e e e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w hello and welcome you’re watching Bitcoin magazine we’re broadcasting live from Michael sailor New Year’s Eve 100K Bitcoin party I’m your host Pete Rizzo editor at larg at Kraken editor at Bitcoin magazine and Bitcoin historian on X and of course today we are making history tonight as bitcoin’s best and bright brightest celebrate alltime Highs at billionaire Michael sailor Miami estate we’ll be here following all the action over the next eight hours as we count down to New Year’s on Eastern Standard Time Of course there is much to discuss bitcoin price mooning past 100K nation states lagging and adopting and freedom money spreading about the globe I’m joined with special guests now to kick it off we’ve got Nico Moran co-host of Simply Bitcoin and Alan helm Bitcoin magazine guys 100K Bitcoin party we’re here at Michael sailor’s house in Miami why don’t you take the folks at home watching on YouTube watching on Rumble watching on X what’s it like to be here right now in this moment what are you seeing what does it look like Nico absolutely beautiful Miami weather we’re here right on uh Miami ocean front with Michael sailor’s yacht in front of us we have a beautiful Ballroom we have beautiful New York Eve to 2025 Bitcoin signs all over over the place this is the Bitcoin party of the century this is the moment that we’ve all been waiting for we’ve been waiting as a community for 100k for such a long time and it hit right before the party all the stars all the planets aligned just for this very very moment Serendipity of the moment Allan take us in you walked up that aisle you saw the dancers you saw the drinks uh the celebrities people pouring in uh what are your reactions as we uh taking this moment here on Michael sailor’s New Year’s Eve I mean sitting here in a mini Citadel we got a yacht literally right across I’m looking at a yacht right over here we got amazing dancers over to my right the food already has been impeccable mhm I’ve got my favorite drinks here we got oldfashioned right it’s going to be a really good of course we’re encouraging you all to drink responsibly at home as you’re celebrating Bitcoin and its rise back to 100K going to hit some price stats because that’s the focus here at this 100K party Bitcoin up 110% of last year up 27% against gold up 23 % over the sap how are we feeling right now what kind of catalysts take us back over 100k do we get there tonight does it happen Nico I don’t know it would be very special for us to reach 100K tonight I don’t know if we’ll do it but I will say this you know I I I think that the price was I I felt something for the first time not so much because of the percentage gain but because of the historical Milestone after that Euphoria weared off after a couple hours I felt nothing again so I don’t know and maybe I’ll feel something get at 150k I think we’re going to hit that easily in 2025 and uh I’m looking forward to that well Alan ni was talking before about just the nature of these bitcoin price Cycles people kind of having a lot of predictions for next year uh Nico even saying that in 2021 you know we didn’t really see the Epic top do we get an epic top in 2025 what gets us there how you feeling I think we’re definitely going to see an epic top I mean everything’s all relative at the end of the day right for anybody who came into the cycle last year in 2020 2021 I mean we went from 3K all the way up to 69k I mean that’s an incredible just four years ago going on five yeah and uh let me check my watch here uh we’re at levels not seen since what two weeks ago three weeks ago I mean we’re at 91k guys we’re at 91k Bitcoin I think we’re in a low period it’s Christmas it’s the holidays you know the people who want to short sell you know they’re doing their thing we’ve got we’re on the of nation states adopting Bitcoin and if that’s not going to be the biggest Catalyst that sends Bitcoin to a million dollars you’re losing me there well let’s talk about the orange pilling that went on over the holidays everybody wrapping from the Christmas and the holiday breaks uh Nico how are your conversations going I know we were talking and just saying that if you had told us I don’t know six seven 10 years ago Bitcoin 100K I would have said everybody accepts it it’s mainstream it’s in every person’s wallet maybe they’re buying their tacos their lunch with Bitcoin how are you feeling about the penetration uh and is your family getting the message that they need to get uh on the Bitcoin life boat yeah absolutely this year you know was the Vindication year this year was the year after five or six years of telling my family my extended family about Bitcoin thinking I was crazy I feel like we all have to go through the these processes as as as bitcoiners and then this year was a Vindication year why of course Bitcoin entered into the mainstream political discussion you have mainstream figures like Tim P Russell bran of course the president of the United States wishing doesn’t get any more mainstream than that wishing Bitcoin happy birthday and then taking credit for 100k and happy alltime highs and happy alltime high so you know to answer your question I I think this year is the first year that M that Bitcoin is a entering the mainstream Consciousness and I think it’s only going up from here but one thing that I noticed is I think people are very happy for me right they associate me with Bitcoin they know that the price is up but they’re not taking that next step you seeing that like is everybody in your life are they engaged they understand or is there still a gap there I think you know I think we underestimate the technical knoow that’s required to really buy Bitcoin and you know the whole self- custody aspect that’s the thing that I run into the most like it intimidates a little bit some people you know and obviously that’s what we want I think the introduction of the ETF in January of this year was a massive deal because it allowed institutional investors perhaps older individuals ual that are used to buying things through Charles Schwab the ability to buy Bitcoin and I think that was a big step now is it ideal I think spot Bitcoin and self custody is the ideal you know standpoint but it’s a step in the right direction right um so yes I think we are starting to see the first Innings of mainstream adoption mainstream cultural accept acceptance but we’re not quite there yet but that also creates an opportunity because if we had total mainstream adoption you know Bitcoin would be at a million dollars right now to be frank if everyone really knew the true benefits of Bitcoin and that would be really nice we’re looking at the chat in the live stream we’ve got a lot of people psyched up uh if you want to ask questions we’ll be keeping it light we’re going to be having a lot of people at the party pass through get on stage talk to you guys if you’re on X if you’re on Rumble if you’re on YouTube or watching the chats we see you out there with Michael sailor all caps of course Michael saying that he’ll be on the stream later we don’t know when maybe making a surprise appearance also going to be going to Isabella Santa our roving reporter out there on the floor so you’ll be able to see what’s going on Alan want to turn it back to you with orange pilling at home over the holidays was it successful is your family on board with bit Yeah well so let me give some context to the audience here so CL class of 2017 here you know I think you know story is old as time you get into Bitcoin you make a bunch of mistakes you lose a lot of money uh you you get disincentivized and you’re like I’m going to step away from this thing and then the next cycle happens and a big pump occurs and then that sucks you back in then you’re like oh wait I understand that Bitcoin you know scarce it’s a digital asset it’s the finest form of money and a store of value that’s in existence out there and then all of a sudden you’re like I have to evangelize it I have to tell everybody so then you be get become known at like Thanksgiving or Christmas time you’re the you’re you’re the Bitcoin guy but also kind of the crazy guy right because you’re talking about down to the government money’s bad all of that um you know I went through that cycle nobody listened uh or at least I thought at the time right and so now you know I’m approaching my third cycle in Bitcoin um and there were some people that listened and I think the biggest difference is is this time I’m not going around you know trying to scream Bitcoin in everybody’s ear partially that has to do with just you know cultural acceptance you know for people that like having you know big daddy government tell them something’s okay we’re at that point now through the ETFs I mean the heck president-elect Trump uh is literally talking about a Bitcoin strategic Reserve um but home on the home front right I I got a number of texts as Bitcoin was approaching 100K saying hey Allan thanks for telling me to only focus on bitcoin only by Bitcoin I bought Bitcoin all those years ago didn’t really believe you this thing was going to go to a lot of people Vindicated here Michael sailor New Year’s Eve 100K Bitcoin party we’re going to send it out as we said to Isabella Santos out there on the field here in Miami Isabella we’ll take it to you hello welcome to the A 100K party I’m isaba Santos and we’re going to be going around and asking people many interesting questions the first one up is eat how are you eat I’m wonderful thanks for having me it’s so exciting it is I was just going to ask how is the vibe how would you explain the party I’ve never been to such a party before it feels like Barbie world or I don’t know like uh Disneyland or something like that it’s all full of be beautiful big balls with Bitcoin on them and big cards with Bitcoin on them 100K signs flashy sign it’s really cool I love it it’s insane I wish tonight we transmit to you guys what we’re feeling but first I want to go back what were you doing when you first heard Bitcoin reached 100K so I was in elante in Bitcoin Beach and I was checking the price because everyone was talking about this coming soon because it was close to 100 already so I was checking it and all of a sudden I see that it’s over a 100 and my friends weren’t with me at that moment so I took screenshots and I sent it to them at that moment and I called them up sent them the screenshot they all started yelling and they came back very quickly to the hotel we were in and we started looking for bars to go and party in because it was evening already in elante but everything was closed and we’re walking in the streets yelling are you people crazy we’re in Bitcoin beach and everything is closed and we want to party it’s the 100K so we just party with ourselves it was it was a pretty lame night and it was I know and we we were so ready to party but it was you know it was a right place to be for 100k Bitcoin beach I was using Bitcoin for five weeks when I was there like all day every day for my hotels my taxis my food everything so it kind of gave me a taste of what life could be like if you just use Bitcoin all the time it was so much fun it was great that is insane and I want to hear what you were doing when Bitcoin reached 100K so comment below over to you Rizzo you just saw Isabella Santos and frat fennington at Michael sailor pool we’re celebrating a Bitcoin New Year’s Eve 100K Party Party of the century talking about the Catalyst that get us back about 94,000 on the price charts if you’re following on X YouTube and Rumble what gets us back one of the topics that Alan you brought up before the break the US strategic Bitcoin Reserve this has hit mimic status people are talking about it they’re talking about it in Washington they’re talking about it in Hong Kong they’re talking about global Bitcoin superpowers Nico what is this conversation about does a US strategic Bitcoin Reserve happen does that get us back over 100k do we need it what do you think yeah I mean so according to the poly Market odds which currently at 30% right now but what’s a really interesting Dynamic is you we’re seeing on the state level it being mentioned and multiple States uh politicians are introducing legislation Dennis Porter there we go exactly so multiple states are discussing like the state of Pennsylvania the state of Texas are discussing Ohio was Ohio exactly about uh introducing uh strategic Bitcoin uh Reserve legislation or they introduced it and on the federal level of course uh the Bitcoin Senator Senator cynth lumus is really moving this forward as well I’m really interested to see what Donald Trump is able to do but we all have to remember you know there’s only so much he could do with executive power the ideal situation is for a bill to be passed and this isn’t only just happening in the United States you have news coming out of Russia you have news coming out of Brazil you have uh in at Bitcoin Amsterdam you had a German politician talking about the fact that if the United States does go move forward with the Bitcoin strategic reserve the European countries are not going to have a choice but to follow suit and that’s when all the dominoes fall you know and I’ll say what I I’ll say this they have a money printer and they could use that money printer to buy Bitcoin Bitcoin is absolutely scarce and that will just make the number go absolutely crazy if this happened I would not be surprised if we ended up at 500k Bitcoin next year 500k Bitcoin party next year in Miami I’m down want to give a quick shout out to Mark B hello from Hong Kong in the chat we’ve got people from other nation states Alex Allan topic is 100k how do we get back strategic Reserve I’m going to unpack a little bit of what Nico said there cuz there was a lot so one the US government owns Bitcoin currently right now it’s owned by the US Marshall service which is selling those Contra selling it as a Contraband asset we want to change this how has that effort taken shape so far maybe take people up to speed who aren’t familiar with the US strategic Reserve yeah so Senator lumus introduced the uh spr Bill uh she presented at Bitcoin 2024 in Nashville which was just just an incredible moment overall on top of like tens of Great Moments that occurred at that conference um and it really was like the line the line was drawn in the sand that governments are now officially talking about Bitcoin right and so Pete Nico we were we were talking earlier before we went live um the power of just meming ideas and the memes being a reflection of kind of the collective consciousness of the people as a whole right just a regular conversation just a regular conversation standard bit just bitcoiners talking yeah um and so you know there’s definitely a lot of uh there’s the potential for a lot of stress on the current Fiat system uh that could be imposed if we do pass the spr bill in its current form um but that being said you know the the the cat’s kind of out of the bag here there’s a bunch of undue pressure and expectation now on the new Administration that’s coming in to pass this bill um it’s it’s a campaign promise and not only that I mean to Nico’s Point earlier we have all these Global heads of state right both in the Magnificent 7 and in the bricks Nations coming out and reversing their stances on bitcoin I mean most notably we had uh you know Vladimir Putin come out and say that bitcoin’s unbannable um we also had the CCP um remove the person who is responsible for the Chinese mining ban from power and so whether or not the US puts into place in the next 3 months 6 months or even at all um we know Sovereign wealth funds are accumulating Bitcoin we know there’s immense interest in the bricks Nations as a whole um and so whether the US wants to establish and maintain itself as a leader in the global financial markets um they have to do it there might be some short-term pain um in the immediate term but you know bitcoiners are long-term thinkers we don’t care about the short-term pain that comes with us we’ve got tormis in the chat noting Russia already mining but don’t we want a global adoption of Bitcoin what do we say to the critics these days who are saying that this sort of us first Bitcoin adoption wave is too much it’s antithetical to what Bitcoin is about we should be spreading Bitcoin in the global South we don’t want a us that is stockpiling Bitcoin that has so much Bitcoin that it is using the money printer uh to uh push the price of Bitcoin in its geopolitical favor Nico yeah it’s an excellent question so I would say one of the most powerful quotes I’ve heard from Jeff Booth is the thing about Bitcoin is that you’re going to have to get used to the idea that even your worst enemy is going to adopt it and benefit from it so I think that’s something to keep in mind and I think we also have to look at Bitcoin on two fronts Bitcoin as the investment and Bitcoin as the revolution I think all us bitcoiners truly want to see Bitcoin effectuate change in the world uh really free Humanity from the tyranny of Central Banking and that really only happens with individuals taking adoption of Bitcoin specifically into self- custody so I think two things could be true at the same time the price is definitely going to benefit from nation state adoption but we still have to as bitcoiners we have to take agency we have to take individual action to continue pushing the message of Bitcoin because that is what is actually going to fundamentally change the world individual adoption of a Bitcoin standard well speaking of individual speaking of adoption we’re going to go back to the red carpet Isabella Santos of Bitcoin magazine we’re here in Michael Sailors in Miami his Mansion home bitcoin’s best and brightest Isabella with her latest interview coming up right now we are back we got Matel from the orange pill app mat what were you doing when Bitcoin reach 100K working always working so that’s easy to answer uh but I remember there was a live stream on X I guess it’s X now and uh I was like wow that’s you know everybody thought it’s going to come but you never know when and it’s a good feeling you know was great one of the best Feelings by far but I also want to go back in all year 2024 what do you think was the most iconic moment in the Bitcoin space Oh easy Trump uh Speech and Nal right like I was there in the room uh one hour delay I was going to miss my flight I said I’m not going to miss this speech and uh they were looking for a GU I can’t remember the name now but but yeah Trump speech I think uh especially now that has won that now is actually going to be able to do some of the things he promised was definitely the most you know I think in the future we’re going to look at this and say this was historic uh Speech historic speech historic party speaking of trump do you think he’s going to do a Bitcoin Reserve yes I think he’s going to do a Bitcoin Reserve I don’t think he’s going to buy 1 million Bitcoin not at once but uh I think he will do something I think I would lower my expectation a little bit if I was you know people watching at home but it’s definitely something that’s going to happen for sure I love that and that was it back to you Rizzo New Year’s Eve Bitcoin party here with simply Bitcoin co-host n Moran and Bitcoin magazines Allan Helm topic has been us strategic Bitcoin Reserve this idea that the United States will push Bitcoin adoption off on the world Alan maybe we can just dive into this is this happening right one is the United States currently the world leader in Bitcoin can it be do you want it to be should it be your thoughts is the United States the leader in Bitcoin adoption yes absolutely hand currently right now currently right now the most amount of Bitcoin held between government El Salvador and all that it’s done even with El Salvador and all that it’s done uh if we’re talking and just in terms of pure mining coin okay you might have got me there withon one third of their GDP in Bitcoin which is gnarly this pretty gnarly imagine if the U imagine if the US had onethird of its GP it would be at a million doll but the Nar The Narrative has been that the US is not the leader and that we need to become the leader you’re saying we’re the leader so I think there’s two sides to this coin I think when everybody Converses about the US and US Bitcoin adoption they’re thinking from a governmental standpoint right uh but there are many other tools to maintain Bitcoin superiority within a nation right and so one of those things um that has been a huge topic of conversation right is just corporate Bitcoin adoption implementing Bitcoin into treasury strategies as a way to not only hedge against the dollar but just maintain uh corporate wealth within the company and shift away from this quarterly planning yearly planning and think a little bit more longterm uh bigger picture in that sort of thing and so I you know obviously you know preaching the choir here uh Michael sailor is the leader in imple in the strategy but we’ve seen a lot of other companies start to adopt this you know mainly interest from Rumble uh we had Microsoft recently inquiring about the potential of implementing a strategy at least hearing out Michael sailor yeah at least hearing out but nonetheless they’re having these discussions right and you know whether or not they don’t find Bitcoin liquid enough for them yet it’s the conversations being had um and on the flip side of that right there’s pressure coming from other publicly traded companies in other sectors of the world right we have you know here uh on the Western Hemisphere up in Canada we’ve got uh you know liquid Tech um on the Eastern side we’ve got Samara asset group and we have jet King and India India pubco we saw Bitcoin for corporations kind of take root in 2021 Nico maybe throwing it back to you do you feel like there’s something different this time around where now this is the start of something that’s really going to become a major narrative absolutely I mean you saw pressure from Microsoft share holders and Amazon shareholders putting pressure on the board on the executives to you know adopt a Bitcoin uh treasury strategy now to be clear the Microsoft uh vote got shot shut down but again in terms of moving the Overton window it’s absolutely doing that and one thing that I’ll also say for anyone who’s not familiar with this if you own a business or if you run a business and you adopt even you don’t have to be a public company and you adopt a Bitcoin standard you now have a compet competitive Advantage compared to companies that do not do this your Runway continues to get longer over time it is a literal cheat code so yes uh to answer your question Pete I definitely think the over 10 window is Shifting we also have to keep something in mind as well uh Tesla owns a lot of Bitcoin roughly 10,000 Bitcoin right now of course you know uh I don’t think Elon is laser focused on the Bitcoin strategy but uh yeah man I think uh I think the Overton window is shifting and I think five years from now I would not be surprised to be to surprised to see one of the big tech companies announce that they’re adopting a Bitcoin treasury St uh strategy talking more about Bitcoin for corporations Bitcoin treasuries we’re here counting down to New Years in the east coast in Miami from Michael sailor Miami estate going now to Isabella Santos Bitcoin Magazine’s roing reporter out on the red carpet there is so much more coming as we count down to New Year’s Eve Isabella we’re here with borga from roxom borga what were you doing when Bitcoin hit 100K when Bitcoin hit 100K we were having kind of a party in the office cuz we were uh ringing alarms and putting Pump It Up music at all volume we’re like just hijacking the office and transforming it into a party into a day party I know you got to Pump It Up you got that’s what Michael Taylor is trying to do now with the trying to Pump It Up to 100K always Pump It let’s try to Pump It Up to 100K tonight guys do you think we will reach 100K tonight well I mean like I think um it’s hard H but well this is a crypto market right and if everybody all the bitcoiners get together maybe you know it’s a pump it and uh we just get to 100K just for tonight but I don’t know it doesn’t matter anyways right uh I mean clearly 25 is going to be an amazing year so many Bitcoin strategic reserves I mean 100K is going to be Remembered in 10 years like an amazing uh time to buy Bitcoin and people will wonder what the fuck were they doing that they were not buying Bitcoin with Bitcoin at 100K and today 95k I don’t know what the price is right now I don’t know what the price is today or yesterday but I do want to know what you think the price is going to be and the highest that it will go in 2025 that’s an amazing question because I think it depends on the following no Bitcoin strategic Reserve 150 200k I think on my conservative side yes Bitcoin strategic Reserve God knows what 500k minimum I think 800k a million I don’t know uh definitely what many people say gold Gold’s market cap is one of the targets which is around 850k but if we get a Bitcoin strategic Reserve I think um clearly uh Bitcoin is going to tap into uh prices that people would have never imagined not even in their wildest dreams I love it we are bullish on bitcoin back to you Rizzo perfect amazing party heating up behind us in Miami Yachts filled with people we’ve got bars we’ve got dancers and we are still 4 hours away from Midnight Eastern Standard Time the New Year’s the 100K party we’re here with n Moran co-host of Simply Bitcoin Bitcoin magazines Alan Helm talking now about somebody that Alan Helm brought in the last segment Elon Musk who has a little bit of a history in Bitcoin the question now is there a Redemption Arc that we could put forward for Elon this cycle want to read some facts about Elon and his involvement in Bitcoin and crypto so far first mentioned Bitcoin in 2014 calling it probably a good thing largely silent during crypto winter 2019 comes out again says Bitcoin is quite brilliant in 2021 follows Michael sailor in purchasing $ 1.5 billion dollar worth of bitcoin for Tesla and and then the salad hands start selling Bitcoin the treasury of Tesla goes from 40,000 Bitcoin to under 10,000 Bitcoin now Elon Musk absent this current cycle Tesla not accepting Bitcoin still saying we need to be greener Elon Musk the man that maybe put Trump in office that brought X to glory is he getting on the Bitcoin bandwagon this cycle Nico Elon I don’t know man that you know I I I just think that he has so many things going on he’s he’s doing Twitter like he’s now getting involved in American elections he’s launching Rockets he’s Landing Rockets he’s making self-driving cars 17 kids 17 kids um and I’ll say that like you know he Tesla used to accept Bitcoin it used to be a method method of payment and he said that he’ll adopt it you know he’ll allow that that service again as soon as mining is quote unquote sustainable and it is so WTF Elon like what’s going on Elon if you’re watching this stream if you’re a man of your word put down the Diablo get off the leaderboard so you think he has to accept again that’s what you’re looking for to say elon’s back yeah but you know bitcoin’s a humility test and you know selling 30k Bitcoin and then having to buy back a little bit higher you know that’s a tough pill to swallow right like I don’t think Germany’s going to be back anytime soon but he’s still held right SpaceX still owns Allan your take on Elon is he a villain in the story can he be redeemed does he become the Bitcoin Champion that we want him to be I mean people said for years that it was political pressure he couldn’t do it but now the political wins are in elon’s favor no so the short answer is ultimately it doesn’t matter whether or not he likes Bitcoin or not Bitcoin is inevitable uh well I’ll try to steal man his position right so elon’s smart guy he obviously jumped on uh you know he understand the value proposition of Bitcoin early on you don’t just go out and buy 40,000 Bitcoin and not kind of understand why there’s a value prop don’t you though if you’re Elon maybe a little bit like maybe there’s a little bit of a YOLO and Fu to the man to the system right and so um let’s let’s let’s start with some facts and then we can get into some speculation right um why did Elon sell the um why did Elon sell 30,000 Bitcoin um so publicly stated right it was to test the liquidity of Bitcoin right um which was I’m pretty sure a demand from the shareholders just to make sure that they can trade in and out of it just on the off case that just Bitcoin went way off the deep end um there could be a Hal truth there right there could have been some fear that uh you know just Bitcoin wasn’t going to do what Bitcoin does and go to the Moon um so that’s some plausibility now you know if we want to get into unknown of an unknown um you know Elon Musk Works heavily with government contracts there could have been some undue pressure from the SEC I mean this was during a time too when um Elon was Under Fire by the SEC for just putting out tweets and uh you know pumping the price Tesla uh the his support for Doge really hasn’t wavered to the same degree I think the let me make let me make that last point because that was that was going to be my third point so you put yourself in his shoes right and musk is making these tweets about Tesla that’s pumping their stock you know magnitudes of percentages he knows the power that he has to just go out and say Bitcoin right it’s a similar power that but that was always the excuse right there was that Doge was the you know red herring so that he could really adopt Bitcoin Nico your quick thoughts again Bitcoin is a humility test you know and this is like one of the unique things where Elon can’t go in there and be the best be the star of the show um and you know that could play that could play into it because any other industry that this guy has gotten into whether it’s literally building self-landing rockets and then they catch them with the tower like insane robots Rockets self-driving cars like exactly like he’s dominated that field Bitcoin you come in there and you know that that old age meme like I’m new to bitcoin I’m here to fix it there’s nothing to fix you have to get in line and buy bit coin like everyone else and you know sailor famous saying you buy Bitcoin at the price you deserve well speaking of lines we’ve got Isabella Santos our roving reporter on bitcoin magazine on the red carpet Bitcoin heading to 100K it’s Michael sailor’s New Year’s Eve 100K Bitcoin party Isabella take us back to the red carpet we are with Analise and Alex now Muk Shain damn so what we’re gonna do is sorry guys I just dog to I can’t believe that but what we’re going to do is we’re going to ask them what they were doing when they reached 100K let’s go I was in the beach and my mom texted me saying hey bigcoin hits 100K what should we what should I do that’s what she said what about you mcade oh I was waiting for days and days and days for it to hit 100K it didn’t seem like it would ever get there so I gave up and also went to the beach and then came back and find him phones blowing up the whole internet’s exploding it’s incredible yeah what do you guys think would be the most memorable moment of 2024 uh my Bitcoin memoral moment um definitely the Bitcoin conference the Bitcoin conference is always a good time in the year and being with my two partners here every night after the conference is was the best experience well for those of you that are home you know that big coin Nashville is not happening in Nashville it’s happening in Vegas and you can be there too what about you uh most memorable moments there’s so many we had the ETFs we had the the the local alltime high before the having that was incredible and kind of broke everyone’s brains you know who have been economically planning around these cycles for like 14 years and then uh 100K and of course you know Trump’s very memorable speech at Bitcoin Nashville as well but I gotta say 100K just psychologically is the is the real icing on the cake yeah it’s sort of like that four minute mile type of vibe that it was just like psychological once we passed it you know sky’s the limit the moon to the moon but speaking of to the Moon do you guys have sort of like a price prediction for 2025 in the Bitcoin space 180 what about you we’re bearish here tonight 100 million K we got the Bears and the Bulls over here the Bears and the Bulls the animals walking around and now I got to ask of course do you guys think Trump is actually going to do a Bitcoin Reserve or you calling it uh little Snippets of Lies over there I don’t know if I have g into analyzing this question yet to be honest I think um definitely he’s going to do something that is going to support Bitcoin this year something that we don’t know and we don’t expect so I rather waiting for the surprise all right all right what about you do you think Trump will have a Bitcoin Reserve I hope so I mean I want to see I want to see some action on his behalf he’s definitely been talking the talk and showing up for bitcoiners for a little bit but there’s two things I want to see I want to see Ross freed day one I want to see a strategic reserve put in place but I will point out that the US already owns 200,000 Bitcoin so we’re doing pretty good strategic Reserve could could could grow pretty quickly from there if we can get the money printer behind it so speaking of Ross what is the first message that you would want him to hear when he comes out welcome home you talk to you is 200k welcome home my friend but also what about you what would you tell Ross I mean you have so many people out there waiting for this moment that you should like really kind of like spend some time with everyone outside everyone out there that is wanting you to be free and I think get to know them and really immerse yourself in the community because everyone is there for the support and what would you guys explain the Vibes are of this party the 100K party did you think it was going to happen this year Yes actually yes uh yeah for the last two years I was a bit of a bear but you know once Trump kind of put some of his weight behind Bitcoin I I anticipated it’ be 100K so excited to be here and there you guys have it back to you Rizo welcome back to Michael sailor New Year’s Eve 100K Bitcoin party the party is heating up here the guests are lining up we’ve got Yachts we’ve got bars we’ve got dancers and we’re hoping the price will make a climb back to 100K special guest now to talk about the Catalyst that might get us there we’ve got simply Bitcoin co-host Nico Moran and joining us now Roman Reigns CEO of block trainer German YouTube channel focused on bitcoin education uh topic has been nation state adoption the geopolitical impact of Bitcoin with your background Keen to get you in the conversation here Roman Germany’s mistake 50,000 Bitcoin sold your country what has been like being in Germany watching that kind of mistake happen yes that’s crazy because uh now I think we we made a loss of 3 billion or so because we sold this so early and the reason was that Germany said yeah that’s an emergency sell because uh if you have a speculative asset um you have to sell it but I think where where you have rules you can change these rules if you really understand uh how worthful Bitcoin is and the crazy thing on top is um they can’t use the money now because there are so much bureaucracy that this money is just Frozen now they even can’t use it what does the conversation been like here in the US I think you know Bitcoin is now in the political conversation the mainstream political conversation on the news our major political party platform in Germany is it there are people even talking about this sale uh just a little bit and just uh since uh Donald Trump made this huge uh yeah political thing out of it because uh yeah before we had a little initiative it called Bitcoin and bundar I was there I had the opening speech it was to teach our politicians um how they need Bitcoin and how they could use this for growing economy and uh stuff like that but um yeah the impact was very small because uh the politicians doesn’t see this then I was wondering because yeah you can use this for your for your election fight and everything but nothing and now little bit some vo is coming up and saying oh maybe we should look at this topic because other countries do maybe America will build up a strategic reserve and Germany should as well now they realize what may well Nico uh you were saying before that this may be the biggest geopolitical mistake we were talking about China’s Bitcoin ban in 2013 17 and 2021 that China had the lead in the Bitcoin industry they owned Bitcoin mining they own chip production many of the richest early bitcoiners lived in China 2021 that all went away that was called by some the geopolitical mistake of the century Germany sale of 50,000 Bitcoin do you think that is worse your comparison I mean absolutely I don’t think to the extent of the China mining ban you know because no one’s going to go back to China and say you know what let’s and then the amount of hash rate that they had was that’s never going to happen again um and it was actually better for the network it decentralized the hash rate in the process but what I got to say about Germany I think 10 20 years from now the amount of Bitcoin that they sold is going to be looked upon like Napoleon selling Louisiana to the United States or Russia selling uh Alaska to United States it’s going to look like that big of a mistake uh down the line and one of the things too that blows my mind it it’s confusing and maybe you know get your thoughts on this they sold Bitcoin for something they could print out of thin air that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever we’ve got a lot of love for Roman in the chat here from people apparently from Germany got 21 Spiel Spiel Germany so famous now because of this cell a little bit of upside Roman what do you think about Nico just his positioning of this uh you know of this of this blunder do you agree with the The View yeah I think uh the German government makes a lot of mistakes right now and you feel in their society but they but they can’t print their own money right maybe to pull on something that Nico said right aren’t they beholden to the euro Zone Germany can’t print money like the US can and buy Bitcoin yeah that’s right but in the EU um Germany is quite a big um position big voice so I think yeah if we need money we can print it but we all know if you print more money it will decrease the value uh in the end we are limited and uh yeah we are not the US dollar because it’s much stronger right a lot of countries use the US dollar and uh yeah in the end it’s it’s a huge mistake but I think the German people will buy Bitcoin instead so for us for the people for the Sovereign people it’s not that big problem it’s more it shows the the current situation in the politic in Germany because uh you see this as a intelligent uh man or intelligent woman you see what your government is doing and you just think okay um I buy Bitcoin with your printed money out of nothing we’re going to go right now to a quick aerial shot some Drone footage of Michael sailor Miami mansion home we’re celebrating counting down to New Year’s counting down to 100K again we’ll be right back after this break [Music] my [Music] heart I [Music] can’t heart [Music] [Music] [Music] love o Love [Music] Is Love [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] know for you just for you see sh for you [Music] sh for you for and you will see shine through the come foro [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on on [Music] [Music] on on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Che [Music] [Music] we’re back at Michael sailor New Year’s Eve 100K Bitcoin party you’re watching Bitcoin magazine joined once again by Roman raham CEO of block trainer and a new special guest here Gary Leland creator of the bit block boom conference in Texas this April the longest running Bitcoin conference in the world Gary you were just out here we’re at Michael sailor Miami estate Michael sailor the Michael sailor from micro strategy what are you seeing out there what was your experience out in the Halls well you know when we came everybody else came out here to watch you in this massive crowd out here but we went in the house and took a tour no one was in there Harley not only are there beautiful women in there food and drink but the house is just gorgeous I mean it’s just a beautiful home it’s decorated for Christmas um actually this was this was a house that they could charge for tours of the house just to see it a special place to be and of course they’re giving away some items it looks like you walked away with some sort of book well in one room for is Art and fractal crip has several pieces in there and he has this book I don’t know where to put this book at but this book is uh the time chain codex signed by frao Crypt and it says artist proof sailor 100,000k New Year’s Eve well some of the best Bitcoin artists in the world here the topic now what’s going to get us re accelerated to 100K we were talking with Roman about nation state adoption of course his home country of Germany not really setting the mark in terms of what we expect Gary what’s your sense you’re a proud Texan if you’re from the US does the US now become the Bitcoin leader we want it to be with Trump’s re-election what’s your feel for what’s going to happen in 2025 well I feel that it’s going to just go crazy I really do I think not only do we have nation states which we’re all hearing about nation states the United States and blah blah blah blah blah we have all these US states all right that are as big as countries you we have Texas now they’re running one through there we have Pennsylvania Running one through there we have one uh Wyoming we have Florida I mean all these states are running it through the the states by themselves plus with the United States they can change the destiny and the direction or not change it keep it on the same path for some data points here Pennsylvania I believe Texas and Ohio already thinking about a state strategic Reserve Roman uh Curious your thoughts doesn’t the US have too much Bitcoin uh is Europe getting F how does Europe catch up to what’s going on do you think that these states uh will be buying Bitcoin how do you feel about that uh I think it’s great because if you ask a bitcoiner how many Bitcoin he has the one correct answer always is not enough so it’s it doesn’t depend where you are on the world so just try to get uh this much Bitcoin as you can and that’s everything you should do in your life let’s try to make some predictions here you know we’re looking for 2025 Gary it sounds like you’re bullish on States buying Bitcoin putting at the balance sheet does that happen in 2025 in your view yes okay I don’t think that’s a hard thing you think that do you think US Government buys Bitcoin next year yes okay I don’t think I don’t think they’re going to do a gigantic thing on day one but I they will put Bitcoin if nothing else the $250,000 they have sitting there they’re going to throw that in strategic reserves and do you think that you will see a US state buy Bitcoin next year your prediction Texas will be the first one that’s why I live there so Texas will be the first state you heard it here first Roman your thoughts on these predictions do you think the US will buy more for Bitcoin this year obviously already large holders over 200,000 Bitcoin does the US buy Bitcoin in 2025 uh yeah probably but uh I’m not that sure if we see a really big uh strategic Reserve from the government more from the uh single States okay and I think the reason is that Trump uh for sure wants a strong dollar not a strong Bitcoin I think Bitcoin is uh is one tool for for making the dollar strong but it it’s not his main tool I think they have do with government um uh Department of government efficiency um they try to uh lower the cost of the government and that’s what they want to do and as well he forces now other countries to use the dollar again he sees that uh countries like uh even the NATO countries are decreasing the um yeah the depbt to the dollar and he want that again so I think Bitcoin is one one step in this but not the main step right now this will be probably the main step in the future but I think in the first moment he will a strong dollar that that’s my prediction on this so I I think probably yeah Texas will be one of the first States Texas buying Bitcoin in 2025 you heard it here we’ve got two yes predictions we’re going back to the red carpet now Bitcoin magazine roving correspondent Isabella Santos back with another special guest stay tuned and we’re here with Neil and Cano and of course I got to ask you guys what were you doing when Bitcoin reached 100K I have no clue I don’t remember that I don’t follow the price that much were you sleeping was it on your on your side of the pond maybe I don’t know you might uh yeah it probably was sleeping actually yeah yeah no I was actually FaceTiming with my mom and I was like I think it’s about to happen and she’s like yeah and then literally like a few minutes later we went over 100,000 so hi Mom how’s it going oh no I think I think I was actually on a pod with someone not when it hit 100K but when it it all timed high when I did a pod with someone I can’t remember who but like during the Pod like it hit new alltime highs and I heard tonight it hasn’t reached 100K do you guys think we’re going to reach 100K tonight that depends on who you’re asking value subjective you know like to me it’s always been at 100K yeah million already it should be no one’s getting my Bitcoin for 100k well I heard sailor might have another party when it reaches 10 million speaking of the price do you guys have a price prediction for 2025 yes one Bitcoin will be worth one Bitcoin in 2025 that’s when you know you’re a bitcoiner what about you I don’t really get into the predictions at all so that that’s my answer too I I just know that it’s you know programmed to go up forever you know it’s in it’s in the math so just go with that as your uh you know prognostication I guess perhaps more importantly Fiat is program to go to zero over time so like yeah they’re stealing from you people they’re stealing your money because Bitcoin is the real money and do you guys think that Trump will like fulfill his promise of having a Bitcoin Reserve I don’t care one single bit fair enough fair enough what about you I do care about one thing I do care if he freeze Ross or not like so free Ross alri please you promised do you have a specific message for Ross when he first comes out what would you tell him uh uh good for you dude I don’t know I don’t have a specific message for us no but I wish him I wish him the freedom he so deserves he did nothing wrong in my opinion what about you will Trump have a Bitcoin reserve and what message would you send to Ross alrick the day that he gets out well um as far as Ross like just congratulations I hope that Trump uh follows through on his word and as as far as the Strategic Reserve um you know American politics is very uh very messy so you never really know what’s going to happen um but I think they’re going to try to do it I mean we saw Eric Trump right at Abu Dhabi uh push at the Bitcoin conference in Abu Dhabi pushing it um and yeah you know there’s Senators here US senators here today um so they’re definitely into it so we’ll see and my last final question would be what would be the most iconic moment moment in the Bitcoin space in 2024 in next year or this year this year year the most iconic moment you answer first I need to think about that let it think let it marinate see you’re gonna have something really crafty and make may make my answer look good I would just say the whole year in general I mean the ETF launch in the beginning of the year in the US no one saw that coming uh Bitcoin Nashville was amazing right having presidential uh nominees there right RFK and Trump you know before he got elected and then Trump getting elected you know the the geopolitical landscape around Bitcoin has completely changed all these years wow that was a nice riy that just went by all these years you know we were talk governments are going to ban Bitcoin governments are going to ban Bitcoin and I’m not saying you should trust governments at all but it is funny that kind of like the opposite is happening and some are embracing it so we’ll see how it goes and we’ll see how the night goes and oh wait wait I know the I know the exact moment okay it’s right here right now being interviewed by you like no that’s the nicest thing ever we are having such a told you he would come up with a crafty answer but yeah and no thank you Michael sailor this is an amazing party thank you for inviting all of us it’s amazing back to you Rizo Michael sailor New Year’s Eve 100K Bitcoin party in Miami Florida you just heard on stage right now a prediction next year Texas will become the first US state to buy Bitcoin that was from Gary Leland creator of the bitbox boom conference in Texas this April we’re joined by a new guest you know him from his ex post his threads his spaces Dennis Porter founder of the Satoshi action fund Dennis want to bring you in the conversation Gary’s prediction 2025 Gary said yes next year a state will buy Bitcoin it will be Texas your thoughts as we head back to 100K here uh it’s a great it’s a great I think statement it’s an accurate prediction but I think it’ll be just slightly off you might want to modulate it to be one of the first states to put Bitcoin on the balance sheet because the Texas Bill actually doesn’t allow Texas to buy it only allows for donations and taxes to be paid but well what’s the difference here what’s the Nuance maybe St set back maybe people don’t know the work you’re doing with Satoshi action fund on the state level maybe just bring us up to speed so Satoshi action is a nonprofit what we do is we advocate for Bitcoin by educating lawmakers and Regulators about the benefits of Bitcoin and then we turn around and we say well now that you like Bitcoin as much as we do buy it yes also that but we uh we craft model policy and we say take this model policy and pass it into law we’ve had 30 Bill introductions in 20 different states so roughly half the United States has seen our legislation and then we also work with those lawmakers to make sure the legislation passes into law a lot of these are focused on self- custody protecting core Bitcoin rights correct yeah okay yeah Bitcoin rights the right to self- custody the rights of M the rights are run a node the right to peer-to-peer transactions are protected now in four different states Oklahoma Louisiana Arkansas and Montana but we’re just getting started there’s going to be a whole lot more States and now going into 2025 we have at least I would say 10 States maybe up to 12 states that are going to introduce strategic Bitcoin Reserve legislation the legislation introduced right that’s passing into the house it’s passing into the house senates and the state level what does it take to get passed is this going to be a Monumental undertaking on the same uh Grandeur of the US strategic Bitcoin Reserve or can things happen fast at the state level happen very fast in fact we already have a state that we think is a near 100% guarantee to pass our legislation to law the the thing this about are you able to divulge we can’t Dev State got to protect the policy process I’ve made this mistake before telling bitcoiners too much and then they Rush In And you know things get messy and Things Fall Apart so how long do you think it’ll be I I it’s going to happen within the next four months four months okay so what’s going to happen is there’s a state that has a task force they meet in the offseason and what they do is they say okay we like this bill or we don’t like this bill every Bill they’ve passed out of that task force in the last several years every bill that they said they like passes into law well our bill just passed out of that task force so we give it a near 100% chance that our bill will pass into law and that that state will be able to start buying Bitcoin well they’re loving this in the chat right now we’re taking questions on X Rumble YouTube Gary he didn’t ask him who he thinks the first state I did but he didn’t answer I already know who it is that’s the problem he knows the answer but uh Gary let’s go back to you maybe let’s talk about this election it was historic obviously there was a big shift read I mean how much of this uh uh you know nation state or sorry uh adoption in the US do we think the Democrats can support this do you think they’ll support it at the state level how do you view this sort of Left Right Dynamic with Bitcoin today in the US well I think that yeah I do think that Democrats are capable of being orange pilled I guess that is your question yes yes and I do think anyone is capable we write a we wrote a whole book to try to orange pill people of both political parties right bigcoin in the American dream right that’s where you know you became my adopted son right of course a very prestigious occasion yes I do think Democrats will come on board I think it’s just a matter of time it’s a matter of time before if if they don’t come on board quickly other countries start buying and then we have fomo happening with everybody I mean that’s the key is fomo is is GNA make things happen that people didn’t think would happen we got a question now the zenen question for Dennis any thoughts on crypto projects do you see States entertaining crypto on the same level as they are Bitcoin that’s a question from the YouTube chat thanks for watching no I mean I mean at the end of the day like this is bitcoin’s core purpose right it is to be a savings technology and to protect yourself from inflation and mon to basement and States more than anything else need that type of protection because the states don’t have a money printer you know federal government they can just boom boom boom every time they want hit that money priner states don’t have that and now we’re having States across this country with massive budget deficits not all of them you know but a lot of them have massive budget deficits because of all the inflation they didn’t protect themselves so Bitcoin is a core as a core strategy to help them protect themselves from monetary debasement and inflation is going to happen but it’s the best at it why would you buy anything else the Bitcoin price $93,000 were three and a half hours away from Midnight Eastern the New Year 2025 we’re going to go back to the red carpet with Isabella Santos with our next guest here and Michael sailor New Year’s Eve 100K Bitcoin party we’re here with Samson ma over here in the 100K party and Samson I have to ask what were you doing when Bitcoin reached 100K nothing exciting I was just on a marketing call with uh my team beon bit intelligence and a few others and we’re just talking and someone said oh look it it’s 100k and then we just finished our meeting that’s it oh I love that early start of the day did you ever think we were GNA reach 100k this year definitely I think we’re still undervalued Bitcoin should be way over 100 maybe 200 right now so the market is going to the Market’s going to fix that by rebounding and then it’s Omega candle time whoa Omega candle speaking of price predictions what is your highest price prediction that Bitcoin will reach in 2025 well I thought we’d hit 1 million this year year or 2024 so I think I’ll push it to 20 2025 so end of next year we’ll hit 1 million I like that I like that and we’ve seen you cooking around the world talking to all these politicians is there anything exciting that we can be looking out for in 2025 aside from the Bitcoin price prediction well lots of stuff we have some interesting things with aqua that’s going to change the game and Bank the unbanked uh we have some new people joining the team Maybe maybe some high-profile bitcoiners and we might meet some uh heads of state in the coming year oh so you got to keep your eye out speaking of you know politicians and everything do you think Bitcoin um well Trump would do his conquest and keep his promise of reaching you know and having a Bitcoin Reserve I think so it’s really that they have no choice they have to create the Bitcoin Reserve they need to buy Bitcoin simply because they need to shore up the US dollar and strengthen it and I think they view it more as a measure to boost the dollar but ultimately I think it ends up killing the dollar and it you enter the hyperbitcoinization phase very true and we have heard some rumors that Ross will be freed in 2025 what message would you want him to hear the first day he comes out thanks for taking one for the team and that’s for sure thank you Ross for taking one for the team and over to you it’s Tom YouTube chat now turning bearish here saying we’re going down we’ve got some uh uh end of the year dumpit saying 2025 is going to be a bare Market it’s Michael sailor Bitcoin 100K party you’re watching Bitcoin at magazine we’re talking price projections with our special guest now Gary Leland of bit block boom and Dennis Porter of the Satoshi action fund some price Pro projections for next year just want to read them off Kathy Wood a million dollar by 2023 Vanek saying 180k this cycle Max Kaiser calling for 2.2 million and Sor of course Michael sailor $49 Million by 2025 or sorry 2050 Gary we were talking about price Pro projections you love to make them you were right this time around what don’t you tell us the folks at home well first of all let me say I’ll be dead by the Time Michael sailor comes through since I’m 70 so I’ll never know so Michael sailor’s projection is not bullish for you so I could I could join that I could join that and if I’m wrong can give me a as your honorary son I find it very bullish actually thank you but no I I think that it’s easy to say 175 by next year by the end of next year next year I have no problem saying 17 we like on the show we like serious pred predictions pined down Dennis Porter now we’re going to go to you a price projection for the end of 2025 well I think it all stems on whether or not governments start buying Bitcoin or not which feel very bullish about and I think is a near is a foregone conclusion in 2025 that a state at bare minimum will start buying Bitcoin but if we have that versus a you know executive order that’s signed by Trump that’s a big it’s a huge another leap so I think if we get a state on board we go to 200k and if Trump signs the executive order we go to 350 wow $350,000 per Bitcoin of course they’ll be the 300K party maybe here in Miami Florida uh want to note something which it does seem like Wall Street analysts are sort of United right now and saying 160 to 180k is that too conservative for next year Gary do you think we’re going higher my personal thoughts are much higher than 175 but I want to be correct so I’m going with what I know will be correct it’s like last year Chris Christmas well as I was going to say in 2021 we saw a lot of this as well right bitcoiners is projecting that in 2021 we would hit 100K Michael may be planning this party for years like we don’t know this actually I was on this property and uh with Michael talking with him and Eric Kathy and I and I asked him about that prediction I asked Eric about that prediction when it was going to the moon and and Eric told me and I don’t think this is any secret so I’m not worried about saying said yeah he’s going to do it but he didn’t think it was going to happen this quick as it may be going you know so he was really thinking I think more long Michael sa backstage telling us the next is a million dooll party so hopefully you’re seeing that soon Dennis your thoughts on this just sort of herd mentality on Wall Street are they correct do we think 160 180k definitely going to happen do we get burned like we did in 2021 well I think the big thing is is that we got to really see the liquid Supply on the exchanges come down and they they are kind of assuming that we’re going to continue to have a reduction in the amount of growth we see every cycle and we have seen that take place but that’s because we’ve seen more and more and more availability of Bitcoin on on exchanges we’ve seen more ability to access Bitcoin buy Bitcoin sell Bitcoin but what’s going to happen eventually is you know sailor and many others are pushing us along the supply curve and eventually it’s going to be really hard to get Bitcoin and then the volatility will pick back up and we’ll see these huge price spikes is that going to happen this cycle possibly but at the bare minimum it’s going to happen I Believe by next cycle how do you think about price projections because there’s an element of this Gary do you still think this should be the tip of the spear with adoption that people cuz they look at 100K Bitcoin and they say we missed out what do you say to people who come to you and tell you those at some point in time they’re going to understand that it’s SATs or bits that they’re worried about B ships is the deal sats are the deal that’s right that’s what it is it’s not Bitcoin 2.1 quadrillion Bitcoins smaller units but at at some point in time we’re going to start talking that way because it’s going to be almost impossible to buy a Bitcoin what do you say to a young kid maybe under 30 who say I I’ll never accumulate a Bitcoin maybe for Gary Leland of the bit block boom conference it was easy people may pay you in Bitcoin your sponsors I’ll never get a Bitcoin I can’t aspire to that well that’s a good question you know but they they if they start buying that’s the thing if they start buying if they start dollar cost averaging however they want to buy I mean really you know I I was talking to someone the other day I said you know it’s a matter of what and this wasn’t about Bitcoin but I said it’s a matter of whether you want to look like a millionaire or whether you want to be a millionaire if you want to look like a millionaire yeah you’ll be driving a fancy car dressing up all the damn time if you want to be a millionaire you’ll be spending every penny you can on every sat every Bitcoin you can buy and you can get enough to buy a whole Bitcoin if if you’re priorities are right and that’s the thing a lot of people don’t want to do the work so yeah they aren’t going to get that whole Bitcoin the advice from Tik tok’s Bitcoin Boomer blowing up last cycle Dennis your thoughts to what you say to young people want to get into Bitcoin but feel like they missed it like I mean ultimately we’re at the beginning of what could be the F the final version of money right so it a thousand years is going to go by and po people will potentially still be using Bitcoin so to be even be in the first hundred years the first century of bitcoin’s existence I think is a blessing all right we’re going to go live now over to the red carpet we’ve got Isabella Santos we’re showing you inside micro strategy CEO Michael sailor Miami home the best and brightest bitcoiners descending here ready to celebrate New Year’s Eve Isabella we’re taking it over to you hi we are here live with d++ funny enough the first time we met we were actually at s’s party we met on sailor’s boat we did and now we’re here celebrating 100K what were you doing when Bitcoin reached 100K I love that question I was in Africa in Kenya I was at the Messi Mara which I totally recommend and I went on a safari and I woke up and Bitcoin had just happened to hit 100K while I was asleep and we celebrated at What’s called the Sundown which is where you go have a drink in the middle of this incredible landscape and so I was there for the Africa Bitcoin conference which I highly recommend I thought that was crazy even Jack dorsy was there he was there yes and he watched every single like every single talk he just sat there and watched it was incredible talking about incredible moments what was one of the most iconic moments in 2024 in the Bitcoin space for you this right we’re at it right now this Michael sailor 100K party I heard Michael actually I did have a I threw a party um I threw a having party that was iconic and I think as far as I know um my my party was the only party in the world that happened at a block height as opposed to a time and date so it didn’t matter what time what day it didn’t matter if it was going to be like 5: in the morning you have to just show up at a block height and what time was it well we got lucky because the having just so happened to occur in the US on a Friday night that was pretty iconic nobody had reach like had mentioned the haling we’ve had the haling Trump we’ve had the ETFs oh no was having of course well specifically my party well are you going to have another having party yes we are so me and Martel Fox we’re having another party um in 2028 I love that you’re sort of like the Bitcoin Atlantis conference that they pop up every four years yeah now I have to ask do you think Trump is going to have a Bitcoin Reserve this upcoming year I don’t know so I’m a Bitcoin developer so I’m kind of here more for like the Revolution and so I can’t really speculate when it comes to politics because I’ve opted out of that oh I love that opt out of the system can you speculate on the price how high would it be in 2025 infinity and beyond to the moon and so now I um well I’m kind of running out of my questions here yeah I think we got it covered are you ready Rizo to take it back from here Rizo Rizzo we’re waiting for you my friend you taking it or what would you going [Music] [Music] [Music] do yeah I’m going do a a little gospel song [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] in the audience she’s blessed my friend syia she’s blessed we all blessed cuz we still [Music] here this is one of my songs by Howard [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do do [Music] w [Music] I I I love you tonight no I I a’t my love to you [Music] tonight e e coin party in Miami Florida you’re watching Bitcoin magazine joined Now by a special guest Brian corain founder of Dame registered investment advisor the topic now is we head towards 100K we head towards this New Year trafi what’s going on on W Street are they getting it Brian you were just telling me a bit about your journey from 2014 being early you saw the future then can Wall Street see this future now are they waking up ran they’re waking up a little slower I think than media will portray right so the ETFs are gathering a lot of volume a lot of size a lot of a the best uh ETF debut of all time right to surpassing some gold you’re saying that doesn’t wow people there’s so much more to come it’s so so since 2018 we’ve been licensed as an raia specifically for Bitcoin and we’ve had a lot of advisers come to us over the years and say Hey I want some of this first I’m going to open an account with you I’m going to feel how it works and then I’m going to see if I can pitch this to my clients they end up loving it often times they use a tax advantage account maybe an IRA but then when it comes time to roll out a program to their own clients and maybe using us as a sub-advisor at tpam this is back in 2018 2019 bare Market by the way um they ran they they they had a lot of older traditional conservative but isn’t some breaking down you’ve got Donald Trump saying that the United States is going to support this you’ve got States saying that they’re going to buy Bitcoin you’ve got other nations is it is this getting through it’s the mess is getting through but the problem is in the smaller like raia space and you’re looking at like the guys that are below like 300 million in assets under management have a lot of flexibility P some yeah but look that helps right if they’re going to make a 1 to 3% allocation that’s great then their buddy who owns their own independent Raa firm can do the same thing it’s that middle bracket where the guys that have like half like half a billion to a couple billion and they’re under the umbrella of like an LPL or something that are just like really restricted because they use th those bones and the compliance under the hood is really just telling them no no but when they see something like obviously Michael sailor public company amassing over 440,000 Bitcoin uh what’s their reaction to this do they understand the corporations are now buying Bitcoin what’s been interesting is that micro strategy was an investment that was allowed prior to them owning Bitcoin so a lot of these investment advisers maybe had micro strategy on the books okay and it coincidentally became a proxy right for Bitcoin and so that’s been a benefit to those advisers that had that position on for their clients they synthetically had Bitcoin even though they may will not be able to get Bitcoin and so you know micro strategies going it’s been a way to help pave the way for Wall Street right and micro strategy some insane numbers this year we can read them off uh but I want to stick with this concept of fud for a second and just is Wall Street waking up obviously there were the ETFs that were approved this year there’s still a lot of famous haters we’ve got Jason calanis out there fding micro strategy fding Bitcoin we’ve got Paul Krugman retiring from The New York Times but still writing Bitcoin hate articles are these critics now being more dismissed are these voices diminishing or is finance guy on Twitter uh you know still dominating when he says you know uh uh put your money in real estate and these existing assets look the all-in podcast amazing right one of my favorites for several years um things have changed recently right um David saaks now appointed the AI cryptar uh Jason calanis shock value right I think he’s been a little bit of a naysayer of it along the way uh but sheth’s Pro Bitcoin you see David saxs is um this is just short-term stuff to get some attention um we’re in a bull market right now and this is going to continue and so they have to say something that will get clicks versus just you know buy Bitcoin beong Bitcoin bitcoin’s great they have to say something different but are they are they delaying ex exposure right because so what we’re wondering I think is you know what are the headwinds or what are the Tailwinds here uh because it seems like everything is going and bitcoin’s direction right if you wanted the perfect setup for a great 2025 you wanted a trump election you wanted the US strategic Reserve being green lit you wanted nation state fomo setting in you wanted retail coming back and getting activated it seems like we’re checking a lot of the boxes and it’s and it’s not a sell the news event by any means uh a week before Bitcoin Nashville I was on CNBC saying look I think this is what Trump’s going to say he’s going to say that he’s going to make Bitcoin part of the Strategic Reserve now doing that moving some of these from the the Department of Justice the Department of Treasury I hope to see it in the first 90 days the the Bitcoin beehive is going to be on them to hold them accountable for that and maybe if we at least see 40,000 units start to get moved would be a great thing your prediction you think the US government buying Bitcoin within the first 90 days you’re moving first moving okay moving first right from the Department of Justice the Seas coins the approximately just under 200,000 and then RFK maybe in year two of Trump’s presidency coming in and and getting the buying and that’s where it just becomes an an unbel believable race where other nation states are just like scrambling to get ahead once they hear the Rumblings and then to play catchup well speaking of Rumblings we’re broadcasting live on X YouTube and Rumble we’ve got a lot of chatter in the chat room now people saying they missed the boat on micro strategy and kind of looking at what has happened this really took a lot of even bitcoiners by storm right we saw micro strategy achieve 4 177% gain in 2024 the top performing US Stock hitting meme stock territory we even saw Master surpasses doc era Peak uh how do you evaluate uh migro strategy in context to bitcoin uh is it a competing or complimentary investment it is a bit of a competitor to bitcoin right it a lot of people looked it as a leverage play it was also easy access to bitcoin when trafi looks at their trading platforms interactive brokers LPL these guys in the back end it’s it’s what’s easy what’s there um you know advisor jobs a lot these days is is based on managing the relationship then behind the scenes there’s the team of analysts and maybe portfolio managers but they’re really restricted by that compliance department but when it comes down to micro strategy if that’s the only thing that’s available that still helps the industry right in growth and so over time for us specifically we do invest in pure Bitcoin that’s what we want to give our clients there’s no carry cost on it we all know the benefits of it we think that clients should be in it if they want to gain access to the space but if you don’t have that capability and you are married to your investment adviser hopefully he can get you at least micro strategy well we want to get people excited in the chat before we take a break pinning people down on predictions Brian got to hold you in the hot seat what’s one thing we’re going to see in 2025 that might shock people oo something that’s going to shock people in 2025 um I think it’s going to be a little bit more difficult for Trump to move these over to the Strategic Reserve I really do um it might need to be a little bit of language change that gets this done um like Texas we’re seeing is kind kind of curving it into like the kind of form of language that way they can just get this going and I think that that delay would be a little unfortunate to happen but once we kind of see that there’s green we’re taken off from that well Dennis Porter predicting we’ll see a US state purchase Bitcoin over the first four months of 2025 the Bitcoin price $93,000 we’re 3 hours away from New Years we’re going to send it over to the red carpet Isabella Santos back with another guest from Michael Sailors New Year’s Eve 100K Bitcoin party thanks for having me Pete we’re here with Simon from meta Planet the highest performing stock so far and it’s a full circle moment because I remember the first time we talked you told me that you got inspired by Michael sailor and now we’re here celebrating the 100K party oh it’s an absolute honor and privilege uh to be here to celebrate this incredible Milestone $100,000 is just the beginning um and it couldn’t be a better place to do that here in Miami Miami where the heat is shining and we feel it what were you exactly doing when Bitcoin reached 100K oh that’s a wonderful question I should have thought about the answer in advance um probably in Japan where I live um looking at markets like I always do constantly clicking Refresh on the screen um but uh yeah I think 100,000 is just the the beginning and next year we’re going to see much higher prices uh much more excitement to come speaking of years what was the most iconic moment for you in 2024 with your in relation to bitcoin yeah um I think it really is seeing the incredible adoption that has come through through Bitcoin the ETF uh launch in the US at the beginning of the year um slowly uh but surely seeing uh Bitcoin becoming a topic of discussion um at the highest levels of government uh corporations around the world beginning to adopt it um as as a Bitcoin standard uh in April for us that’s when we uh decided that uh we wanted to adopt Bitcoin and now all we want to do uh is accumulate more Bitcoin over time for our shareholders um and so 2024 will go down as as the year uh where it all began the year where it all began and also sort of like Donald Trump following your footsteps because now he’s saying he’s going to have a Bitcoin strategic Reserve do you think that’s actually going to happen absolutely um you know being a non-american perhaps I can I can say this uh definitively I I do think that uh the Bitcoin Community um in the US helped elect the president um and so hopefully uh president Trump will uh do what he has said that he will um which is to to make Bitcoin a strategic Reserve um and then countries around the world will follow um Japan is is one of those countries where they do look to the us as sort of their big brother and follow in their footsteps and so I think if uh president Trump does adopt it as a strategic Reserve then Japan and many many other countries in Asia will do the same in a way it’s sort of like we’re going to see this the game theory play out in full circle we’re going to see like what countries would you say will follow um the United States Footprints um good question um said Japan yeah I think Japan uh I think a lot of the countries in in Asia um I think a lot of the third world countries in particular um that see U you know perhaps adopting Bitcoin will be a way to show up their own currencies uh it’s going to be interesting to see I mean coming you know out of uh the Dubai Abu Dhabi conference uh we got to hear from a lot of the you know governments in the region and I think it’s definitely something that is a is a topic and they are secretly buying kind of behind the scenes and hopefully they will announce you know quite soon I think a lot of them are being deferent uh to the US so after president Trump announces the Strategic Reserve I think a lot of other countries will say actually we own we own Bitcoin as well I love that Bitcoin is going to the moon and we’re going to see it in all the countries play out over to you Rizo Year’s Eve 100K Bitcoin party in Miami Florida we’re 3 hours away from New Year’s on Eastern Standard Time joined by a new round of special guests now to talk about the catalysts that are going to get us back over 100k get this party started we’ve got Pier Rashard VP of research at Riot co-host of the Bitcoin advisers podcast and Morgan Rashard his co-host on the Bitcoin for advisor podcast welcome thanks for having us yeah so you guys have been out there not change to the desk like me you’ve been out in the party you’ve seen the dancers you’ve seen the statues what’s like being at this 100K party right now for all the plebs at home we stacking stats they couldn’t come here they couldn’t pay for the flights to come to this party what’s it like out there Pi uh it’s pretty amazing I mean it’s the first time I’ve uh it’s first time I’ve met uh Mr sailor uh so I I had that wonderful opportunity and you met Adam back recently for the first time right you need to get out more uh that was actually the second time Adam thought it was the first time but I had met him in Ria before that so I’m glad you rectified that to yeah I need to go to more Bitcoin conferences so that I can meet more uh right yeah so Morgan your thoughts uh the people the excitement who have you seen what are you what are you seeing out there yeah it’s been really good to um to put faces to names on Twitter for sure people who I’ve talked to but never actually met in person so that was really exciting um and yeah it’s I mean it’s amazing to be out here with so many people who are so excited about Bitcoin um and to just connect um it was really cool to go on Michael sailor’s yacht yeah um right over there nice wood paneling we’ll get you the aerial shot yeah well we were talking about backstage uh Pierre and I about just what a roller coaster it’s been over the last few months we saw each other in November for the election on the Bitcoin magazine election live stream obviously since then the pricing an alltime high then of 73,000 seems like peanuts now hit 108,000 where were you guys when we hit the alltime high Pierre uh tell the folks at home what happened where were you uh I I was at home uh and the first thing I did was shove my phone in Morgan’s face hey we got 100000 um and it is it’s aor moment right I know that it’s just a symbol number uh but at the end of the day uh bitcoin’s been around for 16 years and for for somebody who’s seen Bitcoin you know first time I looked at the Bitcoin price I think it was $20 uh and to see it uh unfold like this is astonishing although when I first met Morgan and we started dating I told her that Bitcoin was going to replace the financial system in 2014 ah okay uh so I’m updating it 2025 is the year in which Bitcoin takes over yeah well we’ve got people in the chat talking about their drunk Bitcoin buying tonight you guys are Bitcoin advisers this this advisable are you advising New Year’s Eve drunk Bitcoin buying so as a financial planner without knowing your situation it’s it might be okay um that said though right it’s obviously I think it’s it’s one thing if it’s you know just a little bit here and you’re excited and you’re drug buying it’s another thing if you’re moving all of the chips in One Direction and you haven’t really thought about your financial plan um I know people don’t like to hear that from me and they think oh Morgan’s so bearish all the time she’s always telling me not to own so much Bitcoin and that’s not necessarily the case um in my practice we have uh people who have anywhere from you know a 1% position in Bitcoin to actually 100% in Bitcoin so um I think it’s just it’s situation dependent for sure um but that said you know if you’re just having a good time you’re popping some bubbly you buy $20 there’s a bigger problem with this scenario is that uh this person wasted their money on alcohol instead of buying more Bitcoin right so alcohol is a shitcoin presumably sitting in chairs you talked about your first seeing Bitcoin at $20 myself $50 in 2013 uh is there a sense that you have where if you had told me back then $100,000 Bitcoin what the world would be like I would have said we’re using Bitcoin every day it’s sort of embedded in society it’s embedded in payments it’s in the financial uh infrastructure in a way that maybe it it hasn’t become yet has that make you more bullish what’s your reaction to that Pierre Morgan well my reaction to that is that we underestimated how important the store of value function is in the adoption of Bitcoin and so while philosophically I’m a Libertarian I I love the idea of uh hey let’s just have all payments be on bitcoin or on Lightning uh as it may be um the reality is that most people they’re looking at their pocket book they’re looking at how do I make money off of this and so that’s where the store value the number go up technology uh the scarcity the finite scarcity of Bitcoin uh has been a huge hit has driven a lot of adoption far beyond kind of the libertarian agorist uh roots of the project um at the same time while not losing sight of what makes Bitcoin valuable right which is that you can independently verify everything that you don’t have to trust third parties um but uh I I I’m a big proponent of accepting reality on reality’s terms and uh this is the the real give you another option unfortunately right I mean look lots of folks have tried to crack that nut of hey let’s get people to use Bitcoin for payments dayto day and to varying degrees of success uh but all the while far less success than this idea of hey Bitcoin is like your savings account you know the the the sales of Hardware wallets has been very healthy so I think there’s lots of people who are self custody and now you’ve got lots of people who are holding Bitcoin in these different securitized forms of ETFs of micr strategy Etc Morgan does adoption look different than you thought it might when all those years ago you were on a date with Pierre and he was talking about Bitcoin um so Pier has always been ahead of his time I will give him that uh it’s definitely a gift from above um that he he as is generally right it just takes a lot longer than he thinks it will um and so I I actually I didn’t I didn’t think that we would be here I think I’m the on the opposite side of that I tend to be thinking that things are going to actually be slower than they are and so for me to see after you know he’s been working in it for 12 years I’ve been working in it for 11 years for us to be here now it seems surreal honestly it seems like it almost impossible that this could have happened in such a short period of time I will say I’m a bit surprised that we’re seeing kind of a new wave of fud really even after 100K even after Trump the president of the United States saying he would have a pro Bitcoin position you’re seeing the Jason calanis your Finance guy on Twitter uh your uh Dave ramsy your Gareth solways who famously uh uh shorted Bitcoin ineffectively you’re still sort of seeing this narrative are you surprised P that that hasn’t broken down we haven’t seen a capitulation from the Peter shifts he hasn’t tweeted at you he’s not apologizing uh when does that happen does that happen in 2025 in yourview uh something I’ve learned in life is that uh success does attract haters right and so uh I think that this will amplify that you’ll you’ll essentially have this barbell distribution of people who really don’t like Bitcoin want to FUD it on Twitter 24/7 and the opposite of those who want to pump it 247 and so um we have to as rational people try to get through what what is the truth of the matter uh and obviously it’s somewhere in between right like it seems like it really just hasn’t shifted right Paul Krugman retired from the New York Times a few weeks ago now has a substack and he’s calling uh Bitcoin a tool for criminals still this is still happening in 2024 when we’re at Michael sailor New Year’s party Morgan this is this is crazy right yeah well on the other hand though there’s so many families now who have substantial Bitcoin Stacks right where they they’re experiencing true Financial issues or whatever it is that are actually coming where we’re doing true Bitcoin financial planning so like on the one side right we have these people here who maybe they’re screaming that Bitcoin is tulips or vapor whatever it is right but on the other side we’re seeing people who have actually truly benefited from holding the savings technology and who are now able to to do better in the world as a result of it holding technology we need to hold that thought we’ve got Isabella Santos live from the red carpet with a new guest taking us in sailor’s house sounds good all right four and we’re here still live at the 100K party and we got to ask Gary what were you doing at when bin reached 100K well I was not with a beautiful woman like you see she didn’t think I was going to say that but like I was not with a beautiful woman look at this look at this just perfection uh what was I doing at 100K I was probably thinking about why I didn’t buy more at 87 77 67 57 when everyone says it had already reached this top that’s what I was doing I was like ding dong Gary’s a ding-dong Gary’s a dingdong now that you’ve seen all the prices go through rich dingdong at this point so you know I might have missed a couple of Bitcoin but I I did a pretty good job in the last three years of picking up a couple of Bitcoin would you say rich in Bitcoin or rich in Fiat cuz there’s a difference now I would say that I am rich in beingness because of Bitcoin actually and I really believe I could actually run a I could write a book on how Bitcoin allows me to be me and not be subject to other whims and political constraints possibly even though that sounds heavy on a New Year’s Eve night no but I love it because it talks about why Bitcoin changed you how has Bitcoin changed you uh this may not be really like uh that exciting but it’s made me a better person like I and I find that really bizarre that I even say that but Bitcoin has helped me look at The World Slightly differently that’s given me uh an attitude of Hope more interest in being free uh and more interested in everyone being free like the the cool thing about Bitcoin it’s not a Net Zero Sum game like you can win and I can win we don’t like you can choose to be a bitcoiner you can choose not to be it’s cool either way no one is getting hurt and I love that about the whole complex I like that and I like how deep we’re going speaking of deep do you think Trump is actually going to do what he promised free Ross and create a Bitcoin strategic Reserve uh I think uh Donald Trump uh if he can do something and he’s promised it and people supported him he will support it uh I have not seen that he falters on his uh commitments to people and I have met him he has told the Bitcoin Community he’ll support us if we support him and to that point I will say I really want to put my hand up for Donald Trump and the whole Administration that is extremely Pro Bitcoin extremely Pro transparency and the only way this country moves into further relevance in the next 100 years is if we we as bitcoiners should demand all governments all education all systems all corporate parties to behave the way Sailors behaving which is highly transparent to behave the way Bitcoins behaving which is TR highly transparent audited every 10 minutes that is the theme to me that 2025 brings us is give me a world of transparency and if there is not transparency we know there’s crime we know there’s inefficiency we know there’s something going on that someone’s ashamed of and that we don’t want to continue that’s my view no and I like that transparency is key and I feel like that’s the only reason why Bitcoin works so well if you have your own note at home which I hope you all do at the same time I want to ask what’s the most iconic moment in 2024 in the Bitcoin space that’s happened to you the most iconic moment uh was I think Cindy Lumis pushing the administration during the Nashville uh event at Bitcoin that some people don’t know about there was a party of 15 or 20 people in a private room that I happen to be a part of and there were miners there Senators congressmen Howard lutnick Gemini uh I mean coinbase everybody all the major players are there some donors like myself and my position was hey let’s just get Trump to say he’s going to keep the 200,000 Bitcoin and Lumis was like nah we need a fedal we need the reserve I’m like man that’s overreach I want to really commend that lady she like I’m so impressed cuz I would have pulled back she pushed hard we have a president who has said that he is going to seriously look at this the game’s done now the trigger has been lit the fuse is on fire every government on the planet must now look at this game theory is in full operation 100% game theory is full on plan we’re going to see the deal dude this is once Game Theory goes it’s game over it’s game over for anybody on the Fiat standard over to you results this guy just put all my shit in one yeah I know it’s uh [Music] same e [Music] a oh [Music] I’m the mystery man I’ll take you on a ride through the promised land lay your sweet Che in my hands turn the lights and kiss me where I stand you make [Music] me you make you make You Make Me Show You Make Me Show You Make Me Show You Make Me show [Music] you make me show I’m the the mystery man we’re dancing in a dream let your mind expand feel the RM in together onp to a Wonderland you make me shout you [Music] you you make you [Music] here [Music] back to Michael sailor’s 100K Bitcoin New Year’s Eve party presented by Bitcoin magazine my name is George male I’m the managing director of Bitcoin magazine here with Simon and Dylan from meta Planet guys Happy New Year how we feeling happy New Year happy New Year feeling great happy to be here well you guys got to be feeling especially great best performing stock in all of Japan is that right actually it’s the best performing stock in the world this year I stand corrected best performing stock in the world all of 2024 all of 2024 it’s uh obviously very humbling um but of course we come from a very low base and so the question really is on January 1st everything resets to zero again and so we’re at the uh the start line again um and looking to to deliver in 2025 unbelievable so what are your plans to how do you level up from here how do you go from the best performing stock in the world like how do you uh what’s the Encore look like well the hope is to become the best performing stock again next year all right um and that is driven by accumulating as much Bitcoin as we can next year um the challenge for us this year is we’ve come from a very low base um when you come from a low base it basically means that there’s in Japan a limit to how many new shares you’re able to issue at any one time um but now that our market cap is around $800 million uh it’s possible uh to raise money um at an expedited Pace um obviously to to buy Bitcoin amazing Dylan how are we feeling happy New Year my friend Happy New Year feeling great here we’re here at uh sailor Place uh New Year’s Eve obviously you know it’s crazy to come all this way how long you’ve been in Bitcoin how many years now uh uh you know five five and change um professionally a little bit less than that but uh yeah I mean it’s been a fun fun roller coaster you know I mean can you believe can you you’re looking around this party seeing all the people that are here it’s New Year’s Eve 100K Bitcoin hit this year I mean how does it feel for you seeing what you’ve seen in the space well you know the the the party was uh prophecied four years ago that’s true uh so it’s uh been a long time coming but no it’s it’s amazing um it’s it’s super cool uh and humbling to you know play A Part uh at the corporate level uh you know and bring something new to a new market um and yeah I mean it’s uh you know the the path has already been set for us and it’s just about uh you know knowing that that there’s already a strategy that’s the best out there and to Simply replicate it right you know not every idea needs to be a new idea right you know um sometimes it’s just about implementing the the best idea already which is Bitcoin definitely yeah and I mean meta planet has done incredible job of following in micro strategies footsteps and I think you know the the way that you guys have executed has been incredible I mean the results speak for themselves how would you say Dylan like what are you looking forward to in 2025 as you kind of settle into this role as a director of Bitcoin strategy at metop Planet uh are you going to do anything different are you just going to kind of double down on what’s been working or what can what can you share with us well you know we we we joke that the only thing better than Bitcoin it’s more Bitcoin uh but no I I think it’s it’s more the same it’s just uh you know at a greater scale scale right in in the absolute sense um so you know in in about 9 months 8 months we’ve tripled the share count you know but we started at a you know $15 million market cap right and now you know we now have 12 13 14 times the you know Bitcoin on our balance sheet as the value of the business was in April um and so so now it’s just about more of the same right it’s it’s about you know I think the more exciting thing rather you know than just numbers right is we get to educate you know tens of thousands hopefully eventually hundreds of thousands and millions of Japanese and international investors on the merits of Bitcoin denominating you know in Bitcoin on a Bitcoin standard um we adopted BTC yield following the micro strategy footsteps um which you know our our core kpi key performance indicator is Bitcoin per share uh whether that’s increasing or not right and so this is like a new Benchmark in the corporate world and uh you know it’s I think we’re you know there’s now three or four companies in the world that are doing this and I think where we’re going we kind of expect that eventually it’ll be tens and hundreds and thousands yeah absolutely Simon a lot of uh presidents CEOs of different corporations looking at you guys and and you know wondering how they can replicate your success what would you say to them what would be your number one advice maybe Lessons Learned or things you would have done differently the uh the benefit that we have is that we are not the first and we owe a lot uh to Michael stor and M strategy uh for the business plan which they have now created for the rest of the world to follow um and so we can’t you know take credit for coming up with the idea um but we can be proud of ourselves for following the Playbook to the te and so I think what I would say to other public companies around the world is you know there’s a difference between just buying you know 50 Bitcoin for the balance sheet and hoping that will somehow make the stock go up but to be really focused and disciplined and to understand the value of Bitcoin and what it can do for a company balance sheet um and once you do that once you adopt a Bitcoin standard properly formally um that’s when you begin to offer uh interesting opportunities for citizens of that country um to get exposure uh to bitcoin um we’ve been very humbled this year by the number of new investors that have become shareholders of metaplan and I think it’s struck a chord with them um that in a country with very low interest rates um where there limited opportunities for the average investor uh to get exposure to something that can generate a decent return um we’ve now come along and offer them something um which can give them hope and so Bitcoin in my mind is is definitely hope and I we want to uh play our part in onboarding a million people in Japan uh into Bitcoin uh via metaplan W I love that you said something interesting about uh companies that adopt a Bitcoin strategy but don’t maybe do do it the correct way like what what what are some of those pitfalls like how do you is there a way to like if you’re just accumulating Bitcoin but maybe you’re not following all the steps or like you’re like what is the wrong way to do it what what are like some warning signs I mean I have been approached um a lot in kind of in recent months people want to replicate our success um and again you know very humbled by this and I’m not uh you know I don’t take for granted um you know the the performance that we’ve had this year it’s a lot of hard work that has to go into this next year um to continue um but I think some people are probably thinking all we have to do is buy Bitcoin and and our stock will go up um and maybe micro strategy and metap planet have have made it seem like it’s really easy yeah but there’s so much work that goes behind the scenes our entire team Dylan um you know our IR Department a lot of work goes into you know properly communicating what we do um you know it’s it’s very important that shareholders understand um you know the the vision and and what it all means um you know when you’re issuing shares Etc so I would I would say that one shouldn’t look at Bitcoin as just a way to to make your stock go up it needs to be something that is embedded to your uh the fabric of of your company and your mission right right Georg I think there’s another you know interesting point there which you know in a bull market especially right you know everybody kind of it’s It’s the hot thing and you know you buy you buy Bitcoin and it’s going in a straight line up and you know the volatility is great right but you know maybe we for you know we might forget just you know at the end of the year performance at one point mark to Market we were down 25% on our Bitcoin position you know for for a moment in time uh you know in this summer at one point right and and if if that was you know a CEO or a board or a company or a shareholder base that wasn’t committed to the vision it’s panic mode right and for us we were cheering you know cuz we we had only 100 Bitcoin or so or 200 Bitcoin and you know we want to we want to you know 100x that figure right so so for us like great we have more time bitcoin’s not breaking its alltime high we get to stack we get to continue to communicate our vision um but when we say volatility is Vitality we know that it’s not a straight line up right and that that volatility also means downside volatility um but when we denominated in Bitcoin when we report BTC yield you know BTC yield doesn’t factor in btcusd appreciation or depreciation it’s Bitcoin denominated um so I think that’s you know that’s the real framework right is what separates maybe the you know the men from the boys per se in terms of the corporate vision is Art are you in it for the the Fiat gains or are you in it because you realize that this is what you want to denominate in yeah that’s a huge distinction well I think a lot more corporations going to be learning that lesson so looking ahead to 2025 let’s do a few uh predictions here what do you think is going to be the biggest company by market cap in 2025 to adopt a Bitcoin strategy or maybe a different way of asking it will any of like the you know the top 10 in the US adopt a Bitcoin strategy I would say Tesla probably probably adds some Bitcoin exposure um I mean it’s not I don’t I don’t think a full corporate Bitcoin standard but you know they’re already a top 10 holder and uh I think it makes sense to add more and you know I think someone I think Mark Zuckerberg’s goat is named Bitcoin uh so you know and and and they and you know he has a a you know uh super voting rights you know over 50% of the voting rights are Zuckerberg so so I wouldn’t be surprised you know someone like Mark Zuckerberg or you know some of the Fang companies I don’t expect a full on bitcoin standard but it’s I mean to me it’s it’s a no-brainer to add at least 1 to two to 5% of your liquid assets right so so I would expect you know 50 companies or so to do that you know how many full-on Bitcoin treasury companies you know out of the Fang stocks probably zero U but I would be delighted to be wrong there um and I think eventually it’s inevitable that they all do it Simon what do you think what predictions I’m looking more I guess at governments and I think if president Trump does what he says he was going to do and adopt Bitcoin as a strategic Reserve asset that there will be many countries around the world that will follow in the US footsteps uh the game theory will begin you don’t want to be the last person standing U you need to to buy Bitcoin and not be the last one to do so and so I think they’re already lots of governments around the world that have begun to buy Bitcoin already but I think they’re being deferent to the United States and once the US announces then you know they’ll feel more compelled to say actually we we own Bitcoin as well really so you so you think governments are quietly stacking and then waiting until the US makes it official and then they’re going to announce interesting some geopolitical Dynamics obviously involved there yep no absolutely okay okay Source David Bailey yeah we’ll ask him a little bit later okay so on that on that topic Dylan do you think that Trump will uh follow through on his commitment to create a Bitcoin strategic Reserve I do the I think the question is is it passive we’re just going to hold the Bitcoin we we have already I think I think that’s almost a lock I would say you know 90% 95% the the bigger question is does Trump go you know does he go full bull mode and you know executive order you know through you know Matt Pines wrote up a a great report on you know utilizing the exchange stabilization fund to buy Bitcoin for the US reserves you know there’s like $35 billion of spare cash you know a drop in the bucket in the in the you know US Government balance sheet but you know $30 billion $21 billion that’s a lot of money um so I think yeah I I I I do think Trump goes uh it’s just a matter of how big does he go incredible well thank you thank you guys so much for being here happy New Year we’re really excited about this party we are going to throw it back to Isabella here at Michael sailor 100K Bitcoin New Year Z party and we are here with guy Swan the guy that has read the most Bitcoin books and we got to highlight the fit because he’s representing all the bitcoiners at home he’s got the white paper t-shirt on he’s got steak he’s got his camote how do you say sweet potatoes we got sweet potatoes here because we don’t do carbs how you doing this is kbby the the sweet potatoes are Carby I’m doing great how are you doing I’m doing good tell us a little bit about what you were doing when Bitcoin reached 100K oh shit what was I doing I don’t know I was probably just hanging out with rad my son just doing just doing my normal day reading Bitcoin stuff rad sounds like a rad guy is he also a rad guy he is rad is the radest Rad’s the coolest kid on planet Earth I shit you not he is he is the coolest kid ever how did you orange pill your son or did he come out being orange pilled oh no he came out he had a hardware wallet from day one he’s made appearances on the podcast like 30 times kid teaches me stuff about Bitcoin now already he’s he’s the kid who’s heard more about Bitcoin than anybody else you know what’s he taught you about Bitcoin that I got to know Key Management what the hell’s going to happen to my keys after I’m gone he tells you that no he doesn’t tell me but he makes me think about it like I was not my setup has definitely changed since having a son like cuz you realize you you know you realize like most of your keys are in your head or it’s just like oh I’ve got it in this place and I know how to get my setup but no once you have once you have a kid and you know like you’re leaving people behind now you got to change that shit you got to update got to update but that’s the beauty with Bitcoin it has to change over time and we as you know bitcoiners we got to find the the holes in it to make it better what do you think are other things that we need to improve as bitcoiners oh everything everything Bitcoin I mean Bitcoin has a lot Bitcoin is a baby man Bitcoin is not to hold it Bitcoin is a literal baby like we’re still like just at the beginning of this thing honestly like it’s been a tool for techy people for a long time and now the services and the custodians have come here to solve all our problems but now we have to rebuild all of the things that the custodians are thinking that they’re going to sell as a service so that it actually makes sense and we have to raise a new generation to actually understand these things just like you know you know Generations before like grow up understanding like bank account and like a credit card and like here’s your PIN number and all this crap if you think about it if somebody didn’t grow up in in that world knowing what that was that shit’s confusing and like really kind of stupid in a lot of ways so we just have to normalize Bitcoin but I mean there’s there’s a there’s a mountain of work to do there always is but it’s wild to see that the new generation that of kids that are coming into this world they’re sort of like the Satoshi generation and they’re going to grow up with Bitcoin already being you know a monetary system I mean they’re their kids are 15 16 years old today who never lived in a world where Bitcoin didn’t exist like that’s kind of crazy to think about uh but yeah yeah there’s there’s going to be a whole generation that like I I think uh I like spy’s piece I think it was published on bitcoin magazine actually for the the the three generations Theory uh and I really really like that is just that it just takes generations of people realizing that this isn’t going anywhere that this is this is literal digital money and to grow up in a world in which it has always existed and it’s normalized just because it’s normal they don’t know anything else and when that world comes that’s when you have a real Bitcoin standard because it’s just obvious in hindsight it is obvious but sometimes when things are obvious people don’t see it and Bitcoin is just the beginning you heard it here from the guy that has read all the Bitcoin books more about Bitcoin read more about Bitcoin than anybody else you know over to you George welcome back to Michael sailor 100K Bitcoin New Year’s Eve party we are live in Miami with Bitcoin magazine my name is George I’m joined here by Jesse Myers and BTC sessions what’s going on guys Happy New Year happy New Year yeah Happy New Year to you it’s been a crazy year for Bitcoin 2024 was one for the record books here we are in beautiful Miami Beach how are you guys feeling uh can can we get more bullish than this BTC sessions why are we so bullish why are we bullish that’s a question I asked myself in many people every week um there’s plenty to be bullish about uh seeing the aggregation of incredible thinkers and people here tonight and um I don’t know I’m just so encouraged by everything that’s being built currently the the brain power in this square mile I I mean if if something were to happen to this group of people we would be much worse off but let’s hope that it doesn’t uh again the the the amazing contributions that everybody here has made to the space are not unnoticed and um will it it’ll reverberate for for decades to come yeah absolutely and I mean what what uh who else to host this than Michael sailor chairman of uh micro strategy one of the largest holders of Bitcoin in the world Jesse what as you look back on 2024 give me some some of the highlights maybe top top highlight for you in Bitcoin boy I mean for me that that’s got to be the uh the National Conference um good choice yeah we like that right uh and some of the announcements that were made there some of the the language that was introduced and the Overton window shifting um where RFK went out the first night and talked about how America should build a 4 million Bitcoin strategic reserve and that would that would be parody with what us enjoys with gold and that’s that’s a new idea that didn’t really exist out there in the Bitcoin space and in the geopolitical space before and then the next day we had Cynthia lumus come up and say we should you know here’s a bill to build a 1 million Bitcoin strategic reserve for the US so the US can be the leader um the leading nation state in Bitcoin adoption and that’s that’s new language that’s a new idea and and it introduces the possibility and inevitability I think of new big buyers coming into Bitcoin um nation states in the immediate future I think yeah I mean it’s the whole game theory that we’ve been talking about for years right it’s like as soon as and maybe this is what’s responsible for a lot of the price action recently is uh Trump making that announcement RFK talking about it cth lumus introducing a bill uh do you think bu predictions for 2025 do you think Trump is going to follow through on his word and are we going to see a a strategic Bitcoin Reserve sessions what do you think oh I am so hesitant to say whether or not a politician will do as they promised that’s fair I mean I think so it’s interesting we we we have this this kind of double-edged Sword where it’s like great like price price action with Bitcoin adopting uh uh or rather with the US adopting a Bitcoin strategic Reserve um and then you also get the sentiment of like do we want government in Bitcoin you know I I’ve always had the position that inevitably everybody bends the knee to bitcoin and realizes like I it’s unavoidable so you have to get into it in some capacity um I I don’t know what to expect but a lot of people people that I’ve spoken to and and people that I consider to be quite intelligent say they think it’s happening and they think it’s actually going to be um some type of executive order type thing to to make it snappy yeah I don’t know um regardless the best part about it is if they do or if they don’t it doesn’t affect the average poder that is just going to you know they got their cold card and they’re stashing away their their coins and and they’re self cuss they’re doing whatever it like it’s it you get to enjoy Bitcoin they’ll get to enjoy it too and and um one of my favorite quotes from Jeff Booth is the the hardest thing to Grapple with about Bitcoin is that even the person that has ideals that are completely opposite from your own them using Bitcoin makes it better and stronger for you that’s a hard thing to yeah sit with Bitcoin is for enemies right I mean what would you say Jesse in terms of kind of what Ben’s talking about with kind of this a little bit a narrative shift in the space around you know we used to fight against the government and now you know people are saying oh you know now you want the government in Bitcoin like what’s What’s Happening Here exactly with this narrative and what’s your take on should the government be involved is this a good thing yeah I I think it’s inevitable uh and you can argue whether it’s good or bad I think the reality of Freedom money is that it is better than unfree money and that as a result of that darwinian Advantage it will win out um and so I think that that means we’re going to see nation states coming in because it’s in their interest to build strategic reserves of Bitcoin um and whether or not that’s you know fully aligned with the individual ideals of bitcoiners may or may not be true but it’s it’s coming it’s happening yeah absolutely well guys thank you so much for joining us on this live stream we are going to throw it back to is Isabella here in Miami we are here with American huddle American huddle is America hodling right now hi is America hodling that’s right what are wait is America hodling I don’t know not yet but we’re going to be I guess spr and shit do you think so Will trump fulfill his promise to make a bigin strategic Reserve 90% likelihood we get a spr in the first 100 days book it book it there you here first I got to know what were you doing when Bitcoin reached 100K uh I was reading my kids a bedtime story and like everybody start blown up my phone basically I was reading The Lorax and I never read The Lorax so fast in my whole life I was like rushing through it to put the kids to bed so I could get on the internet and fucking meme with everybody and drink champagne so that’s what I did you’re like Dr SE get out of here we need we got more important stuff to do we got Satoshi Nakamoto here living out his promises over here what do you think the Bitcoin price prediction will be in 2025 so yeah I think bitcoin’s going to take out the diminished returns narrative we’re going to go like it’s going to be a fight for 200k right so like we’re going to climb towards 200k claw our way there and then once we get Beyond it there’s going to be a lot of selling it’s going to go down all the people that sold will fomo back in when we start to go up and then we’re going to go past 250 with significant momentum once we get past 250 with momentum sky is the limit 500 600 700 a million that’s what I think and I heard Michael sailor might do another party when it hits a million dollars a coin well we got a yeah we have to party at a million you know we got to party at a million and I have to ask what was the most iconic moment of 2024 for you in the Bitcoin space in the Bitcoin space I have to say uh David Bailey is the MVP 2024 I’m not just saying this cuz this is his fucking live stream or whatever but David Bailey really like just showed that you can just do shit you can just decide to get a president elected and just fucking do it and that’s impressive so kudos to David yo David’s motto is just do it we got to remove Nike and just put Bailey with that slogan over there over to you George welcome back to Miami here at Michael sailor Bitcoin 100 K New Year’s Eve party presented by Bitcoin magazine my name is George I here with Jesse and Leonard welcome lawren I’m so sorry good to see you guys uh you got a new book out very exciting yeah thank you it’s not entirely out yet it’s coming it’s close to being out it’s in pre-production right now and it should be available by late January early February incred first things first I want to just credit all the people who helped me in terms of writing this book uh um Jesse actually with his great chart but probably more importantly safe Lynn Luke uh sailor Preston Etc I mean it’s it’s a compilation of a lot of people’s ideas but here’s the theory the the book is designed the goal of the book The reason I wrote this book is I was sitting around about a year ago watching people argue about politics on TV and uh I watched red team fight blue team and I thought to myself this is so absurd they’re not focusing on the real issue you obviously we all know the real issue is the money is broken and I I looked out there and I thought somebody’s got to write a book that explains this in layman’s terms so that somebody without a financial background or financial education could kind of understand why the money’s broken how it got broken and then of course how we can fix it with Bitcoin and so you know look Lyn’s book is fabulous safe’s book is going to go down as one of the greatest economic textbooks ever but the average American isn’t going to Wade their way through those books I’m trying to I try to write a book that you could be in the airport about to get on a plane you see this thing and says hey the big print what’s that all about you know how inflation has ruined America and how we can fix it and you might think gosh you know I’ve been hurt by inflation maybe I should read this book right and so that’s what I try to write and um you know we’ll see the proof will be in the pudding you know the dogs are either going to eat the food or they’re going to look at it and go that sucked but you know I I will say this I I wrote the best book I could i’ I’ve been very diligent about it for six months now and I put all of my experience into it um and I’ve been in you know the financial world for 45 years as an investor so incredible um you know hopefully there’ll be people will learn something from it yeah I can’t wait to wait to read it Jesse it sounds like you collaborated on this project he did yeah um yeah Larry and I have been exchanging messages about uh mostly using um the global asset landscape chart that uh that I’m I guess known for at this point that sailor’s been using as well um and I I guess it sort of Paints the picture of like here’s here’s the world that you live in right and you know you don’t think about how assets have different buckets and they live in different places yeah and how those shift over time and relative value and that Bitcoin is this tiny little thimble that shows up on the global asset lands yeah and I think it’s a really important point that comes out of Jesse’s chart which is brilliant by the way and as a a sailor does use it all the time and that’s this a lot of people and a lot of my friends I know they look at Bitcoin they say it’s oh it’s $100,000 I know you bought some at 20 and 15 whatever I’m too late I missed it it’s way too expensive I shouldn’t do it I can’t get into it and it’d be like saying you’re too late for Microsoft in you know 1990 you know when it’s gone up Forex or something I mean you know it’s still 2/10 of 1% of the entire Global assets 0.2% of of global asset value is Big right and so here we are we have a superior form of money the only and the first and only non- dilutable form of money ever devised by mankind and yet you know only 2/10 of 1% of the assets are in this area well guess what that’s going to grow a lot unbelievable yes I mean Point what is it 0.2% 210 of 1% one one way to think about it is is that 1% of the world has a 20% allocation to bitcoin and 99% of the world is completely asleep to what Bitcoin is unbelievable so we’re going to be writing this we’re still early meme for a while as we think so I mean if Bitcoin were to go up 10x from today which would be from 100,000 to 1 million that would mean it would be 2% of total Global assets yeah now you know I mean gold as an example you know is you know 10% of total global or no it’s a little less actually it’s 18 yeah what is it it’s a few perent a few percent yeah my point is that it could go up quite a bit and and I think it will go up quite a bit because the adoption is clearly taking place and you know that’s in my investment career what I found was you know when something is working you press it yeah and uh you know this is working and I think you press this bet now it’s very hard though for some people because they have unit bias to say well you know you bought it cheaper I can’t pay 100 well you know Max kais bought it for a dollar or two you know and I started I started buying it at 400 yeah you know and so um I think that 10 years from now you know people will look back and say you started buying at 100,000 it’s a million5 now right you know I mean you have an entire coin oh my God I don’t know anybody who has an entire coin complely so you know that’s kind of the thing that’s going on I mean you need to understand it at a fundamental level that it’s really just a change a base level change in the monetary system we all know this but the book the book is yeah go ahead we’re going to throw over to Rizzo we’re going to if you guys are good hanging out we’re going to throw it out over to Pete Rizzo here in Miami Michael sailor’s 100K Bitcoin party New Year’s it’s almost here we’ve got Alex Thorne head of research at Galaxy here with us Alex you’re vibing you’re at the party take the people at home into how you’re feeling right now being here yeah I’m feeling great um Bitcoin is on a crazy trajectory we have a great year ahead of us in 2025 uh between policy corporate and institutional even possibly nation state adoption um I think a lot of positive catalysts to look forward to well you’re projecting some big predictions I think that you’re on record that next year is going to be a bull market what are the reasons give people at home top three reasons next year is a bull market yeah I think we said uh 185k is a Q4 Target uh could go higher I think um the US government uh holding formerly holding maybe even buying Bitcoin would be a big Catalyst other governments you say that no so nonchalantly the government buying Bitcoin a big Catalyst I think it’s very likely they will freeze all sales and create a stockpile out of those coins if they buy that’s a whole different ball game that I think is a upside Catalyst people have to be aware of um I think other companies and nation states buying is a foregone conclusion so a topic that we’ve had on this stream is the fud the new generation of fud we’ve got Finance guy Jason calanis we’ve got Gareth Solway what are these people not getting what are you seeing out of this new generation of Wall Street Bud as you educate out in the public I think when it comes to Perpetual no corners you just have to ignore them um there’s no honestly there’s no value uh I’ve been trying to orange pill friends and family uh for a decade and um it it doesn’t go well a lot of times honestly right either you do convince them but they feel they bought at too high a level uh or you you don’t convince them then later they’re mad that you didn’t convince them harder they’re salty I think honestly like you you just do your thing everyone buys Bitcoin at the price they deserve that’s a speaking of do your thing we got going quickly back there I want to get you to do a little wrap you’re an MC a rap connoisseur can you give us a little bit of a rap interpretation of the Michael sailor 100k New Year’s party give us a couple bars yeah well get on the fastest horse because there is no second best everybody knows the force because there is no second best I think honestly you got to just be like doing your thing feeling the vibe feeling the music putting your life down in verse people you know what verse is U is not a respected enough medium these days you know what if it Rhymes it’s true and people need to be rhyming more feel it back to the desk welcome back here in Miami at Michael sailor New Year’s Eve and 100K Bitcoin celebration I’m here with my guests Jesse and Larry Jesse I’m going to let you take it away from here and uh completing this conversation yeah Larry Larry and I were talking about um the the setup of the big print and Larry I think Larry does a great job of highlighting the problem for the average person of what is going on with the sovereign debt the escalating debt burdens in the US and everywhere and how that is a burning platform for change so Larry like what what does that mean to an individual person and what does it mean to the country that you know we have $36 trillion in National yeah so it’s it’s really sad what’s happened here and and a lot of investors sadly are going to be flat-footed if they don’t come to understand Bitcoin and what’s going on um and the way things are going to change as you point out the issue is we are in a debt Doom Loop you know we’ve we’ve um we we’ve fallen for this Keynesian model and we’re now at the point where all of the compounding is causing the lines to go almost straight up so we’ve got you know Federal interest expense of 1.2 trillion we got debt of 36 trillion we’ve got all kinds of unfunded liabilities and you know as a result of this um you and I both know that you know what what should happen is we should have a cleansing collapse but that would be almost a depression at this point in time and so as a practical matter the policy makers are going to be forced into printing doing you know what I call yield curve control and what that really means is that they’ll have to buy the debt because nobody else will yes and the thing that’s so interesting about this is that this has happened many many times in many many countries over the past 200 years it’s just never happened in the biggest country with the biggest military in the reserve currency yeah but if you do all the same things that got other countries into trouble with their debt guess what it eventually catches up with you too even if you’re the biggest country right yeah and I’d push back a little bit on your characterization that uh that you know we we’re not past the event horizon yet like I I think that we’ve been limping along kicking the can down the road more and more such that if we were to have that cleansing collapse uh it would be bigger than Great Depression I think that’s probably right actually that’s a good point so we’re that where’re that we’re well past the point of no return where they can’t allow that to happen and they’re going keep kicking the can until the can can’t be kicked anymore yeah and and there in there in is the title of the book the big print I mean I been saying for 5 years I think the FED balance Sheet’s going to Triple in size again you know it it before’ 08 it was at 950 billion they took it to 4 trillion and they took it from 4 trillion to 9 trillion they’ve reduced it a little bit in the last few years of tightening but the 7 trillion is going into some much bigger number and uh and it’s just because it’s math I mean it’s this isn’t this isn’t uh you know an emotional view on my point of from my side it’s it’s a it’s a look at the numbers a hard look at the numbers and I think the thing that’s tricking a lot of investors is that we’ve really had 40 Years of great investing landscape I mean we had two bubbles that burst but in general even after those bubbles things came back and so unless you’re as old as I am you know you’ve never really seen a real bare Market over a long period of time and in the stock market and I think that’s a possibility and I think that in order because the economy runs off the stock market because the stock market creates a wealth effect and generates a lot of taxes tax income for the government um if the stock market falls apart you know the economy is going to have a real rough time and the government’s going to try and figure out what to do with that and I think their only choice is going to be to print money and that’s going to be massively inflationary yeah they’ve painted themselves into a corner into a corner now and um one thing I think that the bitcoiners aren’t super aware of is that the M2 money supply graph um for the last couple years it took a dip you know they tried to bring down the amount of money in circulation with very limited success and for the last six months it’s been starting to pick back up we’re going back to the inflationary Norm that we’ve been in and uh now comes the next leg of the big big print yeah they they they have to do it and um you know as I say in the book and to people who I advise in my investment business you want to own things that the government can’t print yeah they can print the dollar they can issue more bonds those things are going to lose a lot of value yeah in the next 10 15 years in my opinion and um you know I mean look real estate kind of works but can’t move it you can get taxed pretty heavily you know stocks kind of work but they’re pretty expensive right now yeah Larry what do you think um of the of the buckets out there I know I have my personal favorites for which will lose relative size and value to bitcoin more than others but what do you think will be the so I think I think the number one bucket and I’m sure you would agree with me on this to lose size and value is the debt bucket right I mean I just you know in a in in a highly inflationary economy debt holders you know lose money on a real basis I mean they they may it paid back nominally what they’re owed but it doesn’t buy anything anymore so so that goes down a lot um the real estate may be the next one it’s it’s unclear real estate and stocks is probably a toss up I mean stocks are so fully valued that they could lose a fair amount of money but you know there there are a lot of people who are treating real estate they you know real estate has got a monetary premium in it yeah it’s not being priced at the value of living in it you know as I was listening to sailor on the way over here talking to Natalie last month or so where he said you know these billionaires are buying up homes just because they know they won’t lose value and that’s not use that’s not a use case that’s an investment case and so I think that I think real estate and stocks I don’t know I’d be curious what’s your view of those two yeah I I think that’s right that those are kind of the two big buckets there’s $300 trillion in global debt right and that I think is by and large not serving the function that it’s intended to which is you tie up your Capital today and you get a small nominal positive real return for doing that I think I think the reality is is that inflation is somewhere around 7 plus% yeah and true inflation and that’s based on M2 money supply growth over time um and these these bonds are yielding 4% so you’re destroying wealth every year you hold bonds and I think that that means that that the $300 trillion sitting in that bucket will increasingly see Bitcoin as a better alternative to what they’re trying to do another point I would make is that there are a lot of people who think that you know look I’m I was originally a gold guy I’m now a Bitcoin guy with a little bit of a tail business left in the gold area and a lot of people think that Bitcoin is going to completely and totally demonetize gold and over a longer time frame that’s clearly true but if you look at these bucket sizes today there’s room for both Bitcoin and gold to work I agree and and so you know I mean and Bitcoin is going to outperform gold in my view it’s a much better investment than gold if you can handle the volatility but but Gold’s not going down yeah you know right now gold is 10 times bigger than Bitcoin I think that becomes par parity soon pretty soon maybe five and then Bitcoin becomes much bigger than gold but but in Nom in nominal level a nominal rates I mean there I know people say well Gold’s at 2600 it’s going back to a th no way it’s not it’s going higher too because it is an analog form of sound money that can’t be printed yes you know and so um and and what’s what’s what’s what’s losing what’s failing what I think could fail catastrophically hopefully it won’t if we have good management of our economy is the currency I mean we could we could literally have you know Yar we could I mean I hate to say that my book talks about it but and we’re not likely to have it with the guys who are coming in now because I think they understand it but you know let’s imagine a blue let’s imagine this doesn’t go well for the next four years and a Blue Wave wins then let’s imagine Stephanie Kelton becomes treasury secretary right and and Andrew Yang is VP and we do massive you know Universal basic income yeah and we do massive you know debt relief and we do massive spending on everything I mean you can Trash the currency it’s possible it is possible so amazing remind me again when does the book come out the book will be out in late January early February all dependent upon my production team the book is written but I’ve never published a book before so I don’t know how long this shit takes yeah yeah I agree so so early February hopefully would be the worst case maybe a bit earlier incredible well I’m really excited to read it thank you guys so much for a fascinating conversation yeah thanks for having me on I appreciate it absolutely Happy New Year we are going to throw it over to Michael sailor here in just a few minutes so make sure to stay tuned we are live in Miami hang in there we’ll be there back in about I don’t know 5 minutes or so well done Jesse [Music] oh Lord we call him Harold Jones and he plays drums and Playing Lord you know that he’s [Music] a I saw his [Applause] stand put a blessing on brother appreciate [Music] from [Music] [Music] from you call him Harold Jones and he plays and [Music] playing app [Music] together [Music] from from the from the [Music] I want you to [Music] get [Music] your put a blessing on brother and boy we appreciate you too [Music] come again [Music] [Music] [Music] come [Music] I’m look [Music] [Music] Come a Little Closer I don’t want to miss Come a Little Closer I don’t want Miss Come a Little Closer I [Music] don’t closer I don’t want to come a little closer [Music] welcome back to Miami we are here at Michael sailor New Year’s Eve Bitcoin 100K celebration I’m here with Nico from Simply Bitcoin as well as tone vas guys how are we feeling happy New Year dude this is such an epic party like we’ve built up to this you know 100K historical moment and then of course the 100K sailor yacht party/ estate party and and uh you know it’s been an incredible year for Bitcoin man it’s just so many things have happened the approval of the ETF the the nation state adoption uh Trump having that epic speech speech in Nashville 2025 you know like it’s it’s incredible dude and I’m just so so excited I think 2025 is going to 2x whatever happened this year maybe not just in price just in historical events and all this awesome stuff so not just in price not just everything’s just going to get two times more Epic minimum incredible tone obviously OG in the Bitcoin space what did you think of 2024 compared to all the years you’ve been in here what were some of the highlights how would you compare it to previous years yeah no 2024 was definitely an exciting year uh the ETFs kicked off the year um actually options trading being added to ETFs is a big deal a lot of people don’t realize what a big deal it is but it is a big deal and uh that’s going to again help spread the word and uh 2020 before changed a lot and uh with the elections just like Nico mentioned um it’s huge it’s a huge win for free market huge win for capitalism and uh I’m looking forward to having um a 4-year government cycle that is not scared of Bitcoin and is actually uh interested in a free market economic system now we’ll see if it actually stays that way but I’m very optimistic on that front uh more state adoption more corporate adoption it’s crazy that Michael sailor is still like the only company that constantly buying Bitcoin I think more companies are going to do it especially once he gets into the S&P 500 like the company got into the NASDAQ 100 so I mean I think it’s a really good point that you know all of the events that have happened really are are putting Bitcoin on the map in a lot of ways and the fact that we have an Administration in the US coming in that’s going to be favorable towards Bitcoin it’s something we haven’t really experienced and I know for me so Bitcoin magazine we spent you know a lot of the a lot of the Year preparing for uh the political season you know Trump coming to the to the conference the election we did we did a live stream you you’re part of that uh and and now it’s like here we are it’s it’s New Year’s Eve we still got another 20 or so days until the inauguration we haven’t even realized what it’s going to be like to have a Administration for the next four years that’s favorable uh and so that that actually is very bullish we have like we have hasn’t even started yet Nico do you think that it’s going to be as promising as it looks on paper uh do you think Trump’s going to fulfill some of these commitments you think a Bitcoin strategic Reserve is happening what’s your take are you optimistic yeah I’m I’m extremely optimistic CU you have to look at it from like a context perspective like why did Trump get into the space like why did bitcoiners choose to get somewhat political like I would say bitcoiners inherently are apolitical it’s because we were forced the current Administration with operation choke point 2.0 with the arrest of the Samurai wallet developers with the attack on self- custody with the proposed 30% Bitcoin mining tax it pushed our industry into a corner and we said enough is enough and we decided to become part of the donor class we decided to speak up and say no and of course you know they essentially gave the opportunity for the opposing political party to uh jump on that and say you know what if you don’t want your voters we take your voters right so I am so beyond excited because even if Trump does nothing and I think he’s going to do a lot for our industry it’s going to be better than being attacked in a regulatory environment from left from left and right so I’m so excited for next year even if Trump does nothing at least we’re going to be left alone and if Bitcoin is left alone we’re going to win absolutely I mean I think that’s a great Point too like if nothing else it’s defense like the worst case is that it’s neutral but we know that like based on what he’s saying and based on what the people he’s putting in his administration it’s going to be offense we’re we’re actually going to do this and so uh there’s a lot to be excited about tone what would you say 2025 what are you most looking forward to in the Bitcoin space uh I’m not going to lie I’m looking forward to price doing one more one more B run a man of the people yeah I I I don’t think we’ve seen the top I I mean my my top uh views are not as lofty as some others but I I think 200 250 try me try me what’s your what’s your prediction I think 200 to 250 is realistic okay uh anything beyond that would be awesome but probably not but uh that’s I I am looking forward to that uh because it was not easy getting there uh throughout all of it I mean there’s still going to be some uh wrenches being thrown in I mean it’s good that FTX is gone it’s good that Celsius is gone there’s a couple of other really big companies that I’m not going to name that could be other FTX that are coming um so those are going to be issues but I am looking forward to that but it’s also super important for the price to rise because look I’ve been mining a little bit this year and it’s not that profitable yeah uh that hash price is brutal right now like it it needs it like the uh the like the minor uh Revenue now with this past having uh it it needs to go off it will significantly help the minor industry but more importantly doesn’t just help the miner industry it would help the at home Miner um and that’s what is super super important so that all the mining isn’t done by just a couple of big companies because that could also doesn’t help the decentralization side of Bitcoin uh so I’ll be honest I am looking for the price to go up in 2025 other than that uh I think everything’s fallen into place I don’t really have anything else to wish for uh again all they have to do is just leave our space alone and it’ll just fine yeah well anything to add to that inco yeah I mean look I I’m a little bit more bullish than tone um you know but tone tends to be right on wait wait wait you’re more bullish than the 250 price call I’m more bull and and I I’ll give you my theory as to why okay so I believe 2021 was cut short because of the China mining band and bitcoiners still have a form of PTSD like we haven’t had a proper blowoff top since 2017 that’s what seven eight years essentially we don’t even remember what that feels like and the general consensus this cycle what I get from Bitcoin Twitter or Bitcoin X is essentially we’re going to be between 100 and 200k and 150k now tone is right on lot a lot of these things and I’m more of a news person but what I will say is that Bitcoin tends to do the exact opposite of what everyone thinks it’s going to do so you know if we do get a strategic Bitcoin Reserve or we get an announcement that another major country is buying Bitcoin like I think that’s where fomo sets in and then that we potentially could see a $500,000 Bitcoin and no one is expecting it right and Bitcoin takes the path of Max pain Bitcoin does the exact opposite of what everyone thinks so I think it either does that or it actually underperforms like I think maybe we hit 120k 130k 150k everyone’s expecting it to go a little bit higher but it doesn’t do that so I’m totally speculating but that’s what my Spidey senses are telling ni it sounds like what you’re saying is this time is different yeah this time totally different am I hearing you correctly we’re going to a million and then and then Tone’s going to move to Vegas full time I love it uh speaking of Vegas looking and speaking of looking ahead to 2025 we we got a big event Bitcoin 2025 this year is going to be in Vegas tone you know a thing or two about Las Vegas Bitcoin events uh are you excited for May are you are you going to be at Bitcoin 2025 yeah I’m looking forward to it um uh I do plan to be at Bitcoin 2025 I apply to be a speaker at the conference I haven’t heard back yet okay so uh you may you here first so someone that’s watching this from Bitcoin magazine may want to check out that application uh yeah and then I’m going to try to host a poker tournament right after the conference is over amazing so uh those that stick around an extra day or two uh come play some poker any uh tips or tricks for people coming into town for the event what what would you do what would you avoid in Las Vegas man I I would avoid I the I would avoid gambling unless the skill game which is why the only uh the only gambling I do in Las Vegas is poker because it’s a game of skill not a game of chance and uh it’s regulated like a game of chance but it’s a game of skill I uh I try to stay away from everything else uh in Vegas other than playing some poker and uh yeah looking forward to uh playing with Nico again yeah tone takes my money no no no actually you know what though I’ve entered into Ton’s two tournaments I’ve don’t have any tournament experience whatso ever and both times I’ve made it to the final table wow so that’s actually pretty impressive out of how many players like a 100 no like it was out of 100 players dude I don’t have anys I don’t have any like professional like P like tone has all these like strategies and stuff and uh you know I’m just like kind of like going based on my intuition and it just it’s weird man it’s incredible yeah yeah awesome well thank you guys for being here happy New Year again we are going to throw it over to Pete Rizzo here here in Miami awesome thanks guys Bitcoin party is rolling we’ve got Steven lka of swan here behind us the dancers the music Stephen how are you feeling about being at this party right now it’s exciting man I mean they’ve done such a great job with uh I mean sailors put together an incredible event and uh you know it’s just it’s just awesome to be here on such a like I mean we’ve crossed a major Milestone this year you know I mean it’s been an incredible uh unfolding for Bitcoin and to celebrate with all you guys have been incredible and so you think 100K the Milestone broke we’ve been talking a lot on the stream about 2025 predictions do you think the bull Market’s coming back what are your predictions for what we might see next year yeah absolutely I think 2025 is going to be a strong year I think uh you know especially if you get some of the spr proposals I think the stockpile has like a 90% probability and some other chances for the the versions where they buy some but I mean these are huge catalysts and signs of growing confidence in the staying power and quality of Bitcoin as an asset that changes the world it’s been a long bare Market are we out of it how does it feel and take us in I mean it feels amazing right you know you you you hold through these like long periods of not just price going down but criticism and doubt and the whole world being like like you know that Bitcoin failed and so these are moments where I think you have to enjoy it you have to enjoy uh being you know on the right side well we’re here we’re enjoying it stay with us on the stream YouTube Rumble and X we’ll be right back with more from Sailor 100K New Year’s Eve Bitcoin party at Michael sailor New Year’s Eve 100K bitco celebration I’m here with my friend Nico from Simply Bitcoin Nico how are we feeling man it feels good actually to be on the other side of the interviews table I got a chance to be on simply Bitcoin a couple weeks ago now I get to chat with you how are you feeling man feeling good man it’s it’s it’s crazy that you know this is happening in I’m I’m originally from Miami and just having this celebration in Miami is super surreal out of every city on planet Earth you know and then this is the party to celebrate bitcoin’s historic runup past 100K very surreal very surreal um for this happening in my backyard you know so it’s pretty crazy but before we we cut to ruso one of the things we were talking about was Vegas and I’m so excited about Bitcoin 2025 in Las Vegas is coming up you guys had an absolutely phenomenal conference in Nashville historic I would put it on the level of Bitcoin 2021 wow when Michael saor initially made his announcement and then of course n bu K with the legal tender but having the a uh presidential candidate and then now president-elect was insane you know and I think the live stream got millions and millions of views absolutely historic what are you guys planning for 2025 what do you have up your sleeves I have some ideas I don’t know if I could say them uh what are you planning for 2025 it’s going to be at the Venetian incredible Hotel so what do you guys have in store What secrets what things do you have up your sleeves that you could tell the audience watching right now you know I can I can share a little bit but there’s there’s a limited out uh and actually you know a lot of a lot of the details are obviously coming together we plan these things all the way up until the last minute but what what we already have planned is lining up to be I think the most incredible conference we’ve ever done and you’re right it’s hard to top Donald Trump presidential candidate making the announcements that he announced I mean saying he’s going to free raw saying he’s going to create a a strategic Bitcoin Reserve like those are incredibly historic moments having Cynthia lumus get up there and introduce a bill uh RFK so it’s like we we know Nashville was incredible first of all what I’m excited about for 2025 is that it’s going to be in Las Vegas it’s hard it’s really hard to top a city like Las Vegas it’s built for a conference like ours a lot a lot of people don’t realize that there’s it’s a pretty short list of cities in the US that can host a conference of our size especially in a bull market and so Las Vegas obviously built for large conventions and so being in Vegas being at the Venetian number one is going to be incredible uh you know hopefully we can get a sitting president to come it’s not a promise it’s not an announcement but it’s obviously something we’re working on I don’t think anyone would be surprised to hear that it’s you know something that is uh in the works uh other than that I mean I think there’s going to be a lot of corporations that are going to come to the table with big announcements I think they’re potentially nation states I mean what Bitcoin uh what the Bitcoin conference has proven year after year has been it’s the premier place for people to make these large announcements and so I don’t think 2025 is going to be any different in fact I think it’s going to probably be like you said uh one of the top moments in Bitcoin history and so uh we just not I mean not Bitcoin conference not just Bitcoin magazine Bitcoin in general this community continues to make history year after year and I mean here we are again looking around it’s just it’s crazy to see all these people here celebrating what’s been happening and looking forward to uh it’s an unbelievable year ahead absolutely and and you guys had some amazing events this year so and and I had the privilege to go to two of them so of course Bitcoin uh Bitcoin 2024 Nashville uh Bitcoin Amsterdam great time and then of course uh we had uh you know you you guys recently had Bitcoin Mina in Abu Dhabi uh which I unfortunately missed but I had to take a break because I was traveling so much sorry got family it was I know right I regretted it um but you know I I heard so many good things I saw pictures um it’s absolutely insane and one of the things that reson ated with me was Eric Trump’s speech in Bitcoin Mina this is what people have to understand that is the president’s son and he understands Bitcoin to the core right like you know and I love the analogy that he made about gold he’s like we don’t know how much gold is in the ground right now but we know that there’s 21 million Bitcoin so he has a fundamental understanding of what Bitcoin is that’s the president’s son and we were talking about this this is the incoming Administration which is absolutely insane yeah we’re just scratching the surface and we’ve heard a lot of feedback actually about Eric Trump’s speech I think a lot of people were surprised by how articulate he was about Bitcoin how much he actually knew it’s not like just fluff of you know another politician just kind of sprinkling some Bitcoin on their policy so that they sound good and they’re kind of uh um uh what’s the word um what’s the word when you’re like catering they’re catering no there’s a different word that’s like less less appealing we don’t have to argue about the word but there’s a word where you’re it’s going to bother me now I’m going to come back I’m going to come back to it I’m going to come back to it um he wasn’t just doing that though he was he was actually articul I know what he was talking about and so uh I was actually surprised I’m like you’re right this is the president’s son he’s obviously having conversations with his dad and they haven’t even taken power yet so what’s going to happen starting January 20th when they get to have their way in the administration it’s just going to be I don’t think we’re ready honestly I agree I agree 100% and another thing too George is the like the the fact that Trump wished Bitcoin happy birthday yeah right and then he congratulated bitcoiners for Bitcoin reading reaching 100 he actually took credit you’re you’re welome which technically he was kind of right you’re not wrong like he did promise it in Nashville and then he won the election and it did happen so like I think it yeah but like technically he was right right so yeah man like I think I completely agree I think we’re not prepared I think 2025 is going to be extremely amazing for Bitcoin and it’s going to be extremely extremely exciting and I’m super super Beyond excited for Vegas I think it’s going to be a great celebration Vegas is going to be a really good time um but we are having a great time tonight here in in Miami your hometown by the way thanks for hosting any time we get to come out here it’s been a couple years but uh this has been an incredible night it’s only let’s see what time is it we are 90 minutes away from 2025 we are counting down here at Michael sailor New Year’s Eve 100K Bitcoin party we’re going to catch a quick break but stay with us we will be back shortly [Music] [Music] spe spee [Music] speee spee [Music] [Applause] [Music] a e [Music] o s h [Music] o la la la la la [Music] la what’s inside [Music] for i e r i f e o [Music] la la la la la la la la la la [Music] come on back [Music] n [Music] [Music] fore [Music] spee for [Music] got [Music] e e e e e e e e e e 100K Bitcoin party I’m your host once again Pete Rizzo Bitcoin is St on next join by new round of special guests we got Aaron Arnold co-host Austin Arnold oh it’s cool it’s Austin Arnold co-host of altcoin daily I got you the first time you got me the second time Brandon green head of the Bitcoin conference guys an hour and a half to go before the big turn to the new year we’re going to read through some predictions Brandon green if you’re not following him on X the free speech platform at Brand BTC so we’re going to read through his predictions we’re going to have and I’m I’m clearing my throat here Austin react thank you giving the y or nay as from his expertise and feel free to weigh in uh in the chat on YouTube Rumble NX again streaming out now all right Brandon’s predictions we like strong predictions on the show we want people to be bold his first one USA creates the Bitcoin strategic stockpile and 10 other nations follow by the n of the Year wow Austin your take on Brandon’s uh uh uh prediction here well first off Brandon why did you say 10 I think it’s a it’s a nice round number and you know we’ve been we’ve been at some International conferences this year and talking to some different governments and is this 10 net new nations or does this include some Nations that have already bought I think it includes Nations that have already bought because uh uh no one currently we’re giving you El Salvador and Bhutan off the bat so you got you got he needs Austin Austin get stay with us stay with us so do you like this prediction yes or no the thing is this quote has been stated many times but the first country to print Fiat fake money to buy Bitcoin real money wins I think in 2021 was really the start of corporate entities publicly traded companies buying Bitcoin for the very first time in crypto history we not only have well we’ve had El Salvador we’ve had Bhutan uh but the largest country on Earth has a crypto strategy and it’s not just the president it’s his cabinet it’s the people around him if SL when that happens my the thing the only thing I’ll push back on is can they get it done the first year I I gosh darn hope so but it sounds like sounds like you’re you’re selling this prediction you’re not buying it I I would never sell Bitcoin I would never short Bitcoin we need a y or nay that’s up or down 10 nation states next year and US buying up or down thumbs up thumbs down I would say thumbs down for the year give me more time Brandon give me more time all right I’m the bear cuz I don’t think it’ll happen in a year hey well somebody’s got to be the bear our next prediction we’re going to have uh let’s say the USA Asic chip fabrication begins happening in America America begins making mining chips the Chinese dominance 10 years of dominance is over Brandon defend this position yeah I think if you look at the uh position of the US government like uh it’s very much an onshore of jobs manufacturing Etc and as that coincides with a focus on bitcoin uh it will be an inevitability that that the Trump Administration starts looking at Asic manufacturing as a key business to have onshore in American soil and so I think this is going to be a focus for next year Austin are you buying or selling this 100% I think this is inevitable I think it’s about time and I think we’re already seeing companies uh like Intel HP already have had headlines in the last year year and a half that they’re getting into this but this is an easy in for the United States who maybe there’s a stigma to buy the Bitcoin there’s no Stigma to invest in the infrastructure and become a part of the network we got a shout out from Francis to Austin just giving you a shout out on the thread reading your chats we’re reading you on the YouTube X and Rumble all right Brandon’s next predictions this is brand BTC on X the Free Speech platform his predictions for 2025 we will see our first 20K green candle and the bull market extends Beyond December 31st this is a two-parter Brandon your defense of this prediction yeah so I think that uh you know if you look at the 20K candle uh what I’m really expecting is that some of the news that’s going to come out this year is just going to be so powerful it’s not just going to be the the meme of the news it’s going to be the actual fundamentals that follow it uh that you know you’re talking 90k to 110k in a day maybe 150 to 170k in a day yeah exactly I think the the higher you go the easier that isn’t that adding uh trillions to the market cap potentially or billions you know on a scale that we haven’t seen before it depends on how high we get but yeah I mean I you’re you’re talking about yeah definitely billions in a day will be added to the market cap and and you know this is the this is the bull cycle to do it and then if you want to look at the you know extension of the bull cycle in general you know I think that uh uh there’s so much fundamental kind of uh uh Tailwinds towards Bitcoin this year that I don’t think that this stops at the end of 2025 I don’t think you’re going to see a uh a you know coinciding bare Market happen in 2026 part of that fouryear Cycle Theory and and so this will be the first change in in the way that Bitcoin is uh kind of moves and structured and and uh you know we got to be prepared for it well of course all eyes will be on Nashville in June when the Bitcoin conference comes back expectations higher than ever Austin first 20K green candle on bitcoin Brandon says yes your vote Pete Brandon you guys remember this there was a time that a 1K candle on bitcoin was outrageous people were projecting just be ready just be ready and then the masses still freaked out 20K is inevitable that’s the yes for me and can this bull cycle extend past 100K I think that’s healthier and I actually think that’s a better expectation than necessarily following a strict four-year cycle especially when you have such notable people like a Michael sailor letting the market know there will be dips they will be bought up this is not a one-year thing this is a 10 year 50-year thing so it’s a yes for me so we got two you’re agreeing with two of Brandon’s predict one nay again in the chat feel free we’ve got a lot of 10K Omega candles people going crazy next prediction China desperate for growth goes all in on crypto and Bitcoin but more crypto Brandon your defense yeah so I think this is an interesting one I think that uh you know again there’s a geopolitical game theory element like as the US flips positive on bitcoin starts to see growth coming out of it China’s not going to just allow that you know they they were the central Center of massive Bitcoin hug generational advantage in the past they they lost that on purpose they they handed that to the United States I think if they start reversing course there’s not only going to be an interest to get like Bitcoin activity back on the mainland but I think you’re also going to see a contingent that sees the rest of crypto as a quicker way to try and uh amalgamate you know influence power in center of mass and so I do see them going heavy on crypto maybe positive on bitcoin but light on bitcoin on the front end and then you know uh uh what’s what’s the old path you know everyone kind of has their own path back to bitcoin and so China’s Redemption Arc China will begin its Redemption Arc Austin going to go over to you uh China goes all in on crypto and Bitcoin but more crypto of altcoin daily defend you buying this prediction on altcoin daily we speak to an audience of over 3 million across all social platforms on all networks we will be at the Bitcoin Conference next year I hope to see you there um I think that Brandon is 100% right but it’s going to be a thumbs down because they will never admit it you got to you had him you had him they will never admit it I my eyes face like I saw it sorry to rug pull you yeah but well crypto you’re the crypto guy so you got to you got to represent I’m I’m the one that’s not all Bitcoin so yes um that’s exactly right but I think that uh uh I think they started light in 2020 I think it’s only only so obvious only so obvious that they’re doing it behind the scenes I think Saudi Arabia is also doing doing it behind the scenes I don’t think they’ll admit it in 2025 of course Michael in the chat saying 2025 everyone gets girlfriends we’re not going to comment on that one but uh a good prediction certainly a lot of evidence here would suggest that girlfriends are incoming uh bullish on that bull once again moving down at Brand BTC on Twitter his picks his predictions for next year we’re hanging out with Austin from altcoin daily you’re in the chat give us your thoughts on these predictions we’re three to two Austin buying three of Brandon’s prediction what do you think Pete what’s the most bullish one that Brandon has said thus far oh well the 20K candle obviously cuz I think that’s the most likely right I don’t know the causes I don’t know the effects but I think inevitably we saw the 10K candle the 20K it’s going to happen I think that I think I’m I’m think I’m all in on the 20K all right next one this is a Bitcoin and crypto one so I think we’re going to have some good good interactions here Brandon saying vitalic butterin gives up on eth’s money and admits Bitcoin has one we’re going to go to Austin first here as are with no defense are you buying or selling this prediction well vitalic was correct me if wrong the co-founder of something Bitcoin back in the day Bitcoin magazine that’s I thought well he was the head writer head writer head writer thank you for the correction and we appreciate his contributions to the platform thank youal there is no question that vitalic likes uh bit Bitcoin he’s not going to throw away the B baby he’s so one of the things we do cover on altcoin daily is but eth has been bearish man it’s got to been hard it’s the l2s the l2s are sucking up all the value acrel so that’s exactly right vitalic has never really cared about price publicly even though we they all care about price if you own if you’re part of the you’re founding project I me the the thread is rocking right now people are upset about the state of eth uh it’s bearish 100% I personally think that the average person will go for an easier ux y chain Solana s there’s so many eth competitors out there that are winning in my in my opinion for a reason ethereum has competition Bitcoin has none maybe it had it in 2017 with Litecoin or bcash or whatever ethereum has it’s it’s much less certain where it’ll be but vit you think we you think we’ll see a split in in the ethereum community maybe a fork this sounds like a prediction no we’re getting here I that that would be wild that would that would shock me that would shock you in 2025 if that happens I would be shocked but I happened before exact so that’s why I think they all saw the implications we’re talking about ethereum classic for those of you at home vitalic here this is Brandon I want to hear what you think about this yeah yeah in a bull market generally speaking you bet on altcoins outperforming Bitcoin in a bare Market saying the quiet part out loud generally speaking you bet on Bitcoin outperforming altcoins in a bare Market we’re entering into a bull market so if anything vital gives up in the next bare Market here’s the thing I’ll actually answer this the thing is that the altcoin market has become so volatile and so unproductive like the part where you’re chasing fart coins right it isn’t anymore where you get the repeat performers like the xrps are the outliers right even that not even touching alltime highs you look at the chart of every altcoin against Bitcoin it’s brutal sure you might catch a mem coin but you might lose it all you can get a little bit of Bitcoin I don’t know I think we might start see people seeing mainstream culture understand that you know you can’t chase the getrich quick crypto coins anymore quite simply you have enough time right you’re going to your day job or you going to spend 12 hours 20 hours outperforming these college kids or meming fart coin into $400 million you’re going to your construction worker job you’re going to outperform these guys I don’t know Brandon I’m bar I think that we’re starting to see a real Divergence in Bitcoin and crypto here well and and what I would say you know going back to the original prediction uh I think that you know the kind of let’s say Divergence or or the the distraction of eth as money that kind of came out of this D5 movement in eth um has really held it back uh a and I think the the the issue is that you know it’s it’s tried to be a competitor to bitcoin you know A wise man once say there is no second best right we’re at his house right now we’re at his house right now and so I think that uh uh there’s going to be a wider acceptance to exactly what ausen said like you shouldn’t compete with Bitcoin eth has been trying to compete with Bitcoin that’s over it’s time to to move on from that narrative and so I think that because of that you’ll start to see the vitalics and some of these other kind of bigger names in the space really start holding Bitcoin in a different place in the way that they talk about the space and and what they’re trying to do is much more of like a financial rails sort of play or or you know just a broader sort of compute rails and and that’s not going to overlap with the Bitcoin narrative as much and and they’re going to get some more distinction created not just from the bitcoiners but from the people in the rest of the market as well chat’s getting frothy here all right we’re moving off the altcoin subject though we have altcoin daily here we got Austin so we got to talk about it some of these branded predictions at Brand BTC we’re going down the list this one I think might be his boldest prediction coinbase gets acquired by a major financial institution I think this is heresy I don’t think you will there’s no way you see this happen 0% chance Brandon your defense so what I’ll say here is that a public company I know it would be nuts it would be absolutely nuts but you see all of these GBS all of these uh uh you know globally systemic uh financial institutions that need a play in the Bitcoin space and coinbase is sitting there you know uh unlike micro strategy they have not adopted the Bitcoin but they could right you just turn it on you just start taking some of those dollars turn but they’ve got to be looking at that you know 50 50 billion U market cap and they got to be licking their chops if you’re seeing something that’s a uh you know $4 trillion market cap that is like the current you know crypto market cap and the one of the biggest onramps is at a 50 Bill market cap I think you see the opportunity there and if you’re a JP Morgan if you’re a Goldman Sachs and you’re way behind on on how to actually take advantage of this Market a coinbase starts to become a a pretty tasty acquisition Target so uh you know if the cost of capital decreases if you see interest rates go to zero if you start seeing you know movement in the the capital markets I think coinbase becomes a very very hot acquisition Target by one we got Teddy leopard in the chat on YouTube coinbase gets acquired by dot dot dot Google we’re going to turn it over to Austin this coinbase acquisition I think Brandon is crazy I think this is no prediction I think I think you’ll see maybe a crypto exchange get acquired by a financial insti I think you will see one I don’t think it’ll be coinbase at all Brandon never going to happen oh in my opinion only because coinbase doesn’t need it maybe a smaller but just as legit exchange we don’t have to name them but we can think of the legit ones maybe they’ll get acquired coinbase knows they’re the hottest scroll at the party they know they just got that boob job and they know that they know that they have value I that’s a bad example but they know they have value and they’re kill what I’ll say though is that if you look at coinbase versus all these other exchanges they’re the custodians of these ETFs they’re the ones that have really lurched into thei the the trafi space and so I don’t don’t think that there’s the same appetite for just a Bitcoin exchange just a crypto exchange uh as an acquisition Target it’s really what coinbase has been able to do with the custodians ship with some of the the key things outside of just a retail exchange that’s what they’re looking at and and I just think that it’s going to be it’s going to be too appetizing of a thing to go get if you’re one of these way behind financial institutions someone’s going to try and do it but true or false you’re a coin shareholder no no all right just checking we got Lisa loves Trump in the chat shout me out please we’re shouting you out Lisa loves Trump thanks for watching we’re right shouting down we’re counting down Brandon Green’s predictions on X there’s a lot of them we’re getting Austin from allcoin Daily’s reaction this one is a bit of a doozy I’m going to simplify it sailor and micro strategy get blamed by economists for causing instability in global markets Brandon you’re going to have to unpack this one we’re in Miami we’re at Michael sailor’s house this is is New Year’s Eve 100K Bitcoin party you think sailor is going to be thrust into the Limelight here for disrupting Global markets yeah so this is actually one of the this is this is the prediction that I had that really made me want to write the thread okay uh and so you know it’s it’s definitely a spicy one and it’s way out there but what I will say is that if you look at the the current treasury market it is not tracking in the direction that you know the fed and the treasury Department and all of these kind of financial institutions want to see it uh uh they’re cutting rates at the fed and the interest rates on treasuries is actually increasing and so as it becomes a more and more desperate situation uh you’re going to start seeing the blame game go around and when you look at sailor what sailor has actually done is he’s created a new product for the you know uh bond market really to go after that’s much more enticing than just simple treasuries as evidenced by the interest rates you know sailor paying 0% of those interest rates the treasury is paying 7% you know uh uh uh depending on the the bond and so I think that what you’re going to see is uh uh eventually as us monetary policy doesn’t work the way we want it to the blame game will eventually someone’s going to blame I think that I think that falls on Bitcoin in general so I think I think where I agree with you on this I think your prediction is a little too specific but if you were to say I think Bitcoin will be blamed for like the resulting Crash from the next bulll Market will cause uh will be blamed for this crash in the traditional Market Austin your thoughts on this prediction I think Brandon’s dead on Brandon this is maybe the the thing that I think is the most clear out of your predictions there is no figurehead of Bitcoin there is no person that people can blame except for sailor who chooses to put his you know head in the Target because he believes that much I think the mainstream media is waiting uh for Bitcoin to dip and stay dipped by 30% for an extended period of time two blame sailor that he was wrong but Bitcoin has been declared dead hundreds of times since Inception and uh the big thing is it’s you hold long enough Bitcoin will be fine and and let me let me clarify too like this this from my perspective B uh sailor is the most right person in the world right now I mean he has and you’re not just saying that because you’re at his house eating fine steak and Iberian ham yeah the the ham is fantastic but even if I wasn’t having ham I would be telling you sailor won this year he made the right bet on bitcoin he had the right product in these converts in these uh uh debt offerings and he has wrestled control of the financial Narrative of the US and eventually of the world and so there is going to be a counternarrative to him necessarily there are going to be people who were left out of this trade there are going to be people who are not happy to see all the success that sailor has had and that will be The Narrative that emerges I think the bigger question is does Micro strategy enter the S&P 500 this would be a milestone I’m curious Brandon your thoughts but this would be a Bitcoin company entering the S&P 500 this is the Holy Grail of Benchmark for the US economy does that happen you know I think it should happen I think that there’s uh I can’t tell exactly what NASDAQ 100 now yeah I can’t tell what’s the holdup on some of these uh admissions but all I can say is that I think by the end of next year sailor and and micro strategy they’re going to be a top 100 company in the world in terms of market cap I think they are headed on that trajectory and so you know the fact that they aren’t already in the S&P 500 is crazy to me uh I don’t know what’s preventing that from happening but yeah I do think they belong there Austin your take micro strategy S&P 500 I I think they should be there I think that sailor will be viewed akin to the Elon mus or the Steve Jobs or the Rockefellers given enough time in terms of the conviction and just the simple uh action on that conviction that he showed because I personally believe Bitcoin is inevitable it’s either going to zero or a million dollars as sailor says and because I believe that Michael sailor will be viewed as that Pioneer in this space saying the obvious out loud when nobody else would well you know when Soros shorted the British pound he made around a billion dollars on that short I think right uh sailor on his Bitcoin trade has made over2 billion I mean this is the single greatest trade in the history of the world it is so impressive what he has done he saw it before anyone else he’s been talking about this publicly before anyone else he’s been trying to get other people to copy his trade you know like there’s such a thing as being too early right I mean we saw this with micro strategy and people have been digging up the history about it early uh iterations as a business intelligence company maybe being too early could Sor be too big too early I will say that the bigger Bitcoin gets the more secure uh the more inevitability there is the more time he has unlike any other technology or or or innovation if you’re too late you’re too late too early too early the bigger market cap Bitcoin bits gets the safer it is for these companies and governments to give we got Yuki Elliot greatest trade in 2025 would be shorting gold we’re going through Brandon green Bitcoin uh predictions for 2025 head Bitcoin conference how many do we have left oh no I think I think we’re wrapping up unless what I wanted what I wanted to do was to give it to you Austin thank and I’ll let you put out some predictions for us to buy or sell because we’re judging predictions right now so give us give us a let’s say ask for three concrete predictions they can be Bitcoin or crypto we we’ll keep it open for both audiences we’ve got some we’ve got the thread rolling in both directions we’ll be honest guys this will pale in comparison to Brandon Green’s uh predictions he’s a great interview we’ve had him on altcoin daily he gets the views he brings the perspective hey y’all get the views too I mean your audience is fantastic there’s a lot of people who want to buy a new altcoin daily yeah altcoin daily on YouTube and Twitter uh catch us there my prediction for Bitcoin has always been and again does not pale in comparison to Brandon’s but my base case my bare case for Bitcoin is 120 and I by the way that seems lame now I said that before the ETFs so this was very clear in 2022 in the bare Market because Bitcoin in all past uh Cycles has uh at least 3x from previous all-time highs obviously we get diminishing returns so saying only two x’s and say we take 69k of last cycle we’ve already surpassed it uh just a 60k a 2X is 120 sounds like a big number it’s not that big is this the prediction mid case is 150 okay ultimate bull case if we get the reserve if everything goes our way is 200 for this cycle Brandon will call me a bear very bearish what sorry what was your high end I 200 100 okay so are we buying or selling Brian sorry uh Brandon are you bu did you have a defense of that because I think that’s really bearish I just gave it yeah you know I I think that if you get the this goes back to some of my predictions if you get the Strategic Reserve if you get the stock Pile in the US the The Dominoes that are already set up to fall mean that the the year that Bitcoin is about to have is going to be the craziest year ever for Bitcoin and and so you know I I put out in that thread a 500K Target that is my conservative I’m not going to call it a be case but that’s my conservative case I think you could legitimately see a million plus next year in Bitcoin if you start seeing these World governments go into Bitcoin in a really meaningful way and so you know uh uh the 200k I you know it’s it’s a safe bet but man that that feels conservative to me I mean I think the other driving thread here is I would say the bearishness in the crypto markets in general and just the grasping of narratives and some of these other ecosystems you know you’re talking about AI agents buying your bags you’re going to have to program new sentient being to buy some of these bags uh for me I think you know there’s a drying up in the in the crypto markets I think we’re talking about the corporate treasury we’re talking about the nation states I I think I’m I’m buying your prediction so I’m going to I’m buying this your prediction uh but I think that things are more uh uh more bullish in general so I’m being I’m I’m being conservative here I’m going to take your prediction I don’t think I’m going to go as crazy as but let me let me uh you know uh what’s the touche coun coun challenge yeah uh would be that if if there is a drying up of the crypto kind of world you know assuming that there’s like some liquidity behind that that money is not going to flood back into the it’s going to rotate back to bitcoin and so I think you know that’s actually that can be a catalyst for Bitcoin it’s not a catalyst for the whole Space it’s a catalyst I just I think I got over my skis in 2021 thinking about price prediction so I’m going to I’m just going to leave it mut all right give us your next one that’s one we’ve got I’m buying Brandon selling let’s go a little dgen because while Bitcoin magazine magazine is the place to go for Bitcoin uh coverage thesis based publication altcoin daily will cover the whole Market I think meme coins are not going away I think it is almost you will never just like you’re never going to catch the exact top for Bitcoin or exact bottom for Bitcoin it’s almost impossible you will find the exact meme that hits and take that $500 and turn it into 5 million you hear about that story you do not hear about the stories where people took uh you know $1,000 hundreds more and just lost a thousands more I’m selling that prediction I think HW to was the top I think there’s going to be a fear among influencers in pushing something that will lose their followers that wasn’t my prediction yet so I acknowledge that this is my prediction because that fear is in the air my prediction is mem coins aren’t going away because in a way they’re mascots of the chains they’re mascot of base chain mascot of ethereum or whatever or salana I think the top meme coins by name brand so salana would be withi uh uh Bas would be Brett you know the the Blue Chip meme coins in the space I think those are going to be the top performers I think the best opportunity with memes if you want a d gen is to bet on the mascots of the chain and you’re betting coinbase is going to get bigger they’re going to funnel their users into base chain and the mascots of the chain will do well so I think those although they don’t give you the outrageous gains those are the best place for meme coins in taking a quick break talking 2025 prediction we’re going to alen helm roing reporter now standing by with Preston pish he’s on the red carpet it’s counting down we’re almost at midnight stay with us welcome back to the heart of the floor here at Michael sailor 100K New Year’s Eve party I’m joined here by a star studded group of people here we got Danny nolles of what Bitcoin did we’ve got Peter McCormick of Mr the Mr obnoxious podcast the renowned thought leader Preston pitch and the one and only Bitcoin Tech coder d++ everybody how we doing we’re going to start off with something real quick flash round price predictions where are we going at the start of the New Year price predictions um 300K start of the New Year oh wait what start of the New Year okay the 100K what it’s like we’re already at 936 sa’s about to buy Preston what do we got what’s the date start of the new year I mean it’s what 9 4K 94k right now I guess Infinity we had we had Market we’re done it’s done we got to be Pete the bear are we in agreeance here we got Bears bulls what are we what are we looking at here Danny what was the question bear or bull always bullish we’re bullish for at least another year well we already know we got a bear over here Preston Danny I think uh 2025 I think 300K in in the mix man I think it’s in the mix by the end of 2025 yeah we’ll see I’m a perm I love to hear it all right last and final question we’re here at this amazing party with fantastic bitcoiners what has been the highlight of the night so far Danny spending time with pizza fuck off um see impression spending time with Peter for sure spending time with Peter and Preston we heard it here first spending time with family spending time with you the bitcoiners and we’re going to cut to a break here I’m Alan hel from Bitcoin magazine and back to you guys thanks [Music] guys with mycs they all and you don’t that [Music] [Music] [Music] don’t my I’m Tri I’m dring on the way [Music] all I’m I’m thr away open my eye see Mo colors moving Chang [Music] that for it’s Michael sailor New Year’s Eve 100K Bitcoin party in Miami Florida once again pet Rizzo Bitcoin historian on X joined by a new round of special guests who’s got Alex McShane head of programming at the Bitcoin conference in Nolan bowly host of The Breakup you know him from Rumble andx of course his great work we’ve been talking about predictions we’re 45 minutes away from Midnight on the East Coast celebration to happen here talking about the Catalyst that would get us back to 100K at $93,000 right now and we’ve got some oracles on stage spe specifically Nolan bowly want to pick your brain about predictions for next year as you think about the Catalyst that get us back over 100k this year we saw Trump get elected we saw strategic Bitcoin Reserve introduced we saw bu Kell reelected Julian Assange freed a year of historic events what gets us over the 100K again what’s left what can happen well what’s left is the private sector in specific so you know we got the we got the public sector we got these leaders we got the biggest country in the world America we got all these places but what’s next is the energy companies these are the ones who really run the world right we can talk about these governments and all that stuff but they listen to the energy companies Poes they listen to the energy companies the energy companies say we we got Mac germ stad and the thread a McShan Big O that’s a shout out I’m not sure what that means let’s go so that that that’s what I like what I saw the other day when Russia announced they’re making markets for energy and Bitcoin that’s the future right there the only Market that will exist in the future and I’m not talking 2025 I’m talking way in the future is energy and Bitcoin let’s talk about Putin because we haven’t talked about that yet this is Vladimir Putin President of Russia coming out recently basically admitting that Bitcoin can’t be stopped they can’t do anything about it but yet Russia has pretty strong controls on their Bitcoin and crypto markets why are we bullish about this Alex what’s to look forward to here well we can look forward to I mean both simultaneously top down and bottom up Bitcoin movements all over the world in the Middle East you might have Sovereign wealth funds or or nations thinking about buying in but in places all around the world maybe the global South you’ve got these bottom up communities and ecosystems of people using Bitcoin in Russia It’s a combination of both it’s people mining for warmth and your KS and it’s also you know the government itself making this huge admission it’s the kind of thing you have to check yourself to hear just like wait they can’t stop Bitcoin well they’ve been saying it for years finally we’ve been saying it for years finally on the government level so the prediction here you’re saying I think it’s energy markets turn to bitcoin what does that look like Nolan is that an Exon Mobile is that an oil and gas comp because we’ve seen some of them you know they’ve tinkered around with with mining Bitcoin but you know that narrative really faded in 2022 2023 well when you look at what brics is trying to do and what they will fail at because who’s going to trust a coin issued from all these crazy countries together like it’s hard enough for one country to put out a coin and people have you know belief in it and they could create some kind of energy Market only the US dollar has been successful in that the energy companies maintain that Monopoly over it so when you see what’s happened in the past few years there’s been more countries with bricks that are talking about an alternative that’s nonpolitical where energy can actually find a market so what it looks like is large volume I don’t know if it’s xon I doubt it’s American companies but you got the Saudis that are that have said a lot of rumors coming out of that region and on the topic of nation state adoption we had Brandon green head of the Bitcoin conference on earlier went through his predictions getting concrete he thinks us creates a strategic Bitcoin Reserve but 10 other countries follow in 2025 are you buying or selling this prediction Alex go over to you I’m buying it I think 10 might be a little bearish and we’re we’re we’re giving him ban and El Salvador off the bat we’ll take Bhutan and El Salvador but you’re talking about Hong Kong you’re talking about immediately it may open in China you’re talking about competitive markets in Japan and Singapore and these these all need to work simultaneously so that Capital can flow between these different regions across the world and if you look at Canada for example Canada might not survive Bitcoin people say Canada can’t survive Trump but it’s really Bitcoin that’s the problem with Canada in the sense that Canada was created to centralize banking centralize energy markets but there’s been provinces and states in Canada that are not able to use this system very well Canadian federalism so you can see a place like Alberta really join Bitcoin in this way because they don’t they can’t use the Canadian dollar to make a political point right now they could use Bitcoin to make a political point and I would count that one even though it’s a subf federal state still a state well moving on to another prediction we’ve got an ETF related uh one here we’ve seen the ETFs amass an insane amount of Bitcoin over 1,300,000 how high does this number go in 2025 do we see 2 million Bitcoin owned by Black Rock do we see 3 million right now we’re at about 3% of the network right now is owned by ETFs does that cross 10% does that cross 20 % where’s the top I want to pin you guys down to some predictions the ETF Bitcoin Holdings top at the end of the next year the race for 10% is on I think I think the ETFs are going to are going to grab a bunch of this market and I think but at the same time you’ve got competing independent players you’ve got just corporations you’ve got micro strategy itself 400,000 Bitcoin that’s twice the number of of China or the US it’s important to point out also that the US already has a pretty heavy reserve of Bitcoin more than more than any other Nation at this point so 190,000 though Matt has tweeted that he thinks there has been selling that has been unannounced so still still to yeah I would like to see that but what what you’re saying about you know which country and and how can it go down I think it’s just the specific prediction here is what’s the top for the amount of ET Bitcoin the ETFs can acquire over 2 million do you see 10% of the Bitcoin Network in thef it becomes a game theory situation because at a certain point the bitcoiners who hold it just become richer so how much can they afford how much can Black Rock afford to buy Black Rock already holds more treasury bills than Germany all right so they’re they’re as big as a country having one of the big issuers doing the creation and Redemption like black rock out there it could turn into that but can they afford that many we’ll see it jacks the price for everything so and it and it increases the conviction of those who are already holding so it’s not the same equation the first million they bought were the cheapest they’ll ever get the next million is going to be a lot more expensive so we’ll see how much money they got we’ve got Arsenal in the chat saying I’ve been trying for more than two years to get canid by Bitcoin uh hope we wish you luck with that good luck uh another prediction we’ve talked about interested in your yes or no here Elon Musk begins buying Bitcoin again we saw him come out influence the elections he waffled in 2021 he bought Bitcoin he sold the salad hands he owned 40,000 Bitcoin he sold 30,000 Bitcoin almost on a level of Germany really the fumble that happened there can Elon redeem himself does he redeem himself no on your thought um I do believe so because I’ve done a bit of mind reading and guessing and hallucinating about him as many people do I always believe popular subject with I always believe that because when Elon talks about Bitcoin and his troubles with the he can’t really mention Bitcoin the same way because it becomes stock pumping because of the amount of Bitcoin that Tesla held and SpaceX held and he always had that going private 420 funding secured and they always had their eye on him I always believed Doge was simply a way for him to talk about Bitcoin without doing distraction a popular Theory but does that is the time for that over what is the risk now of Elon being pro Bitcoin he got Trump in off that’s what I mean he got the Republicans to move to the center he is the most influential person in the world perhaps here’s the risk if you’re planning on accumulating a bunch of Bitcoin don’t tell anyone about it if you’re the most famous person in the world you accumulate quietly to not sh well apparently the US is not following that Playbook so so Elon getting in you’re saying no I’m saying yes no I’m you’re saying yes but you’re just saying he’s not going to tell anybody I would imagine elon’s already got a little Bitcoin and probably when will he start publicly I think I think that’s correct he needs to get out from under this Doge thing that’s been haunting him you know maybe a a misunderstanding maybe you know he talks about now he’s kind of locked in maybe he feels he owes something to uh this kind of lesser asset and he just needs to keep you know he tosses it a bone every once in a while but he’s been mum about Bitcoin he won’t talk about it yeah what I’m saying is he’s basically it’s going to be just too much opportunity for him and without the restrictions of the SEC and the dangers that could pose like under the Biden situation with law fair and whatever he’s got free a free path now to go forward we’re going back to the red carpet now less than 40 minutes left to midnight on the East Coast it’s Michael sailor New Year’s Eve Bitcoin 100K party Allan back to you on the red carpet welcome back to the 100K Michael sailor New Year’s Eve party I’m here with some content creators the one in only Nico Moran of Simply Bitcoin and here with mm crypto gentlemen we’re going to do a quick tequila shot here Nico cheers we’re about an hour away from it being midnight in the entrance to the New Year Nico cheers all right mm crypto you’re a big Creator in the space you’re here at this fantastic party tons of great people what has been the most exciting thing about tonight I mean this event is crazy I came with not high expectations but if I would have come with the highest expectations I think it would still be exceeded it was really crazy everyone I’m talking to here has some interesting insights I just talked to someone who literally works with the US government and he shared some insights on my channel mm crypto about the potential Bitcoin U um Bitcoin us reserve and this is like the biggest news for me ever because what that means is if that’s true and he said it is and it is going to happen then that we basically get the biggest buyer in history for Bitcoin and fundamentally or ethically what you think about that who cares I think it’s very good for the price and if you are holding any Bitcoin this is exactly what you want you want someone who sits on top of the printing machine to buy Bitcoin it will pump your backs for sure so I got to ask I mean it’s very clearly good for Price where are we going what are we looking at in the year of 2025 what is the top peak price prediction well I’m in the space for like 8 years or so so I learned to calm down a little bit with my bullishness because I am the biggest Bitcoin bull in the universe so if you ask me any year I would have set $5 million uh even in 2017 right but if I want to be as realistic as possible I think this bull market has been going on for more than two years since we hit the bare Market bottom in November 2022 so I believe that we have still a few months to go but what I want to say my statement is I think this B Market will end earlier than most people expect that doesn’t mean it can go higher than some people expect it can go more parabolic and um more extreme and positive terms speaking but I think it’s going to end a little bit earlier than um than everyone expects simply because of what we can expect looking at the Bitcoin price in terms of fouryear Cycles um it should be over within the next Maximum 6 month in my opinion that doesn’t mean we will not see much higher prices of course okay so this is an interesting take here mm crypto I appreciate the insights there Nico we were talking earlier on the stage about how 2017 or not 2017 but the last bll cycle in 2020 didn’t have the blowoff toop cycle that we have and so mm crypto is predicting that we might have a repeat of 2020 what do you think about that yeah I mean like look like Bitcoin tends to do the exact opposite of what everyone thinks and what I’m seeing this cycle is a little bit on the bear side and I believe it’s because of the PTSD that people have from the 2021 cycle the 2021 cycle was artificially cut short because of the China mining band and we as bitcoiners have forgot what a true blowoff top feels like the last time that happened in bitcoin’s history was back in 2017 it’s been a long time so everyone’s not expecting it everyone’s expecting you know diminishing returns and Bitcoin tends to do the exact opposite so personally I think bitcoin’s either going to underperform next year or it’s going to overperform I don’t think it’s going to be in the middle that’s my opinion what’s the price prediction I got to ask where are we going 300K 300K Bitcoin 300K so I okay we’re going to the Moon that’s where we’re going I we are here at at the heart of the stage mm crypto Nico appreciate you guys coming here we are cutting back to Rizzo it’s Michael sailor’s New Year’s Eve 100K Bitcoin party in Miami P Rizzo Bitcoin histor on onx back with Alex mcshain ahead of content of the Bitcoin conference and Nolan bowly host of The Breakup talked predictions made a lot of wild ones we hope you clip them up we hope you hold us accountable in the New Year want to change as we count down to the new year to looking back at the past tomorrow I’ll be pushing a thread my top 12 moments in 2024 the year that was I’m going to run them back with these experts now they’re going to tell me if they think this moment is worthy of being one of the defining moments of the year or if they’re selling it so buying and selling again stay with us in the chat we love you on YouTube X and Rumble we’re picking out questions we’re chatting with you happy Bitcoin new year yobi thanks for tuning in okay number 12 Trump buys a burger with Bitcoin at Pub Key to me a symbolic moment Trump the every man using Bitcoin for Commerce demonstrating the lightning Network in real time I think this moment was historic selling it selling it selling it okay he’s there with the with the custodians he’s there with trusted third parties trying to make a sale and lightning lightning failed there’s a lot of ways it could have gone better it was beautiful to see it was beautiful to see this a campaign stop every campaign stop purchases this was Bitcoin integrated into a facet of American Life Nolan yeah I’m going to go with definitely buying this I like the story and I especially like now cuz because look how this is going to work the Bitcoin policy Institute as I understand is going to work with pubkey in DC to have like a satellite office in DC which is also going to be another bar now isn’t that hilarious that people are going to be able to like do their lobbying and go to the bar I mean bitcoiners don’t drink a lot lot of things it’s just it’s just it’s a nice look they would never have known about pubkey had Trump not gone it would look ridiculous really put Pub Key on the map and I would say Pub Key also bringing the New York scene back in a big way absolutely yeah I I didn’t that there this summer I love Pub Key he’s warming up I I’m long pubk very long number 12 on my list you can find it on X tomorrow Pete Rizzo the Bitcoin historian number 11 Gary Gensler replaced resigns as the FCC a symbolic win for the crypto Bitcoin political Coalition vanquishing our chief foe in some ways a historic moment Gary gendler we started with so much hope dashed ends and really infamy this will go down as one of the worst SEC managers ever Nolan was this a historic moment yeah it was a historic moment I think you saw that when Trump got the maximum laugh alluded from the audience at Bitcoin Nashville twice the way that Trump went and did it twice and said I’ll say that again one of the Fest speeches I’ve ever in my life with that little anote so I think it was a big deal um I remember when he came and begged us for work at coindesk in the old days if you remember that he’s like give me a job and then he end well he did Finance too yeah then he ends up at the SEC and it was absolute garbage I hated looking at him I hated the way he talked I’m buying it I’m buying it I’m all for bullying people out of office a wonderful need to be wedg out of all all right number 10 this one is my most controversial selection the arrest of Roger VE for tax fraud showed that despite the divisions in the Bitcoin Community the old tribal technical lines it’s possible for reunification against the larger foe the political oppression that Rogers faced not Ross Al but in many ways this case uh Roger being persecuted for tax fraud after expatriating from the United States this is a case where you know they’re saying saying I haven’t looked too hard at the details that this is almost unprecedented almost no one in history has ever left the country voluntarily given over their money to the US government and then been sued again does Roger deserve the report our support I say yes I believe to me Roger ver is the Barry Bonds of Bitcoin he’s a first ballot Hall of Famer if he retired before the forks I think he deserves support and I think he deserves recognition I think this was a historic moment look this was our Bitcoin Jesus and what we witnessed was a clawback of human life itself over Bitcoin this is insane so I’m buying that moment um I’m in support of Roger for this I you know I hope he gets free and clear and I think it puts the spotlight on the Ridiculousness that Americans have to live with with double Taxation and Global taxation uh if bitcoiners bring attention to that in the world it’s a great thing remember this double taxation only began when the financial crisis happened right this is a result of the financial crisis so is Bitcoin so to see those two things come head-to-head and Roger ver being at the middle of that is appropriate I I’m sad that Roger has to go through this but it’s a it’s a likely story for him a likely final chapter in his Bitcoin story to bring attention to just Redemption and to be sure you know look I’m not a fan of the hijacking Bitcoin book I I believe Roger holds a lot of negative opinions that are incorrect about Bitcoin but I think there is something larger than tribal uh you know being tribal here and at that moment spoke to that number nine a bit more of a Feelgood Julian Assange freed the kiss waiting 10 years uh the WikiLeaks founder this was someone who early on in Bitcoin popularized Bitcoin as a non-state currency Wikileaks deplatform debanked at a time when this was a very new issue in 2010 uh for publishing information about the US government Julian Assange detained in Ecuador for years under house arrest in the UK finally imprisoned in the UK and finally his release by the Biden Administration before the election I think a historic moment buying or selling buying this is one thing the Biden Administration got right and it’s a beautiful thing to see and I got to say there’s a time maybe one two years ago where I I didn’t think it was going to happen I well I always prayed it would happen because I wanted to hear the actual Discovery I wanted to hear the I wanted that to be litigated in American Court in America that would have been the appropriate way to handle it they actually just chickened out cuz they could of course the push for the pardon for Julian Assange I think going to be a focal point going forward we’ve got Clint in the chat is Diddy at the party Mia we can’t comment haven’t haven’t seen them moving down the list number eight Larry thinkink admits and says out loud that he is a major quote Bitcoin believer said this over the summer prior to the real runup I think cleared a lot of way for the run at the end of the year for me I think this was the moment for Wall Street trafi this was you know somebody becoming an advocate look the verdict still out you know Black Rock still pushing tokenization but I think this was a historic moment Larry think a big believer in Bitcoin yeah I’m I’m buying that all day simply because I’ve seen evangelism with Bitcoin I’ve seen Bitcoin education it’s a big subject a lot it’s a big job in Bitcoin right A lot of people do that as a job Bitcoin content Bitcoin educator Bitcoin Communicator to watch him deploy his entire Army of sales people probably the top sales people in the world probably the pop top Educators that’s what they’re doing um it it’s unbelievable it’s like that scene in to the Rings when all the elves show up at Helms Deep you know what I mean you get all these like crazy people who are able to sell and we got a lot of hate I want to say in the chat right now for our wardrobes I’m not sure why but I want to point who is it who’s best dress so the person who’s saying I’m wearing Orthopedic Nikes uh these are these are Trum these are Nik these are Trump crypto Flyers these are Trump crypto president Flyers my friend I will have you know uh that these are uh you can’t buy them they’re sold out uh they’re worth uh waited years for these I waited years for these These are worth probably thous thousands of dollars so just to put that to rest before we move on down the list Larry Fink we’re all buying this uh number seven ukel reelected obviously El Salvador had a little setback with the IMF having to accept the loan and under some conditions pulling back the Bitcoin Reserve Bill Buell in office again though means El Salvador is still an advocate on the world stage Max Kaiser and Stacy Herbert are here they’re part part in they’re having a good time but they’re really working the cause in an area where it’s important and a part of the world that needs it a historic moment for bigco yeah I mean we we got to just go back to the Bitcoin 2021 in Miami the feeling of buele coming out on doing that seeing the amount of profile he’s gained in the world watching him interact with other world leaders watching him be a leader for Bitcoin I think this is all great stuff him being reelected Keeps The Voice strong him being reelected at the numbers he was elected at really shows that Latin America is bringing the message of Freedom up to America now and it’s not something that we’ve seen before it’s something a lot of us hope to see and could imagine seeing because they’ve gone through those communist things watching them come up and and participating in American democracy through Bitcoin I think is the great I’d like to shout out Lisa loves Trump for vindicating my shoes I didn’t mean to cut off my chain no it’s all good first time in office uh look Buell ran on infrastru structure and security and he held true to those promises if you visit El Salvador it’s a beautiful place um this time around he’s showing the people what it means to be prosperous and what a prosperous future on a Bitcoin standard can look like I’d like to amend that moment to just be after taking the IMF loan El Salvador went and bought more Bitcoin than they purchased in one day in like 2 years it was amazing and they hit 6,000 the other day we got a free Ross from Tyler hunts we’re halfway down the top 12 12 moments of 2024 we’ve got Alan Helm on the red carpet 20 minutes to New Year’s 100K party 100K incoming Allan we are here back on the floor of the center of Michael sailor 100K New Year’s Eve party I am joined here today by Alexandre Li of the blockchain group Alexandre we’ve had a fantastic party tonight what has been the favorite thing so far for you tonight uh we all focus on bitcoin we are a Bitcoin Chic Event and we are all align on the same Mission Bitcoin for the world and Bitcoin for corporations and so Bitcoin for the new year and more Bitcoin for everyone absolutely we got to love the Bitcoin chick event one of the things you just highlighted was Bitcoin for corporations for the audience can you tell them a little bit about what the blockchain group does you guys are young up incomers replicating the micro strategy strategy I think that’s something our viewers want to hear a little bit more about exactly so we are the blockchain group it’s the first Bitcoin treasury company over in Europe uh we started the treasury strategy last month we have already 40 Bitcoin we are part of the top 60 publicly traded companies in the world in terms of Bitcoin on the balance sheet and so we are fully focused on bitcoin per share increase over time and we have a dedicated strategy y of raising Capital to buy more Bitcoin and to accumulate Bitcoin with no intention to sell so we’re here it’s the 100K party we are just below 100K right now I got to ask last question where do you see Bitcoin going price prediction in 2025 what’s the top so first of all uh the price prediction doesn’t matter in the short time uh we know that Bitcoin is going to 1 million 10 million and so the price prediction maybe for next year potentially above 200k potentially 500k uh but yeah analysts tend to say that Bitcoin is going to digital gold at least over this cycle or the next one so probably about 1 million at the end of this cycle or the beginning of next one or the end of next one yeah you heard it here first folks we’re going straight to the top to the Moon Alexandre thank you for all your insights cutting back to you Rizzo sailor New Year’s Eve 100K Bitcoin party in Miami Florida we’re at the Sailor Mansion counting down the historic moments from 2024 live on Rumble Live on YouTube live on X chatting in the comments back with Alex McShan head of content of the Bitcoin conference Nolan bowly host of The Breakup on Rumble X and other platforms we saw Trump bab burger at pubkey number 12 number 11 Gary gendler replaced at the SEC number 10 Roger Bears arrest for tax fraud n Jillian Sange freed eight Larry fin becomes a major Bitcoin believer seven na Kelly reelected in El Salvador we’re on number six now the number six top moment from the last year according to me myself the Bitcoin historian the fourth having happens Bitcoin programmatically reduced its Inu again without interruption we saw the highest Bitcoin block on record with the most fees easing concerns about security a historic moment Nolan you’re buying or selling this Alex buying or selling bye go ahead yeah I mean um I I don’t get too deep into the technical stuff when it comes to having and all that stuff I don’t really I mean I see that it does a lot I can see that it it coils the whole system it’s all wound up it’s got a lot you’re making this sound like very esoteric it’s just like if there’s 21 million Bitcoins something needs to regulate the supply yeah so I’m buying I’m buying look we had a historic moment where uh people chose to pump the price pass the previous all-time high before the having that was huge that broke people’s brains that was a psychological hurdle that I didn’t anticipate people had been economically planning around the having you had 6 to 18 months after the having where you’d get that all-time high and we crushed it and you just knew this was going to be the bow run of all bow runs number six the fourth having number five sailor record setting Bitcoin buy sailor bought more Bitcoin this year than in any previous year year both 2020 2021 and 20 22 and 23 combined passing 440,000 I think a historic moment I don’t think this can be copied I think even if other corporates follow him I think micro strategy will now be one of the top companies in the world irregardless I think Michael sailor’s Bitcoin buying for taking it to the next level this year a historic moment number five Nolan Alex yeah I would relate this exactly to what you said before about the having in the sense of there’s always this anxiety that the miners experience around the having but suddenly he came up with this issuance this new debt these new strategies and it looks like they’ve got a guaranteed buyer for the next whatever 3 four years at really high prices so based on what he’s announced and and and what he’s got uh access to so to me it really brings that whole anxiety to the miners to the Forefront it eliminates it a lot and and shows them there’s someone who’s always there and confidence of the market a buyer of Last Resort Alex too high too low number five micro strategy Michael sailor Bitcoin buying sprw it’s going to get a lot higher you know what you’ve seen now this volume’s been incredible but 2025 micro strategy has positioned itself to buy more Bitcoin it could be per day than anyone’s ever seen tens hundreds of Millions on the day I meant too high or too low on the list number five you think there’s four moments that are bigger than this cuz I want to want to hype this up well they better be good cuz that is a good one all right look I don’t want to get kicked out of the party I would say it’s right where it belongs is the greatest I’m not the guy to ask about the okay number four we’re moving on the list Cynthia lumus Republican senator from Wyoming introduces the Strategic Bitcoin bill reserve Bitcoin bill at Bitcoin 2024 in Nashville number four historic moment it really memd the Bitcoin strategic Reserve into existence and I think has caused nation state fomo on a level we have not seen and I think if nation states do Buy and announce Bitcoin purchases in the next year Cynthia lum’s bill is to blame is to credit that’s a historic moment in my book Nolan Alex your thoughts yeah really good timing on her part I love the way she did it right after Trump she got everyone’s tongues wagging uh exactly like you said she turned it into this mimetic expression lots of people ganged ganged up it’s happening everywhere people are talking about it all the time it’s useful for just us hand toand combat with Bitcoin hey America strategic Reserve states are talking about it nations are talking about it we were in the Middle East at the Bitcoin Mana conference they’re talking about it the Bitcoin Str Reserve I think has a mimetic quality far as surpassing even micro strategy yeah precisely and what happened is uh you know with El Salvador’s buys we found a way to bring and to meme into existence and to articulate what it means for this sort of prisoners dilemma of nation states to buy Bitcoin and uh I think after after Trump was shot this bill was suddenly you know drafted and thrown out just you know this is this is going to happen we’re going to do this we’re going to adopt the Bitcoin strategic Reserve we got Bitcoin bull in the chat should be happy that you have a chance to buy under 100K well said a silver lining to the 100K Bitcoin party here in Miami moving down the list number three the ETF approval obligatory it happened after 10 years of waiting many ways responsible for this bull one run opening up a New Era of Trad five Bitcoin confusion and adoption I think unarguably a historic moment for Bitcoin number three on my list no one yeah hard to argue with that indeed we’ve waited for years for these decisions every time they all seems farfetched at one point until slowly it became maybe this time maybe this time until finally it had to be a done deal and it took a lot of work it talk took litigation it took suing it should have been easy to do it became a way harder over the years no one could have predicted the obstacles they put in corruption was all around it and then for Bitcoin to go through all of these obstacles in this drama and then to become the greatest from volume talk online reference chatter the greatest Financial product ever launched the most successful the most successful 15 minutes left to New Year’s on the East Coast if your celebrating stay with us talking about the ETF approval the number three moment on pet Rizzo’s Bitcoin historian list of events Alex you’re supporting this absolutely I’m buying it I think it was but a small Domino and what’s to come but it really you know that was a huge hurdle for institutional adoption and for retail adoption both it gave people easy Bitcoin acts access we can argue all day about the you know the double-edged swords and the tradeoff of self- custody but this brought Bitcoin into the households on a daily basis of anyone that’s paying attention to financial markets number two Trump pledges to free Ross Al a symbolic moment that I think to many reassured the public and the Bitcoin and crypto Community about Trump’s commitment to the industry and signaled that he was on the side of the innovators Ross Al an early Bitcoin Pioneer created the Silk Road marketplace a political prisoner given two life sentences plus 40 years this effectively proved that the Bitcoin voting block could bring back one of their own from the dead symbolically I think a historic moment for Bitcoin I think Ross’s freedom in January one of the biggest events not priced in for next year a historic moment my number two on the list Nolan Alex your thoughts can’t wait to see him public maybe he’s here at this party next year it’s just so neat to be able to think about that you know if you’re in Bitcoin long enough you met his mom you heard the stories we heard the letter in 2021 if you remember oh what a historic moment that was go to the YouTube channel go to the Bitcoin conference search Ross’s speech at Bitcoin 2021 a harrowing account a phone call where he talks about his life and experience in prison really I think put it on the political map even as a possibility I mean if you had told me five or six years ago that rossberg would be pardoned by a sitting president I think I would have thought you were crazy I mean this was just something that speaking of meming things into existence I mean this was almost the work of a few Grassroots people unbelievable that it will be achieved and I think Trump doing this at the libertarian party convention really an ear signal to this kind of Elon Alliance that we saw where the right did move to the center right and then we saw that in this election so I think historic moment Alex absolutely buying it I mean this one plays on the heart but this is this is a victory for free markets around the world the US Government tried to make an example of this man and we MD him back we we’re going to meme him out of prison and you know I want to I want us to hold Trump accountable and see him free on J course fre Ross day one people keep up the support Freer ross.org a great res SCE for all Ross related uh uh uh information we’ve got 13 minutes left to midnight we’re here at Michael sailor 100K Bitcoin party on New Year’s waiting to see if the price will cross we’ve got 12 minutes now to get $7,000 in volume we see people frantically smash buying in the audience but the Yachts are here the party’s here Michael sailor’s going around selling shares trying to pump this price I should I wait for I’m like I’m wondering if I should wait for my number one reveal like at at midnight should I wait 12 minutes uh probably not we should just finish it out right we can’t let the people we got to do we got so let’s re recap we’ve got Trump buying the Burger Pub Key we’ve got Gary gendler fired at the SEC we’ve got Roger V’s arrest we’ve got Julian Assange fre we’ve got Larry thinkink becoming a Bitcoin believer ukel reelected the fourth having sailor Bitcoin buying spree lumus introducing the Bitcoin strategic Reserve bill ETFs approved Trump pledging to free Ross number one Bitcoin tops [Music] 100K I mean it was a milestone you know is there anything even the Ross and Trump moment was there anything better than Bitcoin hitting six digits the new EPO the new era I think the price is the mimetic uh you know center point of the Bitcoin Universe I think that you know there’s there was nothing to me that could have been above this on the list this was the definitive moment of the year Alex Nolan your thoughts look everyone will say we got lucky this was the psychological Milestone of the century in terms of Bitcoin you know one Bitcoin will always equal one Bitcoin you should denominate your world on bitcoin’s terms but there’s a transition transitionary period and we’re this is just the start of it speaking of transitions I will say this is a we’re listening to the BG’s uh what is this uh more than a woman right now at 10 minutes to M this is surreal commenting in real time people are gathering in the center of the venue right now coming from the Yachts coming from inside the house momentum building here as we’re 10 minutes away from New Year’s on the East Coast here at Michael sailor’s Bitcoin Mansion Villa Nolan 100K Bitcoin you think the Milestone of the year or are you challenging my assertion no I I I’d say as far as the amount of fun bitcoiners had the amount of ah that it was worth it or the amount of dopamine let’s say that we received as bitcoiners as a reward for all the things we’ve done all the sacrifices we made all the hodling we did every bit of abuse we suffered at 12,000 Bitcoin 12,000 K in in 2022 when the market crashed because of s SPF and every other crash we’ve been through always no one would come back when it came back and hit that number and you could you know brag to those stupid people that you know that laughed at you and all that stuff hard to beat that you know it really is we got claudo borquez in the chat uh uh let’s see uh where’s the party we’re going to send you out to Isabella Santos back on the red carpet bitcoiners lining up for New Year’s Isabella over to you and we are live here minutes away from Midnight I got the iconic singer songwriter Sophie in the house we got the grapes we’re both Latinas here so we got our Traditions coming we got got the champagne The Grapes you got to sing us a little bit of your song Ooh b t c b I love it it’s coming soon it’s coming soon we just got to get visuals for it you got to tell every bitcoiner out there what are the Latinas doing for New Year’s what are our Traditions you know what can everybody at home look forward to well the Latinas are putting lidocaine on their feet because it numbs your feet so that you can dance the whole night long but actual Traditions are uh eating the grapes we have 12 grapes so that you can make a wish for every month of the new year and we’re also eating our lentils very important very healthy haot girls eat lentils and uh what else are we doing on oh we’re wearing the red underwear so that we can find true love gold under sorry yellow underwear if you want to make some money but in our case since we’re bitcoiners we’re going to be wearing some orange underwear hey we got to wear orange for the bitty and back live to you guys 100K party in Miami Florida it’s happening less than 8 minutes away from New Year’s the party is going as Isabella show the hats are out we’re talking about the biggest moments from the year just recounted our top 12 moments from 2024 ending in Bitcoin topping 100K some of the honorable mentions to me Jack dorsy wearing his Satoshi shirt at the Super Bowl photographed with Beyonce and JayZ uh I think you know a historic pop culture moment uh as well Trump at the Bitcoin conference giving that keynote I’ll never forget being on this live stream seeing Donald Trump coming out starting starting his dance also a uh a pretty pretty big moment for the industry let me just go down through some of the other uh uh uh uh potential things here we had um the first Arc transaction on bitcoin layer 2 scaling technology advancing the Satoshi statue in legano being unveiled this is one of the first in the world and I would also say Satoshi Nakamoto passing Bill Gates becoming one of the wealthiest people in the world close to the top 10 really entering that Financial Echelon some of the other moments but 100K I think yeah we’ve got we’ve got four mear blocks we’ve got layer twos chomping at the bid here to develop on bitcoin what we really have is a return of Silicon Valley and also the the the sort of new new new inventions of the the kind of allcoin ecosystem coming home to roost on on bitcoin which is something that was long predicted but we had yet to see actually we had uh Austin from altcoin daily here earlier giving very bullish Bitcoin predictions I think you know if you’re asking me I think you do see next year the crypto markets start rolling over back to bitcoin you know look if you can buy 0.1 Bitcoin or 1,000 fcoin uh look time is running out to stack Bitcoin right it’s got to be seeping in at some of these crypto Market bets we talked about pump. fun the nihilism of these markets people threatening to kill themselves to pump meme coins I mean it’s clear that this is not a good system we don’t want people to be using it and I think we’ll see a rotation in a Bitcoin we should and you also you’re starting to see Bitcoin Hardware wallets in uh in retail stores Across America it’s pretty mindboggling to see you can go to Best Buy and pick up there’s a selection of Hardware wallets for you to self custody and secure your Bitcoin offline and and what it looks like is you know we we’ve seen Bitcoin communties Fork right Bitcoin Forks you get Bitcoin cash and all this but in a lot of ways we forked from all of these crypto people in general now like they they are they have gone to the logical conclusion of what that whole thing is and it really is just I’ll I’ll kill myself unless you buy my coin that’s what they’re doing that was The Innovation we’ve got five minutes left to New Year on the East Coast if you’re watching we thank you on X Rumble and YouTube we’re here for you we’ve got the experts out in the audience more guests coming we going live till 2: a.m. bringing you the best of this Party recap the top 12 moments talk about predictions what’s left for you guys tonight as we think about on your bucket list you’re at Sailor’s house have you been on the yacht have you gone into the house have you seen the spread what’s left on your bucket list to see Alex I want to see some fireworks I want to see a I want to see a sailor Victory lap I want to see he’s going to start a marathon from his house we’re going to run all around Miami of course on the stream we were promised a sailor visit uh TBD on when it will be he’s been spotted around the party and his signature Bitcoin B t-shirt Nolan 4 minutes left to New Year’s now what are you looking forward for the rest of this night as you think about your time here in Miami I mean there’s so many great people here bitcoiners that you get to see every now again in an event or you haven’t seen in years so you know there’s Chris pavlovski the the new Bitcoin balance sheet guy from Rumble I haven’t gotten to see him yet he’s on my bucket list to go say hi I saw I passed him but I didn’t have a chance to say hi there’s people you didn’t even know were going to be here it’s just all kinds of characters it looks like a Twitter you know big big hangout so got people that haven’t been seing in the better part of a Decade OG Wales creeping in it’s insane man and we’re getting close 3 minutes now to New Year’s counting down Bitcoin on Pace to end the year up 113% up 30% on gold 30% on the S&P 500 this is after outperforming gold and SNP for the last 10 years you just heard you just heard there the bullhorn the Bulls are out we’re not sure what it means what do we think about this historical performance now that it’s piling up how do you feel about plus 100% this year Alex noan look me and my degenerate friends just outperformed all of your favorite you know investors on Wall Street all of the pros it’s quite simple we did it while having a a great time and just meing bit coin into life magic internet money for the win man money of the people and it it’s Unstoppable we’re not going to be stopped that’s what it comes down to you see all this pessimism in the world all of this anger all of this difficulty people fighting about visas all week on X or some shit like that all these people fighting about visas and X buy Bitcoin get left until New Year’s 2 minutes left we’ got pouring out now the main stage or into the main Pavilion now coming off of the yacht coming in from the main house we’re not sure what’s building we’re told there could be a Michael sailor speech coming up maybe something bullish maybe something that would push us over 100k still $6,500 away of your home smash by get on there going out the cash app it’s time it’s time to make the buy some while we’re up here Alex is getting ready to smash by right now are you going to add it’s his own personal strategic Reserve that Shane Capital smash buying right now trying to keep up with sailor Michael sailor’s 100K New Year’s Eve Bitcoin party and can reveal now that Michael sailor earlier told us he’s scheduling the next party for a million it’s happening cor saor going to happen we’ve got 1 minute left until New Year’s Eastern Standard time we’re going to go to Isabella Santos on the red carpet bitcoiners are partying it’s here New Year’s 100K in my that’s a million STS let’s go dude I love the uh production voice 29 [Music] 2 what it cuts from the live stream now yeah baing wife [Music] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 [Applause] 1 now we got to get the grapes happy New Year yo okay the grapes you got to make wishes every time you eat one and then you have to drink champag [Music] this is the first year I’m not running with my luggage you run with luggage because you want to travel not anymore not anymore Happy New Year we reached 100K of 2024 we have no idea what’s going to happen in 2025 sailor is going to speak soon and we’re going to be right back so go move get your grapes get your champagne and start dancing because 2025 we’re coming for you e [Music] not there no one to hear my PR [Applause] give me give me give me a man after mid somebody help me Chase the Shadows away give me give me give me a man after midnight take me through the darkness to the great of the day give me give me give me a man after midnight on somebody help me Chase the Shadows away give me give me give me a man after midnight take me through the darkness to the break of the day [Music] [Applause] the my allone I hate to the evening on my all theide the window as I look the W and it makes me so depressed to see the mo there’s not a soul out there no one to hear my [Music] pray give me give me give me a man after mid somebody help me Chase the Shadows away give me give me give me a man after midnight take me through the darkness to the break of the [Music] [Music] movar the end of the rainbow wind it’s so different from the world I’m [Music] I open the window and I Gaz into the light nothing you see no one inside there’s not a soul out there no one to hear my [Music] [Applause] [Music] pray give me give me give me your man after midn somebody help me Chase the Shadows away give me give me give me a man after the mid take me through the darkness to the break of the day give me give me give me a man after mid somebody help me Chase the Shadows away give me give me give me a man after midnight take me through the darkness to the great of the day [Music] tonight I want to give it all to you in the darkness there’s so I want to do [Music] tonight I want to lay it at your feet cuz girl I was made for you girl you were made for me I Was Made For You Baby you were made for me and I can’t get enough with you baby can you get enough with you tonight I want to see it in your eyes feel the magic there’s something that drives me wild and tonight we’re going to make it all come true cuz girl you were made for me and girl I Was Made For You I was made for love you baby you were made for love me and I can get enough of you baby can you get me I Was Made For You Baby you were made for love me and I can give it all to you baby can you give it all for me I can’t [Music] I was made for you Bab you were made for Ling me and I can’t give enough you baby can you me I you I I enough I you you are made forever me and I can’t get you baby can you get over me [Music] e e e e e e welcome back to Michael sailor’s 100K New Year’s Eve party we just hit midnight here on the east coast and now we’re doing the countdown for Central mountain and Pacific to my left I’m joined by our great dear leader the Bitcoin evangelist the guy that brought Trump to bitcoin 2024 people happy New Year David Bailey and to his left my good friend host of Simply Bitcoin Nico Moran gentlemen I wanted to start this whole segment off by just talking about some of the wins of 2024 but I I think David positioned it way better earlier and he said let’s just talk about how right we were this year David lead us off I I got one of those candles from my wife for Christmas that is uh smells like I was right about Bitcoin and I just feel like that’s the um perfectly encapsulates uh what this year was all about we we were right about Bitcoin in so many so many ways almost too many ways to count in fact it’s almost like what Trump said uh like we’re winning so much we’re going to be sick of winning I mean I kind of feel a little sick of winning but we’re just going to keep winning and we’re going to say Please Mr President no more winning please but we’re going to keep winning that’s where we’re at right now I I’m not at the I’m sick of winning Point yet I don’t know I got to say like first of all what you guys did with Trump at the conference was absolutely insane historic moment for Bitcoin uh Biden kind of created that situation like they created an opportunity for the uh for their leading political opponent to capitalize on the drop ball on their end and that’s exactly what he did and you know to give him credit because he did take credit for Bitcoin hitting 100K which I thought was absolutely hilarious but he did promise US that in Nashville and he did kept he did he did keep his promise like made Promises Kept he won we he won the election and Bitcoin shortly after hit 100K every time I see him he asked uh how many trillions has he added to the market cap of Bitcoin that’s amazing yeah I’m so excited for for next year this is the first Bitcoin president going into office uh his son Eric Trump had an amazing speech in Mina and he really understands Bitcoin on a fundamental level and my mind can’t fully comprehend the fact that this is the president’s son and this guy’s about to be sworn into office mind you Ross is going to be free too so yeah I’m beyond excited for 2025 yeah man I I think that uh where this goes from here is is really unknowable it’s a comp Lex situation but the Space Race for Bitcoin has begun and so um like as this goes from something that’s kind of like a sideshow to something that like this is a real thing that’s happening and uh this the the the state your your National sovereignty is on the line I I I think there’s like lots of ways that this can evolve that that none of us anticipate and I think you know the the one thing that’s really makes me bullish on Trump is and and Eric spoke about this in Mina is like the reason that that Bitcoin resonated with him finally cuz he had heard about it for years and he only got into it in the past year was the weaponization of the financial system of the banking system against the Trump family and when they realize wow banking is now just a tool of the of the political system to punish your opponents and to lock them out of the political dialogue like that’s what blackpilled them to bitcoin and that’s something that you can’t you can’t take away from someone’s experience that’s a that’s a lived experience that like doesn’t matter what happens from here they’re going to remember that so I’m I’m I’m in I’m glad that happened to them because it it it it taught them something about Bitcoin that there’s really no um replacement for uh but you know as Eric said like his dad checks the price like two prices every day the Dow Jones and the Bitcoin price I love that bitcoin price is the Dow Jones of the Next Generation and it’s so true and uh I think that a a booming bitcoin price is a booming American economy it’s a booming US dollar and I think that that is completely Mission aligned with this new Administration and so yeah I you know Eric said it in in Mina uh under his under his dad’s Administration they want to see 1 million doll Bitcoin prices so I don’t know if that happens in 2025 but I think we’re we we go well on our way there in 2025 well you were just talking about how we’re on this Bitcoin space race or I as I like to call it the accumulation race right and David you kicked off this whole conversation amongst world leaders who influence public perception have access to the banking cartels have access to financial and fiscal policy and can influence maybe some of these more emerging market market economies outside of the US you just talked about how with Trump what resonated with him was this concept of debank is that the same narrative that you see going on with maybe some of these Sovereign wealth funds or what is it that resonates with them no and and I think what resonated with Trump was uh I I I think what resonated with Trump was the um the analogy of Bitcoin as digital gold and how America being the dominant power in the gold market you know cusing the world’s gold in the United States was is good for the US dollar that custody the world’s Bitcoin in America or under the American you know legal system is good for the US dollar and like that spoke to him and so uh you know I think I think uh that is the really the story that’s going to take root over this next year is that like we’re going back to a gold standard but it’s a new standard it’s the Bitcoin standard and uh in the same way that every Central Bank treated gold as a priority to hold um they’re going to treat Bitcoin as the same kind of geopolitical priority and we only need a few nation states to take this seriously for all the nation states to have to take it seriously so you know I think that that’s that’s what the Bitcoin space race is all about and I think if you get back to First principles and you and you start studying like what was the economy like what was the monetary system like under the gold standard there’s really a lot of interesting lessons to extract from that uh you know there there’s like this this uh wellestablished narrative that like the gold standard was somehow bad for people it was deflationary whereas if you actually look at the period of time that was the gold standard it was actually the the the uh standard of living for people around the world dramatically improved I mean it was it was really a golden era for for Humanity so you know I think that there’s a a realignment happening globally the system that we are currently in is widely uh viewed as unsustainable and Bitcoin represents an opportunity to um you know uh uh uh do what the globalists always thought they wanted to do but in the in the opposite way it is the great reset um but it’s it’s the great reset that’s built around the economic values of freedom and capitalism rather than the great reset of totalitarianism and social ni what are your thoughts here yeah I think he’s spot on like one of the things I’ve always said is like if you take a look at the world economic Forum I see that as the conaire conference and if you take a look at the Bitcoin conference I see that as like the freedom conference right and there’s like two opposing World Views like one of the things I’ve always said is Bitcoin or slavery because that’s really the future that we had H have ahead of us so it’s a future of the continuation of Fiat which is Central Bank digital currencies which is a future of nihilism endless Wars Fiat essentially and then there’s the future of Bitcoin the future of Freedom peace Prosperity opport opportunity hope optimism and I think that’s the future where we all want to live in and most importantly that’s the future that we want our children to live in right and we’re like in this fork in the road um in human history the election of trump was so pivotal I mean the things that come out since Elon acquired X and he freed the bird so to speak like it was damning like it was unbelievable the amount of censorship that was happening behind the scenes and Trump was even a victim of this himself you know so I think what Bailey was saying earlier you know this Bitcoin thing it’s it it resonates because Bitcoin is this life like if you live in a totalitarian country it doesn’t matter if you have Bitcoin in self- custody you can communicate with the world economy without anybody having the ability to censor your ability to transact with the world and that’s extremely powerful and I think you know what we do today and what we do as individuals and the message that we continue to propagate is going to have lifelong consequences because if not it’s a future of slavery like what’s if you if you guys want to take a look at what a world of Central Bank digital currencies will look like look at China I mean the Central Bank digital currencies connected with a social credit system like I guarantee you if if a Bitcoin standard doesn’t get adopted in the United States or around the world that is the only inevitability there is no option there is no in between that’s the continuation of Central Banking that’s a continuation of Fiat and people haven’t realized that but that’s really what’s at stake so what we do now is going to have lifelong consequences of course we’re going to get rich in the process number go up 100K we’re celebrating but this is real it’s real business and it’s going to have consequences what we do now for the future Generations our children and you know it’s a privilege to live in this time in history but it also comes with a tremendous amount of responsibility absolutely so I want to get here last question before we cut to Isabella um we talked about a fork in the road it’s hope versus despair hope being Bitcoin despair being this continu continuation the manipulation of the Fiat system David it’s easy to think longterm but in the short term what are the some of the things that you’re most excited about leading into 2025 you know I think uh first off the price of Bitcoin is going higher and so you know my kind of gut instinct is that like we end the year in 2025 at like $250,000 of Bitcoin that’s like where I think we had that translates to like a $5 trillion market cap which is roughly equivalent to 20% of US GDP that we’ve we’ve created um you know I think we’re starting to hit the we’ve we’ve really hit we’ve already hit escape velocity for Bitcoin I think the Bitcoin ETF was like the Escape veloc moment where uh Bitcoin has now truly infiltrated the financial and monetary system and such a way that um uh Bitcoin doesn’t need anything other than time in order to take over the whole system so like the the uh I don’t see any any any blockers let’s say any troop lockers um you know I think uh to hit something that you mentioned Bitcoin is is you know Freedom or slavery is the pivot in the road what I find very interesting about Bitcoin is that you you self- select to get into Bitcoin there is a certain type of person or a certain mindset or philosophy or worldview or or whatever that that that predisposes people to buying Bitcoin earlier than other people and if you look around the world the profile of a bitcoiner is very you know you can take a bitcoiner from China and a bitcoiner from from New York and a bitcoiner from Germany and a bitcoiner from Russia and a bitcoiner from from you know fucking Nigeria and you can put them all in the room together and they’re going to have a lot in common and they’re going to share a very common worldview even if they approach it from different perspectives and so as Bitcoin appreciates and it fulfills this higher price point there is a a a a a a a global audience of people that hold Bitcoin that it is positioning to to take the Reigns of uh uh leadership in our financial system and in our political system and I and I I truly believe that uh you know it’s it’s this whole Trump thing has been interesting because uh it’s caused people from around the world bitcoiners around the world that are talking to their own governments to reach out and kind of tell a story about what’s happening in their place who they’re talking to what their concerns are Etc and it it really is like a a global conspiracy has unfolded and there are bitcoiners in the Inner Circle of every president on the planet at this point and so I I see a scenario where as Bitcoin booms not only does it give back the the self- sovereignty to countries and the self- sovereignty to the individual but it empowers a new political class that believes in the in in similar ideas and and instills a a sense of um a a common ground and and uh political cohesion that doesn’t exist today and I actually think that if Bitcoin goes to 250 or 500,000 or $1 million you know it’s not just America that’s going to have a Bitcoin class that’s elected as the head of state China’s going to put in the next president of China after she will be a bitcoiner and so I actually feel like it’s like we’re all shareholders in this common Corporation and and we all have an alignment that happens from that where you know what’s good for Bitcoin is good for all of us and it induces some level of of cooperation so that’s a very long-winded way of saying that I see the political moment that we’re having now expanding and I see that resulting in a greater number of um indirect political decisions that are made that are aligned with our our political movement that’s that’s happening everywhere um and so you know maybe that that uh uh means Bitcoin can be the common ground that China and United States find to come you know to find cooperation and peace over the next several years so um yeah I you asked me what what am I what am I most interested it’s the merging of the world that we already live in with the ideas that we’ve always had but have been able to be put in a box and now they’ve reached a scale that they can’t be put in a box anymore that these ideas have now infiltrated the real world and um people are are forced to interface with them you know I I couldn’t agree more that Humanity as a whole has a vested interest to see the advancement of Bitcoin and adoption globally I can’t help but crack a smile just at you painting the picture that of what could be essentially for the future of humanity and to Nico’s point right I think something that that I think I find really interesting is that China implemented a cbdc a couple years ago um and I don’t know in the last what month uh X came out and the uh Financial Minister that was responsible for the China ban um was removed from that position of power bro there’s a lot happening in China right now there’s a lot happening in China I think I I I think the when this we need Trump to sign this executive order for the Bitcoin strategic reserve and then it is a fullon Sprint of nation state adoption happening at a pace faster than anybody thinks is possible and I think that if Trump signs the spr on day one I think China is going to have their spr stood up within 24 hours yeah 100% I mean it’s a game theory right like look it’s not a coincidence that you know Trump won the election and within a couple weeks you have Putin basically saying Bitcoin can’t be banned you have um a politician in the Duma which is the equivalent of the House of Representatives here in the United States introducing legislation to make Bitcoin strategic Reserve in Russia you have a politician in Brazil doing the same thing on the state level Ohio Pennsylvania Texas all you know politicians there introducing legislation strategic Bitcoin Reserve so it’s the game theory China’s at a strategic disadvantage to United States if the United States is accumulating Bitcoin so like they have even if they don’t like it um Alex gladon actually wrote an article for you guys it’s called Bitcoin is a trojan horse for freedom and he makes the case in that article where that number go up technology and freedom go up technology are inextricably linked and you can’t disconnect the two no and what you’re going to see is in some of these countries they’re not going to be able to resist the number go up but they naively think that they could just the let a freedom stuff it’s we’re going to put it here and the number go up we’re going to put it here but they don’t realize that once they let that in it’s a trojan horse right absolutely so yeah I think China is inevitable I think Russia is inevitable any any country that sees the United States as a competitor they’re not going to have a choice even if they dislike Bitcoin it’s like the it’s like with Larry Fink I mean he went 5 years ago he’s saying Bitcoin is an index of money laundering 5 years later he’s like you know what satoshi’s right a non-sovereign alternative it’s probably a good idea he’s not doing this out of the goodness of his heart Putin isn’t saying Bitcoin can’t be banned out of goodness of his heart he’s doing it cuz he sees the writing on the wall and he’s like number go up better get on the train than get left behind and then put ourselves in a strategic disadvantage with the United States right and same with black rock it’s like we’re going to get left behind you know so that’s something that I think a lot of people don’t understand about Bitcoin which is it’s a system of aligned incentives which is in stark contrast with the Fiat system which is a system of misaligned incentives meaning there’s a group of winners and there’s a group of losers in Bitcoin everyone wins and if you’re coming from the Fiat system that’s actually pretty hard for you to comprehend and to wrap your head around right and now we’re heading into this world where if you have nation states competing for your Bitcoin if you have institutions competing for your Bitcoin dude you are going to win as a Bitcoin hodler right I think it was Max Kaiser that coined the term Like Larry thinkink Employee of the Month Bitcoin employee of the month that is so freaking spoton you know well if we had to give somebody uh Bitcoin employee the year it definitely has has to go to David um props give it to Larry I mean Trump bro Larry that Trump that Trump what did he what you were there on the stage I didn’t mean to interrupt you were there on the stage bro you gave him that freaking cesis coin I don’t know how to say it but you gave him the coin does do you think he still has that coin so he had to peel the coin for for uh FEC reasons uh which there was a whole uh conversation around but the cace’s coin is framed and and up on the wall so oh snap he loves he loves the coin but they peeled the they peeled the the the the key so the is there actual Bitcoin left on that coin no they send it to Gemini and I I hit up Gemini I’m like guys isolate the utx but uh no they legally they they had to sell it it’s uh uh uh otherwise they the the they could actually go after them so um but yeah so and and you know Trump told me before all of this went down that you know he owns a significant amount of Bitcoin I’m not going to disclose the number that he told me but uh uh you know he doesn’t manage his money himself directly but that he had a significant position even at that time and the price of bitcoin’s gone up a lot since so um you know you’re right it’s it’s all about creating alignment it’s all about creating alignment and uh you know what’s Bitcoin changes the dynamic where you know uh what’s good for Bitcoin is good for all of us and what’s good for Bitcoin is the fundamental ideas of Freedom so it’s like advancing freedom is what’s good for your financial interest I will share some some uh I guess this is rumor and gossip but um hit us with it d uh you know this is what this is what the crowd wants so you know I talked to a a a great bitcoiner from from Russia uh someone who’s family is deeply politically involved and and uh you know maybe he wouldn’t use this language but is uh uh a trusted Confidant of Putin and um uh he told me Putin has 100,000 Bitcoins personally I mean I wouldn’t be surprised he is the richest man in the world I mean Putin Sovereign wealth funds in the Arabian Peninsula Trump I mean the Middle East is going wild for Bitcoin right now going wild we’re we’re approaching the laggards here gentlemen I want to pause here real quick cuz we just hit 2025 the 100K party here some fun things are going down on the dance FL we’re going to cut to our roing reporter Natalia here for a quick word hello Miami reporting live from 2025 we’re here at Michael sailor’s 100K Bitcoin party F thank you for joining us for having me can you tell us some important events from 2024 in the Bitcoin Community for sure yeah I think the biggest moment in 2024 for Bitcoin was definitely Trump at Bitcoin Nashville like the fact that this guy stood on stage for about 45 minutes doesn’t matter how much of the time it was a campaign and how much of the time he really spoke about Bitcoin the fact that he was at a Bitcoin conference and he made that mainstream and everyone was watching him and talking about it all around the world that he is endorsing Bitcoin now even if they couldn’t understand exactly what he means the fact he was saying the words self- custody to the people of the world means a lot for mainstream adoption so I think that was the moment and then two other personal moments that I had at 2024 one was my interview with Michael sailor where I interviewed him in Prague and that was it blew up on my podcast you’re the voice and this second one was when I was interviewed just a couple of months ago uh by Walker for the Bitcoin podcast while missiles were actually just Landing next to my house so I had to like decide whether we continue or we stop there and I told him this is what Bitcoin is all about it’s about our perseverance our courage so let’s just keep going and we did the podcast like that with the Sirens with the bombs and it was fine but it was a a moment for sure so that 24 was definitely an eventful year I’m sure and it’s super important to show authenticity and what’s really going on so would you say that 2025 is bitcoin’s year for sure I think 2025 is going to be the year where most of the world is not just hearing about Bitcoin but actually getting the fomo what I call the Mind virus people are going to start really panicking when they understand what this it is all about especially if it’s going to be adopted as a strategic Reserve by the us then it’s going to kind of force all the other countries around the world to follow similar uh paths we’ve seen El Salvador starting with that in 2021 and then the US is actually trying to go in the footsteps of El Salvador that small small country that’s going to be a massive thing for the world so I think we’re going to see that alongside the central banks around the world that are adopting cbdcs in about 120 countries today cbdcs are being piloted and are being Advanced and so alongside the trajectory of adopting Bitcoin as a strategic Reserve you’re going to have Central Banking trying to tighten their grip of their money Monopoly with cbdcs and that’s going to make people question even more what should I have should I have cbdcs should I have Bitcoin because if more people do what I do which is putting Bitcoin as the antidote for cbdcs we’re going to see more and more individuals understanding the power of this asset that is basically liberating them from the control of the state whereas cbdc is coming to do exactly the opposite and tighten the grip of the state so I think we’re going to see a very important year in bitcoin’s life in 2025 it’s going to be chaotic unfortunately I think it’s going to we’re going to see even more conflicts and wars and a lot of shenanigans around the world but the people who really start to tune in and understand Bitcoin they are going to be the winners in this and the misconception that they have to have a whole Bitcoin is definitely something we should educate the market about because they can just start buying and start small and start understanding what this thing is all about and by that discovering their own sovereignty discovering their freedom and their ability to be their own bank so I think 2025 is going to be a fantastic year for Bitcoin absolutely efra thank you for joining us tonight it is super important to know what’s on everyone’s mind and what everyone is looking to solve tonight so thank you for being with us tonight and we hope you have an amazing New Year and we will be right back we’re going for a quick [Music] the time toate is through no time to in the mile try now we can only lose and I love become a funeral p light Fire come on light try to set the night on yeah [Music] [Music] welcome back Michael there’s some guy look at this look who’s on this cover here oh God guy TJ Miller exting join oh really TJ the best bitcoiner the one and only bitcoiner you guys I hope you know what I hope that’s not the case times a thousand cuz I hope a 100,000 means we’ll have more than one bitcoiner but a million but a trillion it’s really it’s really really exciting do you think that it’s made the global impact that we were all hoping it would be in terms of because 100,000 to me that number and I was reading about I’m like is it but 100,000 does say to the world this is fucking happening don’t pretend like well it’s only $60,000 okay now it’s it’s going on and off what do you think did we make a global impact let me tell you TJ when I found Bitcoin I was a kid Mo in lawns dropped out of school didn’t care and I’m sitting at this guy you didn’t even drop out you failed out I failed out you would always tell people that you dropped out he knows the truth I did he does the truth uh but now we’re sitting here at Michael sailor’s house crazy with some of the best people in the world m sailor’s house Michael sailor a man who’s been essentially the Messiah of Bitcoin right and who you guys did a I guess a hot take piece on how he didn’t understand what was going on did we do that give me the tldr did you read it why would I read it I don’t know trust your publication says the guy on the cover of our publication I no I I want to say this too it’s like you guys as much as anybody have I’ve been telling people this all evening even before I was intoxicated I’ve been telling people all evening all of us did this I the 21 shares a guy Ofelia my wife knows Lavinia brona we were saying I said he’s this is incredible I go well you helped usher in the ETF you’re the reason for this and I meet somebody else he goes well I have a YouTube channel I try and spread the word through Ed I go you’re the reason for this Bitcoin magazine you’re the reason for this Samson you’re the reason for this and you’re going to be the reason that it explodes even more globally so that’s why I think Michael sailor is right when he said this is good for all of us this in my opinion this is because of all of us so David Bailey the one and only dear leader of Bitcoin magazine was up here earlier and we were talking about the same thing how it’s in Humanity’s best interest the collective Consciousness best interest to move forward on the Bitcoin adoption front join here to the left of TJ M Miller none other than Samson Mau of jan3 Samson is doing incredible work on getting some of these nation states who have some of the most beneficial Tendencies to want to adopt Bitcoin Sam I want to hear a little bit about the work that you’ve been doing how’s Bitcoin adoption been working before Samson you say that and I know every all of the Bitcoin magazine tech people are shitfaced right now can you help us hear what’s going on so let’s just bring up Samson’s audio and my audio I heard everything except for the last little bit I let’s give the let’s give the audience a breakdown on uh what your work is some of the exciting things that are coming coming up in 2025 how have some of the conversations happened tonight what some of the things that are exciting you yeah so we are actively engaging with countries around the world uh last year we met with heads of state from Colombia Montenegro Surinam and uh well actually yeah last year or the year before last year anded up and I had a few drinks but you and it’s only 45 minutes into this year let’s just say 2025 we have a lot of things lined up and a lot of the inroads we’ve made we hope that they will pan out um Thailand is looking like a potential candidate I don’t know if you saw but um the former prime minister was talking about some things they’re interested in doing that was uh after our meeting that we had with them last year so we’re really bullish on nation state adoption but I think a key driver is going to be what happens here in the US with the new Trump trump Administration and the creation of a strategic Bitcoin Reserve I’m really bullish that it actually is going to happen and I think that’s going to kick everything into high gear and you have nation state fomo of course I want to break in here and say two things one he showed me his like New Year’s wish list if it’s okay to say and uh he said X many nation states will adopt a Bitcoin Reserve that the United States does that and I agree with him if the us if Trump does what he says which he always does I don’t know if you guys know that he always does what he says he’s going to do he’s never camera he’s never lied about what he’s going to do so he’ll do this what I said to him is I think that can still happen without that I think yes that’s the thing that immediately gets us to I I’ll say it a $500,000 Bitcoin if it rolls into China suddenly adopts Russia gets crazy and goes after it the major South American Powers get excited but what I think is amazing that you’re doing is that Thailand like El Salvador is a great example of place that should do that needs to do it and amazing if they are the early adopters of a reserve it’s good for them it’s good for Global equality which I know you’ve always talked about this whenever we’re drunk on a yacht is kind of the basis Bitcoin beautiful and so that’s why as soon as uh Ed Julian who I work with at micro strategy he just said immediately this guy’s doing incredible things and I think what’s incredible is with or without that’s my wish for you with or without without United States doing that other nation states will do it and the Domino doesn’t have to fall from here it can start and then snowball and we can get to a great place with it but I think that’s cuz that’s that’s how it becomes really all-encompassing and yeah if the United States did it then um that would be pretty incredible DJ for the audience here I’m I’m not going to sit up here and lie I I think it’s pretty incredible that a person like you bigname actor sweating this much sweating my wife goes Silicon Valley my wife goes TJ wear the jacket I was like it’s fucking Miami we live in New York this is a mistake she’s like no no what are you hot and I tried to be like Macho what do you mean hot I’m going a Bitcoin party I can wear as many layers as I want I can have a three-piece suit and and tailor made shirt and then a Bitcoin tank top underneath a person like me meaning a celebrity a person of notes somebody who does standup comedy voiceover children’s films uh R-rated movies major commercial projects Sundance films I do all that a major voice but a major voice I think I think what’s interesting and I was just talking about this on the yacht um here’s what I think is interesting I said to my buddy I go it’s crazy the uh CEO of micro strategy said well what other celebrities are into Bitcoin yep and I was like I don’t know I don’t think any and he’s like what I go I don’t think any I said I there was a football player who demanded to be paid in Bitcoin y Russell Russell Okun y yes and so which is brilliant and really was like a major statement especially as an African-American guy who’s in this like powerful machine almost like a that was amazing but as far as a guy a comedian or a movie stars they go yeah I think it’s just me he’s like really wow and then I was talking to somebody and he said why is that I said here’s why because we all have a sample bias we all know each other we talk about Bitcoin we talk we know people know about Bitcoin we know that we oh did you and you’re I’m in this space and know well actually I started uh Sky Kim we talking about meme coins well you know defi had its moment that’s our ecosystem but we also all of us say hey it’s early get in there’s only a 1% adoption rate so think about the antithesis of that of saying to everyone you should become a part of this no one knows about it and then going I can’t believe nobody knows about this and so somehow largely well because of the winkl boss twins because of the show Silicone Valley because of Mike Judge because of my wife Kade I somebody said who orange pilled you I said I wasn’t orange pill the Winkle bot Twins were like Hey we’re doing this thing you should look into it I was like okay I started reading and just went into the fucking Rabbit Hole you haven’t come out yet or not yet but once I get that fucking allice in Wonderland clock I myself did it to myself and I fell in love with it and what I was also talking about is I think all of us I like this Bitcoin story you hear somebody I got it in 20111 my God this guy is $500 million no the story is always the same how many did you buy like 50 cuz then what happened well I sold it when it was at 2000 really yeah but then I realized it and it goes on and on and so it is it’s like you wait until the money and that part of the story stops and the philosophy starts that’s when you become a bitcoiner 100% I think that’s when I think people start to say oh I get this thing and that’s when you really start to huddle that’s when you start to go no I want to be a part of the bigger thing and to do that I’m not trading I’m not doing this or that and last thing I’ll say about this like look what are you even in this for the next film I doing is a Christmas film we have this incredible producer brilliant guy done huge films and he’s always asked me about Bitcoin for like the last like two or three years I tell them the same thing we all tell everybody right and just recently we did a writing meeting with him and he goes oh Bitcoin huh I was like isn’t that amazing 100,000 he goes yeah and then the crash and I said what and he goes well now it’s Crash so what’s the so much for that I said what are you talking about he goes I mean what now is it what 98,000 I’m like what the fuck are you talking about it’s almost like you hear these people talking like are you crazy do you see how crazy you sound but that’s another guy looking to tell himself I haven’t made a mistake by getting in too late you’ve made a mistake because it just crashed or it’s this or it’s that and I think the patience and the beauty of Bitcoin coin is instead of being like what the I just just like it’s not too late it is the antithesis of you get Bitcoin at the price price you deserve and I I said that at this I said that in a girl that I just met fucking Michael one of Michael sailor’s 50 uh great rooms I said well you buy and she said at the same time we both said well you you buy Bitcoin you know you’re you deserve you know you’re at a Bitcoin party when you say the same thing and Samson that’s exactly what I said because I got here’s the here’s the problem no one in a 50 m radius tonight has said that same thing together at the same time that’s how far we are away and if I can do any anything any push anything to help jettison that forward a little bit I think micro strategy is cool about how they’re doing it I fucking love Gemini I love there’s I love you guys even though you you make mistakes like putting me on the cover look hey didn’t vote for like a dog found him for what wor yeah of course you you don’t have that taste but no you you at a huge huge level micro strategy and the way that they do it which again I think it’s cool it’s smart it rides the line between institutional and fucking Anarchist Ledger wallet memorize the phrases and move to anybody who can continue and push this fucking thing forward and up and up always upward I’d love to should be a part of that and I’m sweating so much and you are now and we love you I love you man and I there’s there’s a bunch of love going on up here and I know sailor’s got this incredible Mansion over here but apparently there’s a roving reporter that wants to chime in right now in the middle of our great conversation we’re going to cut to them real quick and we’re going to come back right back and resume this conversation to you roing reporter hello Miami we are live it’s 2025 we are at Michael sailor 100 K Bitcoin party welcome welcome Isabella is there anything that you want to note about 20 bitcoin’s 2024 year honestly the vibe here is incredible there’s everything that happened in 2024 happened and it’s been an incredible year for Bitcoin in the Bitcoin space we got ETF we got Donald Trump talking about Bitcoin we even got Cynthia Lumes she is the big boss because she pushed the bill for all of us to have a Bitcoin strategic Reserve over in the states there’s been many Monumental moments I cannot wait to see what’s coming in 2025 and I’m beyond excited I hope you guys are too at home and enjoying this beautiful night thank you so much Happy New Year we are so excited for Bitcoin 2024 happy New Year you know Bitcoin going to the moon and we’re here to be like we this party like he said it’s like and we are back here at the Michael sailor 100K NY party TJ Miller here was just getting real sappy with me talking about how incredible us you guys it’s about us and you know he said it it’s it’s this is for all this helps all this is about us but it fucking is and you guys are here covering it I know I know there are people at home but I got to tell you the champagne’s cheap so it’s good you’re not here but uh that you’re celebrating with us right now just by watching this cuz you fucking did it and fuck everybody everybody who doubted you talk shit about you every family member that was like well yeah oh I don’t even want to talk about it he lost so much money we get it all of us went through that so this part is for you half one staying poor Samson how do we close this out I mean happy New Year 2025 I think is going to be a big one we have a lot of things that we’re working on everyone’s got big things I I I know micro strategy has big things in the Playbook and we’re just going to crash all the way to $1 million so my my wife asked me something and I want to ask you this Samson what is one it going be two or not the first defining moment of 2024 that comes to your mind like what just one moment we like wow that was 2024 for me I think it’s just uh Crossing that barrier that $0.1 million barrier it’s a blocker for people and when they see that Bitcoin can go up and break these barriers then it becomes easy to conceptualize that yeah we could hit 1 million why not 10 why not a 100 why not go to Dollar sat parody and I think this all becomes very visible when you cross that Mark like from here to 1 million it’s 10x in the past Bitcoin has gone 17 20 it’s nothing and if you look at the raw demand out there from every institution there’s just no way the demand can keep up I I mean right now we should not even be at 100 we should be at 200k if should be at a million should be at a million what about you Bitcoin standard what’s the defining what’s the defining moment of 2024 leading in not the just a a ah I mean it’s got to be uh TJ Miller on the cover of Bitcoin no I’m just kidding it’s true he’s really a sweet human individual what is it for you personally personally doesn’t have to be do with Bitcoin I’ll tell you uh so I I’m very blessed to work this job and travel around the world and see Samson speak not just in Nashville not see not just see you speak in Nashville but I’m here in Miami get to run into you I get to run into these same people that are here that are really focused on like hey like ah the money’s fucked up but like no really the money is actually really messed up and we need to do something about it we need to talk about it Bitcoin is the solution um and we’re blessed to have people like sailor we’re blessed to have people like Donald Trump we’re blessed to have people that just understand that the current Financial system is non-sustainable and if we continue down this trajectory of printing money ad nauseum I mean we’re right we’re we’re at what feudalism dictatorship that sort of thing everything we make fun of about other countries yeah I got say mind good 2024 I think we all agree Michael sailor is the employee of the year for Bitcoin I love that let’s go let’s fuckk thank you Michael I want to do mine really quickly uh when it hit an alltime high at 71 I think in that moment I cried I cried out loud as a human man person I cried cuz I was like it’s it’s true not even Vindication like everyone who was so some of my family stopped talking to me about Bitcoin because they’re like wow he really ruined his own life and it was tears of like yeah see it’s not even like told you so it’s like it’s true this is all true and it’s for you and so that was my favorite part of I think 2024 it definitely wasn’t when I wore a three-piece suit in Miami sweating like a definitely not this guy right I going to cut those shoulder those sleeves off well TJ Samson I appreciate everything I think the big takeaway here is Bitcoin is Hope and thank you Michael sailor for being the employee of the year for Bitcoin thank you to our listeners who watched this entire stream I mean it was a four five hour stream here on New Year’s Eve you guys had nothing better to do thank you everybody and we will be back next year maybe at I don’t know a million maybe at 10 million we’ll be back at some point signing off I’ll take half of Bitcoin magazine thank you [Music] everybody [Music] foree [Music] [Music] [Music] foree fore foreign [Music] spee [Music] for Fore for for spee [Music] speee [Music] [Musi] fore bu [Music] [Music] amen [Music] spee [Music] foree [Music] [Music] [Music] speee you foree [Music] [Music]