much other than I know that you know these guys are going to work hard on that and I think it’s a great conversation for down the road you know how the conference championships play into it the CH conference conference Championship games play into it um you know right now I’m just you know I’m going to focus on Tennessee and just as a quick followup the the the fact that the teams that lost their conference Championship Games seemingly were still rewarded for getting there do you like the fact that the conference Championship Games still seem to matter in the eyes of the committee regardless of whether you want them or not yeah I do I do um you know we can argue with how we think the rankings were leading into Conference Championship weekend but you know if you play in that game unless you know it’s just a really lopsided game I I I do agree with the fact that you know those teams should not be penalized for playing in a close game anybody else uh Kenneth Barry uh touchdown the tandas network coach day um just in regards to how how was the morale of the team obviously you know going into the last year you had a lot of opt outs you guys still prep for the bowl game what’s kind of the difference especially with the senior class you know the morale of the team going into the cotton ball last year versus going into the playoff this year despite the loss well the first thing is last year we didn’t have an opportunity win a National Championship playing in the cotton bow this year we’re in the playoffs with an opportunity to play in the national championship so that’s the first thing I think the morale of the team right now is we’re excited uh I’m not going to sit here and tell you last week was not was not fun for anybody but you know we have a new Target we know that the national championship’s on a table and all of our focus is moving forward anybody else out there on Zoom uh yeah yes uh coach day obviously uh going into this matchup with Tennessee um what do you all as far as the wide receiver core how how have have you seen this wide receiver core grow over the course of the Season as you guys prepare uh for this upcoming game and be as vital as they are to this offense you’re talking about our our wide receivers your wide receivers yes yeah yeah I you know it starts with a Mecca he’s a captain he’s a leader and you know he’s been a warrior for us he’s Ive um and he’s the leader of that room and then and then it quickly goes to Carell uh who um has you know really had a very good season for us and you know we’ve um you know huddled this season and when you look at the number of snaps that we played this season uh maybe it hasn’t been as many as we’ve had in the past that was on purpose for a lot of reasons and so maybe his numbers aren’t as high but he’s a huge part of our offense and we’ll continue to be a huge part of our offense he’s a tremendous player one of the best wide receivers in the country in my opinion and then there’s Jeremiah Smith uh to go along with you know Brandon Andis and uh Bryson Rogers and some of those other guys that are you know still very good players who are a big part of you know where we are going into this game in our future but as you know Jeremiah has um you know exceeded expectations in year one um now we’re going to need to play his best right here and uh for a young player to come in with the maturity he’s had and handle himself the way he has has been just you know a joy to be around so um you know for us to make this run he’s going to have to uh continue to do what he’s doing now he doesn’t need to do anything more than what he’s doing by the way uh doesn’t need to do extraordinary just needs to continue to to do what he’s doing and take care of the football and you know uh run his routes at a high level and continue to prepare the way he’s done he’s you know all season so uh it’s a great group uh a lot of leadership there a lot of production and and certainly a huge part of our offense all right I’m going to thank those of you out there on zoom we’re going to go ahead and continue uh locally here Steven means ahead of the peach bow in 2022 um obviously you’re talking with excitement but you also threw up the stat of 40 points that’s kind of the threshold to win those games I kind of looked at it the Georgia game is the only game you’ve ever lost when you’ve scored at least 40 points I know those are different clock rules and whatnot right how has that math maybe changed for you now living in this world where it’s new po I think it’s I think it’s it’s a great conversation I do think with the with some of the new rules and and the way things go now that’s probably not the same as it was then um but we all we all know you got to score points in these games and going back you know however however long you want to go you know when you get into the playoffs you got to score points now as we know defense wins championships and you got to control the clock but scoring points will be very very important and you know we got to do that in this game I think played Four playoff games if I have that right Clinton twice Alabama once and then Georgia there’s obviously trying to get your team rallied in those different games but also there’s this idea of like aggressive ran day and maybe how you attack some of those games did you notice that about yourself and have you found yourself at times maybe trying to figure out how to tap into that not just in December but overall yeah I think you you know you do have to be that way and I think it’s you know it’s it’s how you coach it’s how you approach it uh it’s how the guys play it’s confidence it’s all those things and so um you know we we got to do that in all three phases we have to be that way um and and we will we will I mean um you know every year when you when you get into these games like you said you you got to go after people you got to be aggressive and we have to do that so um you know we got to game plan the right way and a big part of that is the confidence going into the game making sure that you know what you’re doing that you know that you feel like you know the the game plan is clean and that you can execute at a high level and then and then you go to work but um I know it maybe doesn’t feel like that coming off a last game but once you get away from it and you you get focused on the new opponent you know it’s easy to build confidence going into it knowing when you look at the body of work of what guys have done this season and um there’s a lot to point to is my point and when you look at the guys around you you know you know you got good players next to you so uh we’ll do everything we can to address the issues coming off a last game so that we can we can attack and can be aggressive in the game Austin Word podcast when B asked you about the selection process there’s nothing you can do about it that’s a conversation for another day so aside from that just just at noon did you were you surprised that you guys wound up being the eight well based off of what was said coming off of last week um you know of the excerpts that I heard where you know the conversation was you know the teams that you know had had no more games to play there really wasn’t going to be much movement that was said and that you know there probably wasn’t going to be a lot of data points you know for the other teams um you know I just you know not to get into the specific teams but the question would be like if Penn State were to lose by multiple scores or whatever would that drop them down below us because we had beat them I think all these conversations came into play um so you know it was a it was you know I guess a one- score game eight points and so you know they decided to make sure that they didn’t penalize them for being in a one-score game and in the championship game you know whatever you know what I mean at this point it’s like you know this is what it is we got a home game we’re playing Tennessee and and and that’s it that’s what we got got and you know the one thing about this that I do like is the fact you know you control your own destiny so you know we didn’t have an opportunity to play in that game we lost our last one so now here’s the situation that we have now we got to go make the best of it did you think when you guys were watching it together that any of the players themselves were surprised or disappointed or maybe motivated by that what did you think the reaction was when you guys saw that’s that is the path now I laid it out for him last week and told him what I thought was going to happen and what could happen happen so I don’t think there was any surprises Bill reinz Columbus Dispatch yeah I was going to ask the P State question um but you guys um obviously wanted to beat Michigan you wanted to win the Big 10 that didn’t happen how much pressure does that put on you guys and you specifically to make an extended run and a playoff and and obviously you’ve got two tough one really tough opponent Tennessee and then the number one team next like I don’t think right now that that’s the case because um you know like coming off of that last game you know is there pressure to win that game yes and I just think that like we moved on from that you know what I mean like it it it didn’t go well you know uh did did People Press I mean you can you can say yes or no on that but like we we don’t we don’t want that anymore like we we want to make sure that like we’re playing in this game we’re playing free we’re playing um you know with our focus on winning the game and and not worried about the consequences and so that’s what we’re going to do in this game and you know and that is what it is but um but we’re fired up to be at home too I mean that’s this is again I keep saying it but a historic event for everybody this has never been done before and I think our guys’s going to have that approach and I know you don’t want to look past Tennessee at all but we all know what would be next rosebowl against Oregon how much excitement would there be about that rematch in the in the Rose Bol well like I said I think when our guys look at the teams that are in the 12 teams you know our guys have a reference point on a lot of those teams so we’ve we’ve played some of these teams before we know um what they look like we know what it feels like um now Tennessee is not one of them so this is going to be new and so we got to go to work and and that’s where the focus is going to be because you know as you know the hardest one’s to get the first one and then and we’ll go from there but I think that’s a big part of the excitement of our guys when they look at at the 12 teams you know there’s nobody up there that they say you know we can’t beat those guys we feel like there’s everybody in the in the um in the draw we can beat now we got to we got to do it one at a time and we got to make sure that we wi in the first game and final questions Tim May R hey thank you Jerry I should have gotten on Zoom um just two quickies number one uh Tennessee offensively Amy leava you know has kind of been up and down a little bit but played pretty well and stuff what what have you noticed about them that stands out especially when you add in the Josh hyp factor of how they like to play offense very Innovative coach I think the uh the quarter back has a strong arm uh running back is excellent um I think it was all SEC and runs low to the ground they spread you out and and try to create space issues for you I think the receivers you know some big ones there’s some quick guys in there I mean they’re they’re talented um and so you know they try to put as much stress on you especially with the space and and the tempo so we got to be prepared to play fast in this game and so um we’ve already kind of started that process here and what we’re going to do for this week and um you know getting lined up and making sure that um you know our guys are got their cleats in the dirt and go can go play football because again how do they try to stress you out they try to stress you out horizontally vertically and then with their Tempo does the fact it’s SEC versus Big 10 to add some panach to this matchup you understand what I’m saying sure yeah I mean in your mind how does it add panach just it’s it’s a great matchup against two teams that really don’t get to play each other very much two great brands in the playoffs and um I think when you when you look at you know when you looked ahead a few years ago like this is the type of game that you’re like okay this could be a great environment um against two very good teams and so this is what we got
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