and gentle Michael sailor New Year’s EveHardon anybody’s there all part of the process guys oh it’s there’s a bad connection a little bit oh happy New Year bro okay here we are guys welcome everybody I want to show you guys what Michael sailor’s house is like my name is Aaron of altcoin daily check on my brother over here and we’re going to give you a tour and show you Michael sailor’s party guys I’m honored to be at Michael sailor’s New Year’s Eve Bitcoin 100K party the reason we’re here is because of you guys and um so if you’re not doing anything on New Year’s Eve I’d love to be with you for 15 20 minutes and uh we’ll walk around we’ll meet some people if you checked our Twitter you saw we already you know chilled with sailor but you know we’re in the room where he does the live streams so guys blow up the chat I’m going to be looking at the chat um we’ll try to answer all super chats for sure and uh you know we’re going to talk to people like I mean all of your favorites like literally every single person in Bitcoin particularly but even a lot of crypto people we’re going to be talking to well you know let’s get our first guest actually Ben Just Two Words guys look who it is it is the Benjamin Cowen how it going guys how’s it going Ben uh what did you think when you got invited to sailor’s party and what do you think now that you’re here at first I was unsure if it was real and then I found out you guys were coming and I knew it was real he he said he thought he was getting scammed at first when tlor sent him a message he thought it was like some scam message right exactly exactly but but then I came to believe it was real but uh just generally like people want to be at this party they’re interested to know what how what you think of it what do you think great yeah tons of people here he went all out for sure uh we’re having a great time who’s one of the one of your personal favorite people that you talk to already today yeah uh probably David Lyn actually I really like David Lyn I like talking to him I met mm crypto for the first time met tone vas for the first time isn’t that interesting mm crypto and tone vas at s’s party met him at the same time yeah basically at the same time for the first time today and also I got to meet sailor for the first time so and how was that experience that was great yeah I think he I think he vaguely recognize me um and before we uh give a tour of this party uh just either General thoughts on how the last year has been or what you’re expecting for 2025 yeah I mean the last year basically mimiced 2023 Bitcoin dominance went up as everyone knows uh we’ll probably see it do something different in 2025 but uh until then I guess we party on right party on cool what’s up everybody I just want to say hey love that you guys could join us tonight we wanted to put this on because the community with Bitcoin is the most important thing that’s why sailor was nice enough you know to throw this for the community so maybe let’s take a little trip yeah guys I mean there will be a little downtime as we just kind of like show you like this this place is vast to be honest I wouldn’t be surprised if this place has its own area code and you know maybe people will pull us in and we’ll talk to them and uh we’re probably only going to go about 20 minutes but let’s do it Tina you want to say something hi 100K Bitcoin we’re here celebrating thank you Michael sailor for having us The Vibes are unmatched and I can’t wait for 2025 2025 is our year let’s go yeah um this is the CMO of squid grow a crypto company and feel free to speak right here dropped a great product sell and swap priv we like s swap but like Tina as um first time at Sailor’s house like is this what you expected it’s honestly way more than I expected um I didn’t know what to expect I’ve met him a few times now at conferences and he’s always had a great attitude but the house is amazing the part is amazing it’s a great setup great um selection of people so I’m having a great time no better way to spend my New Year’s Eve so cheers everyone guys smash the like button let’s get to it and again there will be a little bit of downtime as we uh kind of explore what this place has to off I’m going to switch the camera so you can see what I’m seeing very cool so you can probably still hear me hopefully over the music we are checking the chat we are checking the chat we’ll try and answer all super chats you can see the great TJ Miller over there I’m going to go save him real quick a come on TJ TJ Kate for the live stream for allcoin daily live stream oh the mic is right here the mic is right here it’s me and K hello look at how you doing excited to be here I just want to get him closer we’re excited to be here it’s great to meet the two of you our favorite twins in the space right we do love twins but we love uh I don’t know love this whole world we’re so excited to be here she’s the Maxi in the household I’ve been a bitcoiner we both have been bitcoiners since it is Magnum but yeah take it take it we’ both been in the Bitcoin space for how long since 2018 we’ve been looking at it yeah about that GL we got in when it was 8,000 but that doesn’t really matter because it’s about the philosophy and tell me what you thought coming to sailor’s party and like how is it turned out I mean we didn’t know what to think what did you think I thought it was going to be warmer than New York and very on and those two things happened I we a 3piece suit and so I was so H I was sweating I didn’t even notice and Kate’s like come over here unbutton that you look like you’re on drugs and I was like I’m not on drugs but I do like wearing a three-piece suit it’s okay for a moment we were kind of just look they were looking at our nipples um what did you think when we were going to come here what did you think I thought about getting Bitcoin tattoos on my nipples whoa that’s the first time I’m hearing that I uh I thought that it was going to be like I mean opulent maybe entous but in my mind for some reason it was going to be like daily like a stage and he was going to make a keynote speech be like a wedding or a corporate I don’t know why I thought that he could still make a speech the night is young I was going to say the night is young I hope he does make a speech back you thought it might have been on I thought it was maybe on one of the boats well you can go if you take your shoes off they’ll allow you to go he won’t do it but yeah we I think it’s been much cooler than I expected and we didn’t know we think this is his house this is his house it yeah it’s pretty Ian you have a great Inc but more than the house and the the people like I’m not just saying this cuz we like it’s like these are all bitcoiners how long you just started somebody else about this thing everybody has a little bit of the philosophy like integrated or engrained and so everybody kind of has that short hand so everybody’s really nice just a lovely shared mentality yeah everyone’s cool TJ one thing real quick hey one last thing TJ last thing you guys talked about crypto on Silicon Valley very early and now now Michael sailor is into it and you’re at your party I you have to you have to think that you know that was the one of the most popular shows you have to think like maybe he saw that you know he got into crypto because that’s definitely the reason for sure I you know I don’t even think when I met with him we didn’t spend a lot of time talking about the TV show silone Valley but he spent a lot of time talking about Bitcoin and I spent a lot of time talking about Kate all right TJ Miller Kate thank you guys both have a good time happy New Year happy 100K happy 100K all right Austin you back feeling good you’re doing good let’s keep going let’s keep going and again Anything Could Happen you want to go oh mm we’re doing a quick 15 minute live stream Ben Cowen already shouted you out this is MM crypto the great mm crypto um you know what do you here’s my question what did you think of this party like coming into it now we’re here like what do you think of at this party cuz a lot of people at home are wonder what it’s like to be a Sailer party well I came with no expectations but let me say it like this if I came with the highest expectations they would have still been exceeded this property is amazing but more importantly the guests are amazing the Insight information I got here in regards to for example the United States Bitcoin Reserve I got inside I I uploaded a 3 minute video this guy was actually sharing that he is working together with and I I check this guy with the United States government to actually PVE the way to get a Bitcoin United Reserve right and that would put bit United States as the biggest buyer potential buyer in history because they are sitting on the printing machine you think it’s going to happen I I know it’s going to happen I just talked about it but how do they know it’s going to happen well he works with Donald Trump holy guys somebody says not happening pal they’re responding everybody gets Bitcoin at the price they deserve no it’s good to be skeptical I I want to see it happen it looks like it’s going to happen let’s see guys let’s see that’s that’s where the opportunity is Right absolutely I’m I’m excited man this is amazing last thing um what are your gos for 2025 I remember through the bare markets you had the if you follow mm on uh Twitter he had this famous long position where you longed Bitcoin from near the very bottom correct I still have it actually um oh yeah I opened it at 177,000 but I scaled up as the price went higher so my average price is now 50,000 why don’t you take profits like aren’t you up big no there there we are when I when I when I reached 20 millions in profit on that long trade I took half so now I took actually at 104,00 after opening at 17 and scaling up at $104,000 I took half of the profits 10 million I put it aside but I took these profits into Bitcoin it’s an inverse Perpetual so I just deleveraged my portfolio a little bit I’m still all in Bitcoin but now I decrease the leverage mm crypto thank you so much guys mm crypto on Twitter and YouTube like And subscribe let’s move forward thank you very much bye-bye guys let’s move out of this room byebye and your mic is always on Austin yeah audio is great the people are vibing in the chat awesome guys sailor’s house is vast and we’re going to continue there’s like literally we’ve seen only 10% and we’re just running into a lot of interesting people uh no real Rhyme or Reason to where we’re going yo maybe let’s talk to the chat yeah let’s talk to the chat a little bit Austin any uh particularly interesting things angry crypto says hello talk about cardano you know this is you know sailor is Bitcoin only pretty much there’s crypto people here in general but people are talking about the Bitcoin OS and cardano partnership for sure so you’ll be happy about that um Eric Trump not here but maro’s right down the street maybe he’ll get here later y’all at Sailor’s house yeah he’s hosting big 100K party check our Twitter we already you know chatted with him and got the pick hopefully we run into him during this stream in fact I think I hope before we end this stream we will run into Michael sailor and he’s a busy guy everybody wants to talk to him but hopefully he gives us two words yeah we took a pick we talked to him a little bit earlier but everybody wants to talk to him at this party we got here well we thought was relatively early and there wasn’t tons of people asking for a picture you know could be a faux PW but you got to do it and uh yeah and I just want to say to franalations thank you man for those board ape sneakers they were epic and it was good to meet you too man guys smash the like button we we need way more likes on this video again it’s my goal to cuz we’ve already talked to sailor it’s my goal to put sor on this camera in the next 15 minutes he’s here and but we need we need more likes so help me out share the video it is Natalie Brunel there she is here everybody in Bitcoin a lot of them are here I haven’t talked to Natalie yet is she was here earlier I’m not sure where she is now let’s uh keep moving yeah you leave Let’s uh and there might be a little bit of downtime sometimes guys but I want to give you a feel for what the vibe this party is like is P Diddy there no P P Diddy is not there Michael Taylor actually put P Diddy and some other people on his list of people who are not invited let’s keep going there she is okay whoa easy now so there’s a yacht here there’s I don’t know where we’re going to go there’s tons of like Bitcoin like just like ornate things going on let me know in the chat where you’re tuning in from if you’re at a New Year’s Eve party or what you are doing tonight and you know I really wanted to come to you guys because the reason we’re here at all is because of you and you know I truly and my brother and I both I think truly appreciate our audience and um I don’t know we just want to thank you for a great 2024 I’ve talked to a lot of you in person or through the chat and I know a lot of you who’ve been with us for years are doing really well and we’re always happy to hear Samson ma eating Samson Ma I like him I don’t know if he likes us so he do know he’s a big yeah he doesn’t know us but he’s a big big Bitcoin Maxi big go g in the space I’m sure he’d block us if he knew about us but he’s always calling for a million dollar Bitcoin and that’s what we like I don’t know J Janna should be like say hey Samson M million dollar Bitcoin let me I should ask him okay but with the mic right yeah okay wait a second Samson now is it okay if we get a quick quote is it okay if we get a quick quote about Bitcoin you’re a Bitcoin OG not really oh what do you mean you’re on a live stream now you’re on live yeah this is the mic um what what do you think this is Samson M I think of you as a Bitcoin OG um what’s your company Jan Jan 3 Jan 3 and what what do you guys do we just want more Bitcoin adoption around the world okay and we do different things to do that to get there so we engage with government politicians and we also have a Bitcoin wallet and I want a realistic price prediction for 2025 or 20 like early 2026 realistic Bitcoin at least clears what price 1 million I called it ladies and gentlemen that’s why I follow this guy and why is that I mean how can it not supply constraint Supply constraint you have ETFs buying you have sailor buying you have companies buying more and more companies are adopting the Sailor Playbook you have country stacking mining it not selling it you have potentially Bitcoin bonds coming from more countries and more strategic Bitcoin reserves starting from the US after Trump is elected Supply is extremely limited and there’s really nothing to sell it for true and I I really appreciate what you’re doing this space I guess final question as we’re you know showing our audience this party what was your expectations coming into sailor’s big party and now that you’re here like tell the people at home like what this part’s like a lot of Bitcoin is here and the food is great awesome man I appreciate you thanks so much thank you Samson thank you appreciate you man good guy Samson ma can we kind of get some of this food here I mean there’s there’s tons of food setups all over you tell me what you’d be eating if you were here literally caviar and half of the things here the chat is loving it we have 1,200 people watching and today’s just the Hang guys we’re only oh this is Eric yes yes Eric I’m live right now is it okay if I get a quick quote on bitcoin it’s okay people are here to party yeah that’s the thing guys some people are just here to party I’m risking it all for you you know you get one chance to talk to these people sometimes you don’t want to blow it and some people go I’d rather not some sometimes it’s easier to talk to people asking for like a quote on bitcoin some people like love like a quick quote but not everybody you know he’ll go on CNBC we we shared her stuff before that’s Eric who Eric seagull so the audience knows I forget but he it’s like Eric sigle of uh of uh one of like vanac or not vanac or bitwise bitwise yeah bitwise maybe exactly there’s a big bitwise b big wig here Hey Kevin K just gifted five memberships dude I appreciate you Kevin guys by the way we did start memberships on our YouTube channel and we’re really interested to hear like the memberships right now could change a little bit going into next year cuz we want to actually try and provide some decent value and we just kind of got it off the ground but certainly you know tier one tier 2 or tier three membership if you want top alt coin picks you should flip it it’s a good thing what you should flip the camera oh yeah guys let’s flip it this is the party you aren’t seeing my face but you’re seeing the party right now there’s Dennis Porter over there walk in front yeah you walk in front [Music] let me know in the chat if you see anybody that you recognize and again we’re probably only be going to be going for another 10 minutes or until we see uh a Bitcoin OG oh guys if you’re watching on bitcoin Magazine’s live stream right now which stay tuned into this for the next 15 minutes cuz they’re going all night but you can see Bitcoin magazine streaming over there right now we got ma Austin show off the yacht which is huge huge yacht you do have to take your shoes yeah sorry just this light is getting in the way there we go yeah yeah you stand there that’s the yacht huge huge yacht you have to take your shoes off to get on we have yet to go on but people are loving it and uh hell of a party let’s try and find sailor and let’s try oh there’s Max Kaiser in the orange hat let’s try and find one or two more people to to talk to yeah there’s mm over there oh there’s a what’s his name getting leard yeah leard oh maybe Pete Pete’s doing it I know bro are we both live right now that’s right we’re live right now Nick from Simply Bitcoin what interviewing you allcoin daily what’s up sell your allcoins it’s going to zero hey we are at a Bitcoin event hey guys how’s it going well you expect to hear it it’s good you want my microphone we’ll switch microphones okay you guys are miked up we’re miked up cross M dueling mics well Pete I really wanted to talk to you and Nick like people are at homeing they were at sailor party so I want to give them a taste if each of you could just kind of tell like the people at home what sailor part is like who have you met or what’s cool to you Iberian ham rare Tomahawk steaks you can just go over there and grab a Tomahawk Steak this guy’s giving out steak fine high quality steak this is not cheap 10K Bitcoin steak this is 100 Bitcoin steak grass-fed that stuff is delicious I saw a whole belly tuna cut open that stuff was that stuff was purple that stuff was purple all right having a good time well this I’m just saying you know you don’t find this at a crypto conference you don’t find high quality tuna Nico what do you think so this is uh Pete Rizzo the Bitcoin historian on YouTube now we’re going to Nick of Simply Bitcoin I mean that was a very highly accurate description this is a Miami Vibe we have a yacht we’re on the ocean you know of course there’s a live stream going on there’s a beautiful Ballroom there’s this is the like one of the few cryptos / Bitcoin events where the ratio is actually pretty good what do you mean by the ratio you go sorry there’s more women here than there is men um so and I think that was by I think that was by Design uh yeah it’s that is pretty cool like there’s there’s actually uh a lot of like this a good party a very important ratio right there’s a it’s like Fibonacci bands you got a important ratio there’s a dead cat bounce that we’re catching here and I guess final question before we go and talk to sailor and end the stream we’re going for about 10 15 more minutes um you guys are highly bullish on bitcoin but I want to ask you guys realistically you guys follow the market more than most my question is in in 2025 and maybe early 2026 Bitcoin at least clears this price what would you say oh 120 is the is the low bar I think we’re going higher than that and look I think Trump’s going to be good to your alts doesn’t make him a good investment just means Trump’s going to be good at them you’re going to get some regulatory head wins or Tail wins I can’t remember which one is good but it’s gonna be good fcoin might keep going up you know hot air rises we get it but look take some of that crypto money buy a little Bitcoin bitcoin’s been going up over time look at that measure your favorite alt against the Bitcoin chart not the USD chart he’s smart amending it no that is smart and Nick what would you say I mean look I think the general consensus this this cycle is 100 to 200k bitcoin tends to do the exact opposite of what everyone perceives it to do so you because of the regulatory environment because of the institutional adoption because of the nation state adoption I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw 250$ 300,000 $500,000 Bitcoin next year simply Bitcoin thank you so much thank you cheers Brian Dixon what up man how a quick quote good to see you sir good to see you as well Brian Dixon we’ve interviewed him on the channel before for this hold hold on getting KN up in here that’s my wife oh nice how you doing man I’m Aaron this is my brother Austin you how you do man good to see of course see you again how are you we’re just um we’re giving our audience a taste of um Michael sailor’s party you know we wish they were here and I guess like what were your thoughts coming into this and tell the folks at home what Michael sailor’s party is like and by the way introduce yourself please of course my name is Brian dicks and I’m the CEO of off the chain Capital we’re a deep discount value style investment firm in the blockchain digital asset space um coming into the party I thought it was going to be a an event where we get an opportunity to connect with a lot of people in the digital asset space and I think that’s exactly what’s occurred it’s beautiful we have m multiple different sections of the venue where we get to hang out and meet a lot of people and uh I’ve had a lot of great relationships I’ve developed over the evening and and met with some good friends that I’ve known for quite some time and Brian Dixon final question cuz you follow the space like no other Bitcoin at least clears what price in 2025 uh it depends uh without nation state adoption in traditional Bitcoin historical Cycles I think we’re looking at at 250 to 300K coin if nation state adoption occurs I think we’re looking at an 800 to .3 million Bitcoin I know that’s a very the very uh bolster approach of what I can do from a prediction standpoint but when you look at the actual mechanics of how much Bitcoin is available in the open source market and what you can accumulate what micro strategy is doing and potentially what nation state governments around the world can accumulate it’s much more significant than people can realize without that we’re looking at a 2 to 300K Bitcoin with that it’s significantly higher in my opinion where can people follow you uh Brian Dixon 06 on Twitter thanks Brian have a good time thank you thank you let’s go find Michael sailor guys oh actually let’s talk to Gary real quick is it okay hey Gary Gary Gary Gary sorry to interrupt we’re live right now yes sure buddy the great Gary Cardell here am I great I’m great am I great that’s the M the lights this is freaking cool man I like this rule all right you’re out of control oh I’m doing it wrong I’m sorry Gary um Everybody our audience is tuning in from all around the world they want to know what Michael sailor parties like a lot of people are given their thoughts give us something interesting like you go to a lot of billionaire parties actually millionaire billionaires every day I’m in a billionaire party every day I mean I get invited to all these billionaires parties they’re very boring however this one yeah really epic really why look look at the people dude first off not everybody’s crammed in everywhere we have space secondly I mean look at all these cool people right like they’re nice cool people I haven’t met an tonight they’re responsible they’re credible they’re people from you know van to to little old Gary Cardon and to you guys and I didn’t know you guys two or three years ago you guys are nice guys man yeah always good yeah yeah great to connect with you I didn’t know you either there’s consistency in your behavior and who gets on an airplane and comes to Miami on New Year’s to hang out with a bunch of people they may or may not have met other than on X or whatever and we’re all hanging out and enjoying each other I mean am I wrong totally hell yeah when you guys got involved did y’all ever expect that we would have this much that you would me if crazy guy like me go hey I kind of like that guy right even though he’s 2 feet too short right yeah see that to me the value of Bitcoin is this much more so than the price I agree I agree dude the $95,000 does not have one penny in it value for you and I meeting each other and then you know my final question Gary by the way Gary cordone on YouTube and Twitter give him a follow is a lot of people please follow me if you don’t follow me I’m lost human being he’s fun he’s fun but M you know a lot of people you’ve been you know you’ve been you’ve made something of yourself at this point but a lot of people through Bitcoin and crypto are coming into more money than they’ ever had for the first time give give them some advice how to retain that money or what would you do if all of a sudden like you got a lot of money well I like to me this is a really really important question I would love to do a show with you guys on this I think in the first 15 years of bitcoin’s History very little money has really been retained sadly most people sell or lose it or whatever whatever they did I think they didn’t really understand what we were building here we are building aund trillion industry everyone keeps talking about the price of Bitcoin and that bitcoin’s the deal Bitcoin is an industry nobody here’s gotting getting my Bitcoin this is an industry now dude it’s a group of people like Minds intellectual with money the question is are we going to retain it and leverage it for the greatest good or are we going to blow it and I think there’s been a lot of money y’all know better than me there are going to be a lot of people that look back and go wow I could have been a billionaire you think billionaire status isn’t important you can change the entire structure of the world when you have that much power so if I’m going to read into what you’re saying if somebody it depends on who you are you know personal finance is personal for a reason if somebody’s coming into 60k 100K a million dollars for the first time you’re saying do not leave the space entirely stick with the space this is growing I I you show me something that offers a better opportunity I’d love to debate you on it because I do not think you’re going to come up with a scenario that requires less energy less risk and more upset Gary thank you so much man the audience is loving that the Audi is that the audience loves Gary Cardone on YouTube and Twitter Austin any thoughts I think hell of a party may we know we have try to be that we have an all-time high people watching right now I think if we can’t find sailor maybe we just call it and enjoy the party yeah there’s Natalie Bernell for those asking Ben Cowen way over there let’s do the final like obviously everybody wants to talk to sailor there’s Robert breed love over there let’s do the final run for sailor this will be our hottest five minutes guys appreciate you tuning in I know you guys got to get back to your parties and your your uh things and so do we so let’s do our final push for sailor oh look who it is the great Tina nemed hey Tina let’s see who’s here let’s see if we can find sailor where are you Michael sailor there’s Dennis Porter and by the way I know a lot of people who got invited like big people who you know for whatever reason they have their own plans with their own families let’s see let’s turn it back on me where do you think sailor would be Austin he’s been here for the first half of the party so he’s probably this is where we saw sailor earlier which is why we kind of returned one last push for Michael still keeping an eye on the chat yeah A’s reading the comments guys I saw some people here from New Zealand from Texas from all over the world tlor might be by the food which food there’s food all over it seems like a secluded spot over here it’s a high-risk though cuz not many people are there all right we can go Offroad let’s see if Michael sailor is by the food Michael sailor honestly could be doing whatever he okay the chat says sailor’s about to do an interview with Bitcoin magazine oh really he must be how do you guys know somewh we were just there but maybe he is there I mean we don’t know if this guy’s right let’s see we are on the hunt for Michael sailor again going 10 more minutes guys or five actually because you guys need to get back to your parties we need to get back LED all the interviews they’ve loved all the interviews tons of people here I don’t see him he’s not there at the moment oh tone base getting on stream right now hey uh thank you angry crypto show for gifting five memberships oh thanks guys yeah guys at the very least you know tier one memberships very easy and your comments rise to the top and we engage more and we’re just starting this out we we’re going to see how it goes but uh it’s an easy way to support the channel if you’re tuning in every day oh we were just at the food let’s go over we still have record viewers right now it’s only going up because we’re on the hunch for sailor guys share this with everybody know post it on social media if sailor is not in his room or in the bathroom we’re finding him in the next 5 minutes smash that like button smash the like that’s right obviously I can’t ask his security where saor that’ll tip them off yo if we do find sailor to cap this that would be epic we might not find I know I don’t want this to go on for 30 more minutes is just to look for sailor he’s probably especially if as we already talked with him let me fix my micro Qui back on our faces I’ll do I’ll Scout it all right you Scout let’s watch Austin Scout altcoin daily on the Move Little champagne station over here lovely ladies over here Austin the restrooms is that buelli oh hey he is being interviewed by bin magazine confirmed all right guys he’s let’s end with a toast let’s end with the toast guys everybody tune in right now this is the the champagne station obviously we just released an interview with Michael sailor so um you know that’s where you’re going to get the most Alpha oh pour me one I’ll do the toast I appreciate everybody tuning in now I want you get back to your friends and family or you know online community wherever it is and we’re going to see you tomorrow for another daily video in all 2025 guys we’ve been preparing for this ready yeah back on back on us to press the button or something we raise a glass to the altcoin Daily Army the crypto Community the bitcoiners out there you were with us from the beginning you’ll be with us at the Never End Bitcoin is not stopping here dips will be all all hard of a dip dips will happen but we’ll be with you the whole time and you with us cheers to 2025 2025 is our year cheers